Chapter 3 The Party

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Sakura carefully packed her stuff for overnight. "Okay, I have to make sure I have everything I need." She quickly went through her clothes and personal stuff. She wanted to look extra special at this party, She was going to be Sasuke's first kiss. She knew she was already late, so she took one more look in the mirror and hurried out the door.


Naruto lay snoring on his bed, drool was dripping down his mouth and onto his pillow. He wasn't really aware that the party was starting in a couple of minutes. He forgot all about it.

Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Asuma, and some others were already waiting for the rest of the people to show up.

"Fuck, where are these guys." Ino said in a low tone.

"This is such a drag," Shikamaru yawned, "I don't even know why I insisted on coming, I'm lazy enough as it is."

Choji was already eating all the food.

"CHOJI! That's enough, you do know that other people need food too. Not just you!" Ino complained.

"Yeah, well I'm starving," Choji chomped showing the food inside his mouth, Ino looked really grossed out. "Can this party get any worse?"

"Ino, It's only going to get worse if you say it is." Asuma said calmly.

"How can you be so blunt about this?!" Ino balled her fist. Ino sat back down, bored and annoyed as ever. People were supposed to show up on time.

Just then Sakura burst in the door, "I'm here! I hope I'm not late!"

Ino ran over to greet her rival, "You are a little bit late, but not as late as the others. Oh by the way, have you seen Sasuke arriving?"

"Oh..uh no." Sakura's mouth drooped, "I ran all the way, so I didn't notice him or anything."

Ino snorted, "Anyone can notice Sasuke, so that means your not true material for Sasuke!"

Sakura's eyebrows arched, "Why did you snort? Is that because your a pig?"

Ino lurched forward and tried to strangle Sakura, but she moved out of the way causing Ino to fall into Sasuke who just walked in the door. Sakura laughed, then stopped when she seen what she done.

Sasuke's face was red as ever, and Ino was enjoying the look on Sakura's face. Because Sasuke had his arms tightly wrapped around Ino.

Ino looked up at Sasuke, "Thank you for saving me from falling on the cold hard ground Sasuke."

Sasuke looked down at Ino's face. Her eyelashes batted and her face was beautiful as ever underneath his. That made him blush even harder.

Sasuke wanted to say something but his voice was caught in the back of his throat.

"Sasuke? Are you trying to say something?" Ino smiled. She knew he was going to tell her, that he loved her. Ever since that day, he been looking at her with a look he never gave any other girl. Ino smiled and slowly tried to kiss Sasuke. He unwrapped his hands and held her head away from his.

"Don't Ino." Sasuke whispered.

"Come on Sasuke. I know you been wanting to for a long time now." Ino smiled with a devilish look in her eyes.

More people entered the premises. Staring weirdly at the two of them. Sakura was so angry, she stomped off.

"If she wants him she can have him!" Sakura yelled, pushing people out of her way. Music started up, and the party was beginning finally.

-At Naruto's house-

"Ah...grhfy...fd...fdjutiop...." Naruto sat up tired. He turned to the clock stiffly. It was 6:08 PM. Wasn't he supposed to be somewhere today? He sat there thinking for a little bit, then came up blank. He shook his head and dragged himself to the kitchen hungrily. Something was bugging him, on the inside. He didn't know whether he had to go somewhere or not. He ignored it and cooked ramen on the stove. He didn't know whether he cooked it right he was too tired to think.

-Back the party-

"It's been awhile now, do you think Naruto is actually going to show up?" Sakura asked Kakashi.

"He should know, he wouldn't forget. I know deep down he is itching to come." Kakashi eyed Sasuke, who was sitting on his own. He looked very upset, like something was bugging him. "Hm.."

"This is outrageous, Where is Naruto!!" Ino screamed.

"Calm down, Ino. Sheesh." Shikamaru said rubbing his temples. You can tell Ino was getting annoying.

"Well he's 45 minutes late!" Ino pouted. Ino noticed Sasuke sitting alone. She wanted to try again with the kiss. He broke free from her earlier, will he be able to this time? Ino casually walked towards Sasuke.

"Oh hello, Sasuke. What are you doing by yourself. You should be having fun, not sitting here."

Sasuke didn't respond to her.

Ino sighed, "Are you going to say one word to me?" Silence again. "We-" Ino got cut off.

"If Naruto ain't coming I'm going to get him myself," Sasuke said in a low tone. He got up and walked towards the door.

"Wait! Sasuke, you don't have to do that! Naruto will come, we just have to be patient." Ino called after him trying to chase him.

But he disappeared in a flash.

-Naruto's house-

He quietly slurped his ramen. The sound echoed off the walls of this tiny room. He felt lonely, he wanted some company at least.

There was a light knock on the door. Naruto sat up alert. Who could be knocking at his door this early in the evening? Naruto bounced off the stool and walked over to the door. There was another knock, harder this time. Naruto grabbed the knob and pulled the door open. It was Sasuke.

"Wh-" Naruto blinked, "What are you doing here?"

"I noticed you didn't come to the party." Sasuke said calmly.

"OHHH YEAAAAH, That's right!! I totally forgot about this party and I-"

Sasuke flew into Naruto's arms. "I missed you Naruto."

"What the F-" Naruto pushed Sasuke off of him. "Sasuke? What are you doing?"

"I don't even know," Sasuke stepped away from Naruto. "So your coming to the party right? That's why I come to get you."

"Yeah I am. Lead the way Sasuke," Naruto said shoving Sasuke out the door. Sasuke stumbled backwards and then smirked. He motioned for Naruto to follow. Sasuke had his back to Naruto, and Naruto eyed Sasuke. What was with the sudden hug? And Sasuke never missed Naruto before. This is really strange. What's going on with Sasuke??

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