Chapter 28: Come Back

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Bakugou's POV

While Y/n was sleeping, we had to make our move. I knew she would try to follow us, she's too stubborn, so I got a quirk cancelling handcuff from Nezu and handcuffed her to a table near where she was sleeping. I wrote a note, knowing she's going to be pissed.

Dear Y/n,

I know you are going to be mad at me for this, but I have to keep you here. I just got you back, I don't want to lose you again. You can yell at me all you want when we get back with Deku, but right now I want to keep you safe.


I stood up and we began the search for the nerd. 

Time skip through most of the fight with Deku

"Deku! Come back!" Iida shouted.

"No! It's too dangerous! Besides, I've still gotta find Y/n! Dabi has her somewhere!" Deku shouted, tears running down his face.

Shoto ran up to him and shouted, "Actually we got her back! She's safe at UA! Now all we need is you to come back! Please! Come back!"

Deku stopped, but then tiredly tried to scramble away from us. He wasn't going anywhere. I approached and began apologizing for everything. When I was done, Deku tried to run, but collapsed. I ran over and caught him before he hit the ground. I walked over to Icy Hot and handed Deku to him. We nodded and ran back to UA. 

Your POV

I was pissed. Bakugou thought he could tie me down! Just as I was pulling the table I was handcuffed to toward a window, I heard a racket outside. I looked out and saw a mob surrounding the front gate, and I saw Midoriya. I gasped as I took in his appearance. "What happened to you?" I said.

I listened to everything. No one was letting him stay here to rest. Class B ran by, Eri in Monoma's arms. "Eri?" I asked, not having seen her since before the war. 

"Okami?" she asked.

Monoma loosened his grip and she ran to me, hugging me close. I hugged her tightly with my non-handcuffed hand. "I heard everything that happened to you! How you got kidnapped by a villain! I missed you so much! I was so worried!" she cried into my chest.

"It's okay Eri, I'm here now." I said, rubbing her back.

"Um, Y/n? Why are you handcuffed to a table?" Kendo asked.

"Bakugou. He didn't want me following them to get Deku back, so he handcuffed me." I explained.

"Well, since Deku is back, why don't we undo them?" Kendo said, walking toward me.

She walked up and took a key out of her pocket and undid my handcuffs. "Thank you," I said as I wrapped both arms around Eri and picked her up.

I handed her back to Monoma and said, "Keep her calm. I need to go outside." 

He nodded and I walked outside. I stormed through the mob and watched as Uraraka floated to the top of the school. I marched to the front of the mob and stood in between them and Deku. "Everybody! Please, listen! I know Deku is a target for the villains! But think about it! He's only a 16 year old boy, and yet here you are, denying him the right to rest!" I scolded.

Everyone was silent. "Y-Y/n?" I heard Deku ask.

I turned around and met his gaze. He looked so tired. I smiled and walked over to him.

Then, someone in the angry mob said, "That's Endeavor's kid! The one who was kidnapped by her villain brother! Who's to say that he won't attack UA to get her back, or to attack anyone in his family? We should kick her out as well!"

My heart dropped. 'Did nobody listen to me?' Everybody then started saying how I, and everyone else in my family, should be forced to leave. Then, Uraraka started yelling. "Everybody! Has anyone taken a good look at either of the children that you are trying to kick out?!"

I felt all eyes on me and Deku. I knew Deku looked bad, anyone with even just one eye could see that, but then I thought about my appearance. My hair was singed and curling around my head (really looking like Touya's haircut), and I knew that there were several bruises and burns all over my body that haven't fully healed yet from the war. In fact, I was still in my tattered hero costume from the war. 'I guess I also look like a mess.'

I listened to the rest of Uraraka's speech, and watched as Deku fell to the ground in tears. I rushed to his side and tried to comfort him. Shoto ran over and comforted Deku, helping him stand and guiding him inside. Bakugou ran over to help me, but I frowned and slapped him. "Yeah, I deserve that." he said.

I smiled and said, "Thanks for bringing him home."

I leaned to him and hugged him. He smirked and hugged me back. We then walked back into our dorms and forced Deku to take a bath. "Actually, Y/n needs one too! She hasn't had a bath in ages either!" Mina shouted.

And so, all the girls rushed me into the girl's bath. I sank into the warm water, and while it stung my burns, it felt so good. "Oh! And when we're done we're going to have to even out her hair too!" Mina said.

All the girls agreed. I sighed and smiled at Mina, "Thanks man." I said, sinking further into the water.

"Of course. You know how much I missed having another girl in our group?" she said, hugging me.

I shoved her off because.... awkward. The girls started laughing at Mina's reaction to being pushed. She pouted at me and I chuckled. We got out of the bath and when I was putting a fresh pair of clothes back on, I saw my locket. I sighed and opened it up. My words to Touya echoing through my mind. 

"I'll never forgive you."

Uraraka walked up to me and looked over my shoulder and into the locket. "Is that Touya?" she asked.

I nodded and she said, "Look. I know everything is harsh right now. Learning that your favorite brother is a villain. That he tried to kill Shoto and kidnapped Bakugou... but that doesn't mean that you have to dismiss him from your life. I know that you'll probably never see him the same way again, but you also can't forget how special he was to you. So... why don't you keep the memories of who Touya was close to you. Your locket, your pictures, your memories. Treasure them and remember Touya as your brother, the one who got you this locket."

I smiled and said, "But when we see him again, what am I going to do?"

"Well, he wanted you to call him by his name, right?" she said.

I nodded and she said, "Then why don't you call him by his villain name. Say that he killed Touya. That Touya died the day that he left you, and that now all that's left is Dabi."

Her words hit like a brick. I felt all the weight of the situation slowly lift off my chest. Thinking of it that way... it really does help. I smiled and put the locket around my neck. "Thank you Uraraka." I said.

She smiled and said, "Any time."


Yo!!! How are you guys? So this is totally unrelated to the story so you don't have to read it, but since today is the one year anniversary of [REDACTED]'s death, it's really got me thinking about it. So I want to know if any of you guys were there for it, and how long you were there for it. I was there since day one and I'm being honest, it was definitely my favorite thing that Mark and Ethan have ever done. When I watched their memorial videos today, it really hit me like a brick. 

Ooh, and also if you were there for it, what was your favorite video? Mine is tied between the Helium Therapy video and the Wax video they did with Sean.

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