Chapter 7- Naruto's new girlfriend

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Sasuke woke up in beads of sweat. He had this terrible nightmare that Naruto was a clown. Sasuke had a secret fear of clowns. He didn't tell anyone about it because he was scared people would make fun of him. He didn't even tell Naruto about it. He wasn't too sure if he wanted to go near Naruto at all.

"Sasuke I brought you some breakfast!" Ino's voice pounded from the other side of his room door. Ino! He haven't seen Ino since their date. Sasuke sat there deciding whether he wanted to open the door or not. He didn't really have a choice because whatever Ino was holding smelled really good. Sasuke pulled open the door.

"Surprise! Look at what I got for you." Ino smiled, she held up a tray of food, it had Miso soup, Bento, and rice balls. It looked so good and smelled so good as well.

"Thanks Ino," Sasuke motioned for her to come inside. She walked past him he pushed back the hair that was falling in front of his face and he sighed. She smelled so good, even stronger than the scent of the food. Yet his stomach was growling so much, he forgotten the smell of food. He felt like grabbing Ino and kissing her again and again, but he needed to resist the feeling.

Ino set the tray down on a nearby table. "Eat up Sasuke. You need your energy." She grabbed two napkins and tucked one into Sasuke's collar like he was a baby. Sasuke just sat there letting her do whatever she pleased. Because if she didn't get what she wanted she'd throw a fit.

Sasuke had begun to eat. He crushed up the bento and rice balls into the miso soup. That was the way he liked it. Ino watched him in awe, she liked how he was eating her food. She knew he would never eat what Sakura cooked him.

"Ino this is amazing." Sasuke was slurping the soup. He has tasted Miso soup before, but this one was good as ever. Good thing this was a deep and large bowl because he wanted to savour the taste.

"I'm glad you like it Sasuke there's not that many people who like miso soup." Ino continued to watch him. Sasuke didn't say anything to respond he just kept gulping down the delicious food until it was all gone.

"You were really hungry weren't you?" Ino said watching him. She was delighted to have him chow on her food.

"Yes I was, thanks for filling me up." Sasuke said setting down the bowl onto the tray. He stretched slightly and then leaned back against the bed frame. There was silence between the two of them. Sasuke couldn't really dig up what to say.

"So, Sasuke. There's something that has been on my mind and I feel awful about it." Ino bit her lip. Sasuke shifted his eyes to look at Ino. She was fidgeting with the edge of Sasuke's pillow.

"What's up?"

"Well, If I put too much force on you on going with me on that date the other night, I'm sorry." Ino looked over to the window. Sasuke didn't know what was so fascinating about the window. Maybe because the sunlight was brightly burning through it, or there could be some view out there that Sasuke couldn't see.

"It's alright. You didn't put too much force. I had a fun night." Sasuke took Ino's hand in his and she smiled slightly from the side.

"Alright, many girls would kill to be with you and I feel so much better now." Ino looked from the window to Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't know what to say to that. He didn't really want to be with any girls. No matter how beautiful Ino was, he didn't want to be with her.

"I'm going to go for a walk. I need to get used to the morning air, since I'm not a morning person. Talk to you later Ino." Sasuke got up from the bed. Ino's eyes followed him.

"Yeah you see later." Ino said soflty. He felt bad for leaving her there but it was his only choice he wanted to go for a walk by himself. He headed down the hallway of the building. The hallway was empty and quiet except for the humming of an air vent.

Sasuke looked out the window and seen Naruto standing side by side with girl. He couldn't see her face but she had four pigtails in her hair that were very spiky and she was resting her head on his shoulder. This made Sasuke's stomach sink and heart beat really fast.

"Who is she?!" Sasuke quickly grunted and ran towards them. What the hell was she doing leaning against Naruto like that! He went through turns of the hallways until he got outside. He anxiously looked over to the spot they were standing. He seen Naruto's mouth moving and he still couldn't see her face. He ran over to the both of them.

"Naruto!" Sasuke called out. He could hear the faint sound of Naruto's voice stopping. And Sasuke's heart raced even more when Naruto turned his head around. He seen the clown from his dream, but it quickly faded when the girl took her head off of Naruto and shifted her head. Sasuke stopped running towards them.

Then a brick hit Sasuke. He was standing with one of the Sand ninja. What was her name again?

She whispered something to Naruto. Naruto hooked his hands between hers. She walked proudly by his side. Stupid fool.

"Hey Sasuke." Naruto said quietly. Sasuke couldn't really help but look at that girl next to Naruto. Acting like he was hers for a long time.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Her voice popped out. Making her seem even more mean.

"Naruto, when did you-" Sasuke's voice cut off. He couldn't help but notice how comfortable he looked. Like he belonged to her. Is this what Ino was looking at?

"Oh, when did I get a girlfriend? Yesterday. Its a bizarre story I was walking towards the sand to see Gaara. And then I heard someone fighting-"

"Naruto you promised you'd come with me to help Kankuro set up." She looked in Naruto's eyes. He easily fell for it.

"Oh yeah that's right. I DID promise you. Well I got to go see you later Sasuke."

She pulled Naruto away from the area. Naruto didn't even look back once. He just left Sasuke there dumbfounded and upset.

"How could he get a girlfriend and not tell me about it?" Sasuke decided to go back to his room and sleep. Why did he feel...jealous? It has stayed in his mind until he traveled back to his room. Ino was still in there looking through the window.

"Ino what are you still doing here?" Sasuke said hoping she didn't hear the sadness in his voice.

"You seen it? Naruto didn't want you to know. But I guess you already seen. I was watching through the window."

"Can you leave me for awhile?" Sasuke walked over to his bed and dropped down on it.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired. That's all." Sasuke closed his eyes wanting Ino to leave.

"Alright I'll come back later. Don't sleep too long Sasuke." Ino stepped out of the room. Sasuke felt glad when he heard the door clicking shut.  He felt like being alone. Was Naruto doing this to make him jealous? Sasuke wondered why Naruto would do this to him. Without telling him. Sasuke punched the wall beside him. Making a large hole the size of his fist. One part of his hand started bleeding but he didn't care. He just wanted to conflict pain on himself.

"Fine if he wants to be that way, then I'll get a girlfriend myself. Whether I like it or not."

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