13-An Ordinary Day

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Lorenzo's POV:

As I start to wake up my head starts pounding. I look to my side and study Y/n"s face while she sleeps. She's so beautiful, but even more so when all of her features are relaxed. I caress her cheek, but she's still out cold. 

"I know something that'll wake you up bella" I slowly sit up and pull the blanket down to our ankles, I lucked out when we didn't put clothes on last night to go to bed. I carefully spread her legs apart and crawl between them. I attach my mouth on her center and lick in between her folds, then I start to lightly suck on her. A moan escapes her mouth, but her eyes are still closed so I increase the strength of my sucking and I start to twirl my tongue around her nub. "E-enzo?" She lifts her head to see what's happening then throws it back releasing another moan. I give it all to her and she quickly becomes undone. "Enzo I-" I pull back before she can finish her sentence and I ease myself into her, further more flustering her. She drags her nails down my back with each thrust and the burning only makes me come closer to satisfaction. As I pick up the pace her body starts to shake. "Bella don't you dare." She's out of breath and can barely open her eyes, "Enz please I can't take it." I shake my head, "You can and you will". As I come close I pound into her harder making her cry out. "Now bella, you can cum now." As her body trembles I release into her and drop myself onto her as we both struggle to catch our breaths. 


Every time I box I make sure I wrap my hands good enough so Y/n doesn't get mad at me. As I'm hitting the bag I hear the elevator ding and her small footsteps walking around trying to find me. It makes me smile to myself. "Hey" She says cheerily, "Hi bella, where were you?" I frown at her as she walks up to me and puts her arms around my neck giving me a peck. "Sammy and I were just chilling at Christiano's. I was going to text you, but I figured you'd text me when you got back from the warehouse." I give her another peck and a nod, "Sorry, it slipped my mind. But if you leave the house please let me know" She smiled and nodded at me then headed out of the gym. 

I unwrap my hands and head to the bathroom to take a shower. As I wait for the water to heat up I hear the bedroom door close and Y/n opens the bathroom door with a grin on her face. Trying to study it I blurt out "What, you wanna join me?". She giggles "As much as I'd love to, I'm here on more important business." I tilt my head and raise a brow at her waiting for her to continue. Her face turns a shade of pink as she pulls out a velvet box. I frown at her "Y/n? I thought I told you like a year ago I didn't want you getting me anything". Her smile falls "Oh right..um- It's okay i'll just return it". She gives me a fake smile and walks out of the room. Nice one Lorenzo, I palm my face and let out a sigh of frustration. I hop in the shower and I rush through it so I can go out there and take the gift my girl got me. I dry myself off, throw on a t-shirt and sweatpants and run out to the living room to see her in a ball on the couch with puffy eyes. I just want to shoot myself. "Bella give it to me." She lifts her head up and wipes her eyes, "Huh?". I go and sit next to her "The gift, I want it." She shakes her head at me and I twist my face in confusion. "You're only saying that because you feel bad. But I should have known better I'm sorry for getting you something. I don't want you asking for it just because of my reaction to you not wanting it. It's not a big deal." I sigh and pull her on my lap and she sinks her face into my neck. My tone is now stern and harsh "Bella, I'm not going to ask you again, give me the gift.".  Her body tenses and she reaches in her pocket with her face still in the crook of my neck. I take the velvet box out of her hand and she curls into me like she's scared to see my reaction. I open the box and instantly smile. Its a chain similar to the one I got her when we first started dating, but thicker. She also got our initials on it but the letters are a lot smaller. "Bella it's perfect" She slowly lifts her head up and looks me in the eyes to see if I'm lying to her. She gives me a sad smile then takes the chain and puts it around my neck. I am so In love with this woman its unfathomable. 


"Dude that's amazing, when's it gonna happen?" Christiano looks up at me with a cheesy smile and blushed cheeks. "I haven't figured everything out yet, I was hoping you and Y/n could help, maybe?". I pat him on the shoulder "Of course man whatever you need. Sammys a lucky girl and she's definitely going to say yes." He smiles and nods, "I hope so man, where's Rick? I was kinda hoping to tell you guys together.". I roll my eyes "He's with Y/n at the warehouse. He enjoys her killing too much." He chuckles, "Or maybe you don't enjoy it enough." I shoot him a glare and he stops laughing.


