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It's been a couple weeks since the Cincinnati move and everyone has been adjusting pretty well

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It's been a couple weeks since the Cincinnati move and everyone has been adjusting pretty well. Sincere took the kids to tour the school they'll be attending and thankfully they enjoyed the open house. In the beginning she was worried about Nico, but watching him be more open and making friends with other kids at his school was really reassuring. Jade, on the other hand, she was not worried. Sincere was pretty sure every teacher already knew who Jade was because she was around introducing herself to everyone she could. With them settled into school she had one less thing to worry about and soon she could start working again.

    Today is Sunday and Sincere decided to do something fun to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of the new school year. Sincere met a mother at the kids' new school who had two sons the same age as Jade and Nico so they were going to get together. Nidra Erving, married mother of 2 (Qaseem 6, Wesley 11) , was the first to welcome Sin to Cincinnati with open arms. Nidra assured her that she would find a family here and promised that she'd be there if Sincere needed anything. That made Sincere shed a couple tears at her kids' elementary school, but she was very glad she found someone she could call on in case she needed help.

RING, Sincere answered. "Hey girlie, Qaseem managed to let his damn shoe fly out the window so I gotta run back home to get him a new pair." Nidra groaned through her car speaker and Sincere let out a laugh.

"Now how did he do that?"

"Don't laugh, Sin, this kid is too much!" 

"Okay okay, I'm three minutes out from Jumpzone. I'll get the wristbands and things and see you there." Sincere assured, letting her laugh die out, leaving a small smirk on her face. She thought about how wild Jade and Qaseem are going to be together.

"Aw you don't have to do that babe, but we'll be there in 10 minutes tops. See you!"

That phone call ended and three minutes later Sincere and family arrived at Jumpzone. Soon Nidra and her boys came and the kids left the moms to do mom things.

"So when are you starting at Cincinnati Children's? I'm excited for you!" Nidra asked, she herself was a nurse practitioner at the same hospital.    

"Tuesday I do a seven day training, then I start my regular schedule of twelve hour Tuesday, Wednesday, eight hour Fridays, and an occasional 4 hour Sundays... I'm nervous." Sincere sighed.

"Don't be, you'll rock it and you have so much experience in birth lady. Plus we desperately need more people in the Mother Baby Center that it's not even funny."

"You and Colby can still get them on the bus in the mornings right I feel bad asking. It seems like a lot and we literally just met." Sincere said letting out a breathy nervous laugh.

"Yes, and get them from school until you get off. It's no worries girl. We know you don't have people to do that for you and I already told you that I'm available to help anytime." Nidra rubbed Sincere's back in a sisterly way and smiled softly at her. Sincere hadn't even told her any details of why she ended up in Ohio, but she felt like Nidra just knew she needed someone in her corner.

"I really appreciate it Nidra.. I can't even begin to tell you or show you." Nidra just laughed and replied, "Don't sweat it, I got you."

The two families only stayed for another hour before leaving to go get food then agreeing to meet at Savory Sweethearts Bakery for treats.

"They have just about everything here and they just added a little ice cream section." Nidra informed Sincere, Nico, and Jade as they were walking in. 

"Do they have pudding?" Jade questioned.

"They do. What kind do you like?" Nidra asked her. "Banana! It's my favorite, I love the cookies!" Jade enthused back at her. Nidra took her hand, "It's my favorite too, lets go get some!" and together they walked off. Wesley, Qaseem, and Nico ran off somewhere to taste the different ice creams so that just left Sincere to look around.

"You look lost. You also look like someone I've never seen Nidra with." A raspy deep voice stated from beside Sin as she looked at the different cupcakes on display. She turned to her right and saw a taller black woman with a curly bob. She sported loose mom jeans splattered with paint with a gray crewneck that had the bakery name on it and a small gold chain. The woman looked at Sincere deeply like she was trying to figure out who exactly she was. She had light brown eyes that had green swirled in them like they wanted to be hazel. Sincere couldn't help but warm up at her gaze because of the way she was looking at her.

"I'm a little lost because there's so much to choose from." She said softly.

"You're here with Nidra I saw?"

"Yeah, she's around here somewhere with my daughter so I'm here by my lonesome."

"Well, I can show you around and maybe help you pick something out if you'd like?"

"Yeah sure, do you work here or.." Sincere trailed off. "I noticed your sweater."

"Jasmine Sutton, Owner of Savory Sweethearts Bakery."

"Sincere Dallarose. Nice to meet you."


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