5-The Truth

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I finished sewing Lorenzo's wound and I gave him a clean shirt to put on. "Thank you amore mio." "Mhm now talk..." He takes a deep breath. "Y/n my father is the head of the Italian mafia." I stay quiet letting him continue. "Me, Christiano, and Ricardo all work of him and Ricardos dad is his right hand man." He sighs, "I haven't fully been myself around you because I don't want to scare you away. I never wanted this life, but my fathers a difficult man to deal with especially after my mom died." I walk up to him and caress his cheek. "Lorenzo... there is nothing you can say or do that'll make me think of you any different. Iv'e lived this life, I know what it's like and I also know what it's like trying to leave it." 

"That's the thing, you got out. I don't want to drag you back in." I laugh and it slowly gets louder and louder. He looks at me concerned. "Oh Enzo my love, I'd live this life a thousand times if it means i'll have you by my side." Looking into each others eyes he slowly walks over to me and takes me into a passionate kiss. I fight for dominance since he's hurt and I push him lightly on the bed. "You're hurt, let me do this for you." He smiles at me " you can do whatever you want to me bella." As he on his back I slide his boxers off to reveal an already hard dick, "well that didn't take long." He chuckles, "Amore mio, I get hard just by looking at you." I blush and slowly ease myself onto him. At the same time we both let out a moan, he tries to sit up, but I push him down and keep my hands locked onto his shoulders. I pick up my pace as I study the satisfaction in his face that I'm bringing him. As I reach my climax I go faster, "Y/N please I'm gonna cum". "Then cum" I say, and he listens.

I go and run to turn the shower on, I help him stand up without popping a stitch and we both clean ourselves. "I invited Ricardo and Christiano over for dinner, I assume Chris will bring Sammy." I smile at him as he rinses the soap off his body. "Okay, is there anything specific you'd like me to make?" He look like he's thinking about it but ultimately says, "You don't have to cook for them, we can order something." I giggle, "Enzo I'm cooking for them." He leans down and kisses my forehead, "If you insist bella."

As Lorenzo gets dressed I start preparing the ingredients I need to make Gnocchi. Once I have everything combined and rolled out I start forming the pasta and boiling it. I couldn't decide if I wanted to make it with tomato sauce or pesto so I went with tomato sauce. I scooped the past in little bowls, put the semi-cooked sauce in and topped it off with mozzarella cheese then placed it in the oven to bake. While the pasta was baking I went to go wash up and get dressed. When I opened the bedroom door I couldn't help but gawk at my handsome boyfriend wearing a fitted black button down with black slacks, "Well you look mighty fine sir." He took my eyes in his and smirked, "Why thank you, you look mighty fine too." I snort, "Please I'm covered in flour and dough." He smiled "yeah and? still hot, so what'd you make anyway." I smiled at him, "Guess you'll just have to wait and see." "Oh so you're gonna play that game? okay I see how it is." I laugh and it makes him laugh, "Okay but seriously I need to get ready, they're gonna be here soon." 

I stair at myself in the mirror. I'm not wearing anything too fancy, just a flowy light blue evening dress with white heels. But when I look at myself I don't recognize who I'm looking at. I don't look broken anymore. "Well I'll be damned, I mean you were hot with the flour on you but now? I just want to throw you on that bed and take you till you can't handle it anymore." I gasp and he laughs. The bell rings and we walk out to the elevator to greet them. 

"it smells amazing in here, also so good to see you little one." Ricardo takes me into a hug. "I missed you." Lorenzo clears his throat, "Dude chill she's like my little sister, and she's  literally your girlfriend." Lorenzo rolls his eyes and me and Ricardo laugh. Sammy runs in and picks up off my feet and twirls me around. "Now if you had to watch out for anyone its her" Ricardo nudged Lorenzo and we all laugh, Christiano gives me a small hug and a warm smile. "SOOOO what fancy food did you cook for us madam" I laugh, "Sammy its not fancy at all" I say while I guide everyone to the table. "I made Gnocchi". The three boys all looked up at me with shocked faces. "What?" "You made gnocchi? why wouldn't you ask me to help you?" "Enzo its not the first time I made Gnocchi" I laugh at his comment. "Seriously little one you didn't have to do all of the for us." Riccardo said with a sad face. "Oh please you guys are so soft for mafia members." Everyone falls silent. "You told her?" Christiano asks. "You guys do know Sammy and I were a part of a mafia a few months ago right?". "Dude what?" "I guess you're the only one who didn't know, sorry Ricky." "Chris you knew?" "Well yeah, she's my girl bro." "Not cool guys." I go behind Ricardos chair and give him a small hug, "You know now, that's all that matters." I walk out of the room to get the bowls of pasta.

"Wow this looks amazing babe." "Dead ass little one, this looks banging, how'd you learn how to make this?" I giggle at Ricardos fascination with the little things. " Well before my mom passed she taught me a lot of things, this dish being one of them." He nods and starts to dig in, I laugh out "Buonapattito." And everyone else starts to enjoy the food. It was pretty quiet till Christiano starts speaking to Lorenzo, "La farai incontrare tuo padre? Fa bene a te. (Are you going to let your dad meet her? she's good for you)" He laughs at Cristiano and both him and Ricardo look at him confused. "Lei parla Italiano, non puoi intrufilarti su di lei. (she speaks Italian you can't sneak a conversation about her)." Christiano looks at me blushing and I couldn't hold my laughter back anymore, Ricardo joins me. "Penso di essere buono anche per lui. (I think I'm good for him too)." The boys and Sammy smile at me. Sammy slowly started to understand Italian because of me, but she never learned how to speak it sadly.

As everyone finished up, they said their goodbyes and Lorenzo walked them to the elevator while I cleared the table. He walked back in and hugged me from behind resting his face in the crook of my neck. "You know we really haven't been together for that long, but you and the boys are starting to feel like family." I feel him smile against my neck and he starts kissing it. " I love you." I drop the plate I'm washing and turn around quickly. "What?" "I love you Y/N, so much. You make me so fucking happy." Tears are threatening to escape my eyes, " I- I love you too." I swing my arms around his neck and he holds me for a few minutes before setting me down. "Chris is right tho, I need you to meet my dad." I twist my face in confusion because talking about his dad makes him uncomfortable, "Do you trust your dad around me?" He hesitates to answer, but that in itself is an answer to me. "Ill only agree to see your father if Chris and Ricky are there with us." He smiles, "Bella that's the only way I'd want you guys to meet anyway."  

We head off to bed and he pulls me tight into him. "Enzo be carful you're going to pop a stitch." He scuffs, "I'll just get to see you sew it up again, didn't I tell you that you're hot when you play nurse?" I sigh, "Yeah..you also told me I look hot with flour all over me." He chuckles, "To be fair you always look hot, no matter what you do." I feel myself blush, but because the lights are out he can't see. "You okay?" "Yeah why?" I asked confused. "I swear your body temp just went up like 100 degrees" I elbow him, "Oh shut up and go to sleep." He lets out a deep laugh, "Goodnight bella". "Goodnight." 

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