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"So Y/n, tell me...and please be honest this time. How are the nightmares?" I take a minute to respond, but eventually give in to telling the truth. "Um they're the same. But honestly I wouldn't classify them as nightmares." My therapist looks at my with a questioned look practically telling me to explain what I jut said. " Well you know... nightmares are scary. Yes I wake up in a panic, but I'm not scared of my past. I acknowledge that it's something I went through and it sucked, but it's not scary." She hums and writes something down in her note pad. "Y/n... what you've experienced was traumatic. You might not be scared now, but you were at some point, correct?" " Y-yeah bu-," "They are very much so classifies as a nightmare, let's not forget you used to have night terrors. Y/n you've come a long way mentally, but you need to stop down playing your trauma. I'll prescribe you some sleep vitamins to encourage better sleep, that's if you're still against sleeping pills?" "Um yeah no medication please." "Alright then, I'll see you in a week, take care." I said my goodbyes and found myself walking home, I lived a few blocks away so I didn't find it necessary to drive.




"Oh wow, someone sounds angry. Plus it slipped my mind bc I was too focused on how I was going to bullshit my therapy sesh"


"You're forgiven as long as we meet up for drinks and you spill all the deets, so what did you bullshit this time?"


"1 Of course, and 2 actually for some reason I didn't bullshit anything :/, But enough about that I just got home so I'm going to get ready, I'll meet you at the bar on 6th?"


"Proud of you <3, and yes ma'am see you soon."

I waltz into my room and pull out a black mini dress that kind of looks like a t-shirt and I pair it with white low top sneakers. I curl my hair and by the time I'm done Sammy texts me that she's heading to the bar so I call an Uber in hopes we get there at the same time. She unfortunately beat me by a few minutes. I walk into the semi crowded bar and head towards her. "Damn girl you look good," I giggle, "You too babes, you too." She raises her eyebrow, "Stealing my lingo now huh?" we both burst out into laughter. The bartender finally gets to us, "What can I get for you ladies?" "Hm, I'll have a strawberry daiquiri" "and I'll have a cosmopolitan," "Coming right up." I smiled at him and thanked him. "So miss girl. spill," I rolled my eyes " Alright.... So while you were with Christiano at the party I was with him for the most part, when I was ready to leave I wrote down my number incase something happened to you so one of them can call me..." I feel myself smiling as I recall the events, "He texted me the next morning asking if I was busy then he took me out for breakfast." She gushes, "Oh my GOD you guys would be perfect together." I laughed, "Your drinks ladies." We grab our drinks and head to a table. "So now it's your turn." She looks at me confused. " Christiano... the greek god, how's it going between you two?" She looks down and smiles with a blush, "He's amazing, the perfect gentleman. We spent the day together yesterday, it's how I fond out about your date...Lorenzo called him and started going on and on about how much he likes you. It warmed my heart." I felt myself grinning wide.

I was on my second drink and starting to get tipsy while Sammy was on her third. She pulled my hand and led me to the dance floor and we started dancing to the loud music. Time was slipping by and before we know it it was already midnight. "HEY I HAVE TO GO PEE ILL BE RIGHT BACK" "OKAY ILL BE HERE." As Sammy slipped away I was by myself grooving to the music blasting. A rough hand was on my shoulder and it startled me so I reacted in self defense and turned around and swung. My fist connected with his nose and broke it, "BITCH!, oh you're gonna pay for that little lady." I smirked "oh yeah? show me what you got fe fi fo fum." as soon as he lifts his arm to swing *BANG* *BANG* his body drops to the floor, people scatter leaving the building and I'm face to face with Lorenzo holing up a gun. Emotion in my face is gone, Lorenzo walked up to me and took my hand but I pulled it back. "Were leaving now let's go." He says stern and authoritative. I look at him puzzled, "Sammys in the bathroom." "Christiano's waiting for her, let's go now... don't make me tell you again." I oblige and walk out of the building with him. I see Ricardo and pull out of Lorenzos grasp and run up to Ricardo and hug him. It catches him off guard and he embraces me back and laughs. "You okay little one? how much have you had to drink?" I giggle, "Im good Ricky, I only had two drinks and I would have done this if I was completely sober too." I turn around to see Lorenzo fuming, "what's his problem?" Ricardo laughs again, "Well if you must know, a little lady wasn't answering her phone so he went to go check up on her and when he found her she was about to get into a bar fight and when she left the bar she hugged his best friend." My mouth jaws open, " Ohhhhhhhh, yeah that'll do it huh.." We both Burst out into laughter. "Y/n car now..." I frown at him, "so pushy" He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, " Y/n please just get in the car." Without saying anything I hug Ricardo bye and I walk to the car and get in. I watch as Christiano walks Sammy to his car then walk back to Lorenzo and Ricardo, I can't hear what they're saying but Lorenzo keeps pointing to the bar. He goes in his pocket and pulls out keys, then locks the bar door. What does this man not own..... He gets in the car and drives off. I eventually dose off.

