1-The Start

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 TW: This story will contain SA, SH, and other tiggers

 I take a deep breath, hold it, then release it as I bring my body back up to a standing position. Meditation and yoga really helps me sooth my anxiety, but the peace suddenly come to a halt when someone obnoxiously knocks on my door.  


"IM COMING, JEEZE"..... "what is it? oh.. hey Sammy" I say with a large grin on my face. 

"Y/N THANK GOD, I thought you were dead you took so long" rolling my eyes I let her in. "I literally took 2 minutes to open the door you drama queen"

Smirking she said "Hey... that means I'm a queen tho, so I'll take it." " of course you would.. you want coffee?", "Nah I'm good, I just came to tell you that we are going out tonight, AND WE'RE GETTING FUCKED UPPPP" 

I look at her with a twisted face and she got the hint to elaborate. "Y/n I know its been a hard couple of months, and I can't say I know what you're going through, but I can't watch you mope around anymore babes. Ive been by your side this whole time and I've seen how you're improving, buuuuuut I just think you need to let loose a little bit, you know?", I absorb what she's saying and I honestly think she's right. She's been by my side through everything and these past months have put me through hell. "Yes sam I know...and I trust your heart. What did you have in mind" I weakly smile at her. I watch has her face lights up and it makes me genuinely smile. "welllll. I kind or ran into this dude at the coffee shop on 8th street yesterday, he's like oh my god a greek god or something...what?" I noticed I was still smiling at her, "nothing...continue about this greek god.. please." She giggles, " Okay okay, so his name is Christiano, his accent was so sultry like I just wanted to jump on him right there, but I obviously stopped myself" I let out a loud laugh while she continues, " Anyway his cousin is having a party while his dad is out of town on business and asked if I wanted to stop by, so me being the amazing, beautiful, sexy, did I say amazing? best friend I am, I only agreed if I could bring you and lover boy said, and I quote "of course bella" LIKE DAMN BOY." I burst out into laughter as soon as she started talking about how amazing she is, but she's not wrong. She's been my best friend since I was 8 and stuck by my side through everything.

"well.... let's get ready shall we, the AMAZING Sammy?", " we shall.. we shall" she answered with a grin. As I rummage through my closet with Sammy doing her makeup I can't help but to think about where life has taken me. Two months ago I thought everything was starting to get better, I thought I was finally away from the mess of a life I was living, I moved to New York with Sammy, We started collage together, Got normal people jobs, and boom.... it all comes crashing down.

"Helooooooo, Y/n..." Sammy snapping her fingers in my face brings me out of my thoughts. "Huh?.. what?", "Babes are you okay? are you still having flashbacks?" I look down in embarrassment, " I'm okay Sam, I was just thinking about something, you don't need to worry". I turn back to my closet and pull out a burgundy V-neck, off the shoulder mini dress that I probably haven't worn in three or four years. I go to the bathroom to put it on and when I walk back into my room I giggle as Sammys jaw hangs open looking at me. "Jesus Christ women are you trying to turn me gay?" I laugh and sit next to her starting my make up, which didn't take long because I quite like my natural face, I just add some mascara,  a light beige eyeshadow, and a sparkly lipgloss. Sammy on the other hand does a red and black smokey eye with red lipstick, she's also wearing a gorgeous black minidress that hugs her curves beautifully. I spray some of my perfume on both of us, we put our heals on and head to the door. "So you know where we're headed ma'am?", she giggles "Obviously dummy, now go get in the car." "Um i'd like to lock the door first is that's okay with you?" I say raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes as she elbows me in the arm and heads towards her car.

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