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     ~ 5 Years Later

     I slide out of bed groggy and head to the room next to mine and Lorenzo's. I switch on the dim lamp next to the crib and stare at our beautiful daughter, Nia Samantha Lombardi . Today she turns 1. A smile spreads across my face as she smiles in her sleep. 

     Arms snake around my waist and and Lorenzo sways us side to side while resting his chin on top of my head. " She's beautiful isn't she?" He hums in agreement, "It's because she's ours." I giggle and he kisses the top of my head. He spins me around and places a peck on me lips and I smile as we stare into each others eyes.

    After Giaccamo gave us the all clear to leave the mafia we made the decision to movie into his Long Island house he gave us as a wedding gift. Him and the boys often come and visit Nia. Christiano moved into our neighborhood a few years ago and Ricardo shortly followed after. They couldn't stand being away from us for so long. 

     We live comfortably considering Giaccamo gives us a handsome about of cash each month because he said, and I quote "Just because I said I want you to live normal doesn't mean I want you to live poor". The man is an enigma. 


     "BABE CAN YOU ANSWER THE DOOR? I'M SETTING UP THE TABLE", I put Nia on her play mat. "YEAH I GOT IT". I open the door and I'm greeted my Christiano and Ricardo grinning ear to ear. I smile at them and open the door wider. "Where's the birthday girl?" I giggle,  "She's on the mat, you guys didn't have to get her anything". Christiano hands me a gift bag and gives me a hug. We walk into the living room and Ricardo is on his back playing with Nia.  Lorenzo walks in and smiles at them on the floor. "Hey guys" He gives Christiano a fist bump. "So Y/n, when are you guys gonna try for baby number 2?." I shake my head at Ricardo, "When are you going to get a girlfriend?" Ricardo gasps and Christiano and Lorenzo chuckle.

     As more family members arrive they all head to the backyard and mingle. "I thought I'd find you here." I turn to the unfamiliar voice. "Do I know you?". He smiles, "No I don't think you do." I raise my brow at him and he takes a step closer. "Is everything alright in here?". He turns to see Lorenzo toward over him. "Bold move showing up to my house, and on my daughters first birthday party. Do you have a death wish?". He chuckles, "No....but she does.". At the blink of an eye I'm shot in the stomach and the man who shot me was shot by Lorenzo in the head. Christiano ran in and widened his eyes when he saw me on the floor and Lorenzo holding my bullet wound. "Chris make sure Nia stays outside." he gives him a nod and runs back outside. "Hey bella, look at me. You're going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay." Ricardo runs in and my vision starts to fade. "Little one keep your eyes open you hear me". "I-it's okay. Let me go." Lorenzo shakes his head and a tear falls from his eyes. 

     "Ricky start the car." Ricardo runs out of the house. Lorenzo picks my up and runs me to the car. "Fucking step on it and don't stop for anything." Ricardo gives him a nod and screeches out of the driveway. And the darkness takes over me.


 Lorenzo's POV:

     "Bella open your eyes, don't do this to me, don't do this to Nia." I try my best to choke back my tears. "Ricky I'm losing her.". This isn't real, this isn't happening. I barely had time with her, we were just starting our lives together. "Were here Lorenzo snap to of it." Ricardo bit at me. I take her limp body and run her inside, "SOMEBODY HELP MY WIFE." A team of nurses rolled out a bed to us and I placed her down on it. They rolled her away while tears streamed down my face. "Rick I can't do this without her." He shakes his head at me, "She's not going anywhere bro shut the fuck up." He was acting hard but I could tell he was just as equally scared as I was.

     I pace back and forth in the waiting area as I wait for a doctor to come out and talk to me. "Enzo sit down". I ignore him. "We have a fucking daughter." I said while laughing, "She's leaving me with our daughter." Ricardo slides his hands down his face. "Manic doesn't suit you man". Manic? I'm not manic my wife just lost conciseness in my arms and we have a one year old girl at home. "Not helping asshole."

     A doctor walks up to us. "Hello, I'm Doctor Reed. Which one of you is Mrs. Lombardi's husband?". I step up to him, "I am, please tell me she's alive." He gives me a small nod, "Sir as of right now your wife is in critical condition. She is stable, but you should prepare for the worst." My stomach drops and I get nauseous. Ricky grips my shoulder as the doctor continues. "You should also know your wife was six weeks pregnant, but she lost the baby." A tear falls down my cheek and I block the whole world out as I stumble back into a seat.

     "I'm so sorry Enzo". Ricardo sits next to my with his hand on my shoulder as I dip my head into my hands. Christiano then walks up to us, "What's the news?". We both stay quiet, "Where's my daughter?", "With Luca and Natalia." I nod and get up, "Ricardo can fill you in." I walk down to the ICU preparing myself to see her. "Um excuse me ma'am? What room is Y/n Lombardi in?". She smiles at me sweetly as she looks through the computer, "112". I nod and walk to the room. "Oh my bella." I go to sit next to her bed. "Please pull through my love."


     Iv'e been by her side for three weeks. Christiano and Ricardo have been staying at the house watching Nia for me. I hate not seeing her, but I don't want her to see me like this. I'm a wreck. 


     Nurses storm into the room and start to roll her out, "What's going on?". A nurse comes up to me, "Sir she's crashing, were brining her back to an OR.". My heart rate increases and I pull my phone out and call Christiano, "Chris", "S-she's not going to make it", I break down, "She's not going to make it Chris". 

     An hour later Dr.Reed comes up to me. "Mr.Lombardi....I'm sorry, but we did everything we could.". This has got to be some sick joke. She planned the whole thing, she's just pranking me. That's all it is, a prank. She's not dead. She can't be...... Christiano runs up to me, "Enzo, where is she?." I chuckle, "Oh you didn't hear?" He tilts his head in confusion. "She's dead Chris... my wife is dead." He stares at me blankly. I quickly turn and walk out of hospital. I step outside for the first time in three weeks and its all hits me that she's really gone. I take a taxi home. 

     When I open the door Ricardo walks up with Nia in his hands. "Dada".  I smile at her and a tear falls from my eye as I take her out of his arms, "Hi baby, I missed you." Ricardo furrows his brows at me and I just shake my head. A tear falls down his face and he nods. I hold Nia close to me because she's the only thing that has Y/n's presence.


     I never fully recovered from losing the love of my life......Nia constantly asks about her and I tell her as much as I possibly could. When Nia turned 16 I showed her all the photos I had of Y/n and she cried looking at them, and I cried looking at her. She's her spitting image. Chris and Ricky helped out as much as they could, but Ricky took her death just as hard as I did and moved shortly after, he didn't tell anyone where he went. Chris still comes by every once in a while. I miss her so much, some days more then others. She was mine, only mine.

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