I wake up to the smell of bacon, I pull my body up and sit for a bit trying to figure out where I am, but immediately recognize the grey walls and navy bed. I slide myself out of bed and stroll to the  bathroom to see an unopened toothbrush. As I brush my teeth I look in the mirror and notice I'm wearing one of Lorenzo's t-shirts and it makes me smile. I turned on the shower and went to go grab a clean shirt while the water heats up. I slide out of his shirt and slip into the heated shower. As I rub his soap on my body I immediately get intoxicated by his scent. I hop out of the shower, put a clean shirt on and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and watch Lorenzo as he cooks breakfast shirtless. "Staring in rude you know?" I giggle as he turns around to look at me. His eyes immediately goes from my wet hair the the shirt, then to my bare legs. "I- I hope you don't mind I took another shirt...I took a shower and-" "Bella you can have my whole closet if you want."  I smile and walk towards him, his eyes don't leave my body, "You know someone once told me staring is rude." "Oh shut it, sit own and eat." I put my hand up to a salute, "sir yes sir!" He laughs and shakes his head. I sit down and start eating the scrambled eggs and bacon he made for me. "Does it not get lonely here alone? this place is massive." "Well I usually don't stay here, I have an apartment near by, but my dad has me watch his house while he's gone." I nod and continue eating.

After we finish I quickly grab both our plates and start washing them before Lorenzo has a chance to tell me to stop. I feel his eyes burning through me so I start humming a song and shaking my hips to it. Just then he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. I giggle and he groans in my ear as I press my ass against him. "I know I promised you we'll take it slow, but you're making it extremely difficult bella." I turn around and look him in the eyes, I take my hand and caress his cheek and run my thumb along his bottom lip not breaking eye contact. I slowly move in to kiss him and he lets me, but quickly takes control. As the kiss get deeper he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. He walks us to his room and plops me on his bed and slowly pulls his shirt off of me. The lack of his touch is agonizing, "I need you...now Enzo I need you now." His breathing hitched, "Fanculo (fuck)." He kisses my body all over not missing an inch, he then starts to kiss the inside of my thigh and I let a few moans loose as he gets closer to my center. Just as he takes his mouth off of me he immediately starts going at my center and I throw my head back as I grab his hair. He doesn't stop, in fact he goes in faster and I scream, "ENZO IM GOING TO CUM!" and that I did. Flustered and shaking he backed up away from me and watched me as my chest goes up and down from breathing hard. "You're so fucking beautiful." I look up at him now towering over me, "Thank y-" before I can finish he crashes his lips into mine. "are you okay? do you still want to do this because we don't-," "Oh my god Enzo shut up and fuck me please." I cry out. "Your wish is my command," just then he crashed himself into me making me cry out. "Enzo faster...please." And before I knew it he picked up his pace, gripping onto my sides so hard it's going to leave a bruise. With each thrust my nails drag across his back. "Enzo Im going to cum again," "Good baby cum for me." His words were enough to push me over the edge and soon after he came. He picked me up and walked me to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet, he walks over to the shower and turns it on, "I'll be right back I'm going to get you a bottle of water okay?"  "mhm" I reply tiredly. When he gets back he helps me up and walks me to the shower and we clean ourselves. I catch myself thinking how I told myself I'd never let another man touch me again, but Lorenzo....Lorenzo can have all of me, whenever he pleases. He's healing me.

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