Chapter 2 What's wrong with Sasuke?

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The next day-

"AHH!! I feel so refreshed!" Naruto sat up on his bed and stretched until his arms ached. "I'm ready to do anything right now!" Naruto felt very cheery. He knew nothing could ruin his day today.

He was wearing purple polka dotted underwear. He walked over to the table and poured himself some ramen. He didn't even bother heating it up, he was so hungry he ate it raw.

Someone knocked on his door, "Naruto? Time to get ready, We're meeting with Kakashi sensei." A girly voice spoke to him. He knew it was Sakura.

"Impfh b rnght thephm Sakrn" Naruto mumbled while eating his food.

"What? I can't hear you Naruto." Sakura twisted the door knob.

Naruto yelled through his food to warn her not to open the door, but it was too late. She opened it to find him sitting at the table with his purple polka dotted underwear on.

"AGHH!!" Sakura's eyes went pure white. She only stood there. Naruto screamed too and covered his lower half with his hands. "Don't just stand there! Close the frickin' door!"

Sakura slammed the door shut behind her. Her eye quivered, she was on the verge of fainting.

A sweat dropped from Naruto's forehead, "That was close, I would have lost control of-" he looked down at his lower half. Everything was okay.

He was done changing into his real clothes he ran out to meet Sakura who was still waiting for him.

"Look about-" Naruto rubbed the back of his head.

"J-just forget about what happened okay?" Sakura stuttered.

"Okay. So where are we going?" Naruto placed both his hands on the back of his head.

"I already told you, to meet Kakashi sensei." Sakura said.

"Yeah but you never said where." Naruto complained, he almost tripped on a tiny rock.

Sakura sighed, "Do you always have to know everything Naruto?"

"Of course I do, I'm apart of this team too," Naruto was getting angry now. He hated when Sakura did that. It always made her seem like a bitch. She probably forgot about their little tiff yesterday.

They both walked quietly to the location where Kakashi sensei was waiting.

"Hey look there's Sasuke," Sakura lighted up. Sasuke was leaning against the wall, his head was down so we couldn't see his face.

"Why is he hiding his face like that?" Naruto wondered. Naruto felt a lump on the inside of his throat. He wanted to run and brush his long hair out of his face. But after yesterday he didn't feel like touching Sasuke in any way.

"Hey, you two are late, Usually its me who is late." Kakashi said calmy, putting make-out tactics back inside his pocket.

"Yeah well Naruto took forever to dress up," Sakura sarcasticly said.

"Yeah, then we also had some trouble with my under-" Naruto said.

"Shut up Naruto," Sakura growled.

"Alright jeez," Naruto pouted. He wanted to strangle her. Naruto eyed Sasuke who was still standing against the wall, he hadn't said anything the whole time they were there.

"Alright, we are going for a walk, a very long walk. To help strengthen the muscles in your legs. That will help you have better posture while walking on water." Kakashi sensei explained.

Naruto groaned, "Really Kakashi sensei? I thought we were going to kill some bandits or something."

"This is the first step in your training, so this is what you have to do, Now don't complain or else there will be consequences." Kakashi's eyes darkened, and frightened Naruto. "Okay I get it, no need to be scary."

Naruto turned to look at Sakura who was gushing over Sasuke, he was doing nothing.

"Sasuke? Should I get you something to eat? Maybe that's what you want, why you so quiet." Sakura blushed.

Sasuke mumbled something.

"Come on don't be like Naruto, always mumbling." Sakura smiled.

"I said get AWAY FROM ME," Sasuke smacked Sakura's hand away from his body. He looked at her with a death stare. Like the look Naruto and she shared yesterday afternoon.

"Sasuke..what's wrong with you?" Sakura quietly said as Sasuke pushed past her to catch up with Naruto and Kakashi.

"Hey Sasuke hurry up you slow poke, we can't waste time waiting for you to catch up." Naruto turned around and yelled back at him.

'Naruto...why can't I...just...' Sasuke fell on the ground and held the sides of his head and screamed real loud.

"Sasuke? What's wrong!" Sakura screamed and ran up to him. Sasuke was holding his stomach and groaning real loud.

Naruto and Kakashi sensei hurried over to Sasuke.

"Sasuke, can you hear me?" Kakashi grabbed Sasuke.

'I can't get you out of my head Naruto, It hurts everytime I think about you, where's Sakura and Kakashi sensei? I can only see Naruto. Naruto's holding me...he's holding me too tight. I WANT YOU OFF OF ME!'

Sasuke exploded and threw off Kakashi sensei who was trying to make Sasuke snap out of it. Sasuke was throwing a tantrum, totally unlike him. Naruto growled and stomped over to Sasuke and slapped him right across the face.

"Snap out of it will ya?!" Naruto yelled in Sasuke's face. Sasuke's eyes bulged and he went back to what he was being before.

"What's wrong with you, Sasuke? Why did you freak out like that?" Naruto angrily said.

"I....don't...know," Sasuke huffed, like he was out of breath. He lowered his head. Sakura was standing by and watching shocked.

'I can't see any disturbances inside his body, must be something bugging him.' Kakashi studied Sasuke carefully.

"What is it sensei?" Sakura whispered to Kakashi.

"There's no disturbances inside Sasuke's body or anything. So it must have been something he felt, and it made him go haywire for awhile." Kakashi said grimly. He looked from Sasuke to Naruto. Sasuke seemed too relaxed around Naruto, usually he would feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

"I hope nothing happens at that party we are throwing tomorrow," Kakashi's eyes drooped, and he had a hunch. He didn't know if it was right or not. His thoughts popped, He couldn't stand Sakura staring at him, so he motioned for Team 7 to hurry along, and continue with the training.

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