"Hi babe, um... you need to get down here...your dad is flipping out. There's two shipments of weaponry missing."


"Not possible I checked over everything this morning...but i'll be there soon"

I sigh and Christiano tilts his head. "My dad said there's shipments missing and apparently he's flipping out." Christiano nods and grabs his car keys. 

I can practically hear his screaming from inside Chris's car. Nothing I'm not used to though. I walk in and he looks me dead in my eyes, "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS? HUH? HOW DO YOU FUCK UP THIS BAD BOY." I stare him blank in the face and advert my attention to Y/n who's hand is now twitching. "Dad for your own safety I suggest you tone it down." And I glance over at Y/n and his gaze follows. He quickly got into a calmer tone and pinched the bridge of his nose. I went to the security camera and pulled up the recording from the time I was at the warehouse and showed him how the two shipments he said were missing are in fact, not missing. He looks at it confused trying to pice together what happened. Then the camera cuts out and when it comes back on the shipments are gone. "Well that's not good", "Ricardo shut your mouth please." Andrew spoke up and Y/n rubbed his arm frowning at him. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the screen. "Someone infiltrated us." My dad smirked "And Y/n is going to kill them." Y/n sighed "Find out who it is first before you bring into it." My dad lit a cigar and placed it in his mouth taking a puff, "Oh believe me darling, I will." She nods at him and walks off with Ricardo to one of the torture rooms. "Who do they have in there?" My dad shrugs. "One of Russo's men" Andrew informs me. He also said that with both Joseph and Anthony gone their people are having a power struggle for a leader. I nod my head and head outside waiting for Y/n to finish up. About 5 minutes later both her and Ricardo exit the warehouse laughing. "Oh, you didn't have to wait for me" She said pouting "I feel bad" I shook my head smiling and gave her a peck. "Can we go get food? torturing people makes me hungry" Y/n laughs at Ricardo like she always does and I roll my eyes as we wait for Christiano to come out. "Hey Y/n, what does Sammy do when we're all together? Doesn't she feel left out?". She shakes her head at Ricardo and shrugs, "She still goes to collage and works part time at a diner. When I started dating Enz I dropped out and after I started working for ya'll I quit my job." I wrap my arm around her shoulders. "I told her to drop out because her major wasn't going to get her nowhere." She elbows me lightly and Ricardo chuckled.


I'm woken up by Y/n twisting and turning. "NO!". I sit up quickly and turn to her. "Y/n? what's wrong..." "Shit...Y/n wake you you're having a nightmare." I shake her lightly, but she doesn't budge. "PLEASE NO". I pull her onto my lap and hold her tightly as she frails around. Her breathing slows down and her body relaxes into my arms. I carefully put her back down and when  get myself in a laying posting I pull her back onto me and hold her till I fall asleep.


I wake up to the smell of pancakes. I sit up and rub my eyes as they get used to the light. I climb out of bed and throw on a hoodie and head to the kitchen. As I walk in I gawk at Y/n as she hums and shakes her hips to the tune wearing only my t-shirt and nothing else. I walk up behind her slowly and snake my arms around her waist making her jump, she playfully slapped my hand. "You scared me." I kiss the top of her head and sway with her. "It smells delicious.....but you smell better, you taste better too." Her body heats up so I know she's blushing. "You haven't even tasted them yet.". I hum in agreement, "Yeah. but I tasted you. And let me tell you bella...nothing compares." She stops her movement and I chuckle. I kiss the top of her head again then head to the fridge to pour some orange juice. "So Chris told me something yesterday." She hums, "Go on." I sigh. "He wants to propose to Sammy.".  She smiles softly "About damn time, I'm pretty sure they were together before we were.". I chuckle "Yeah I'm happy for them.".  She smiles again "As am I".

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