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{Ok! A little piece of um, warning I guess? I am not gonna write out Shiro's ENTIRE episode because I'm just lazy. We all know this. I may edit it some other time when I feel like it but as of now I am not gonna write the whole thing out. I got other things to work on and I feel like Shiro's episode would take forever. So here's like some, I dunno filler to his episode I guess? You know at the very end when they find him? Yeah, it's gonna be like that but with my twist on it okay? Thank babies!!}

Nyle POV

I woke up a bit earlier than I usually do, and Keith wasn't next to me when I turned over. He must've had something to do. So I got up and got ready, noticing Mereida wasn't in her crib either. 

I didn't worry too much since she was probably with Keith and left to go to the bridge. I found Allura and Coran there. And Allura was playing with Mereida while Coran was on the control panel.

"Good morning. Did one of you take Mereida out of her crib?" I asked.

"Oh, no we didn't. Keith had come in here earlier with her. He was with her for a while before Coran had mentioned to him that they might've had a lead on where Shiro was. So he left Mereida with us and went to go check it out," Allura responded.

"Oh, ok. Well, thanks for watching her I guess. So they found a lead on Shiro huh? You think we'll find him this time?" I spoke.

"I hope so. He's a part of our team. He should be here with us," She replied.

"Yeah, he should. Hopefully, we actually find him," I said.

A comms line coming through interrupted us as Keith came on screen. "Coran, I found him. We need a wormhole to get there," He said.

"You did? Send the coordinates Keith, then we'll pop over," Coran responded.

Keith sent the coordinates as Allura opened a wormhole, the Black Lion leading the castle towards a shut-off fighter.

The Black Lion brought the fighter aboard while we all rushed down to go see them. We opened the fighter and saw Shiro in the fighter.

Keith had brought him out of it and we brought him to an infirmary pod so he'd not die and we could figure out what was wrong. 

"So, what the pod is telling me is that he has a few minor injuries and nothing too bad. He should be out within a couple of days," Pidge said as she looked at a holographic screen before it went away. 

"So, all we have to do now is wait?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah. Pretty much. But he's alright," Pidge replied.

So we went back to what we were doing before while we waited for Shiro to heal. I didn't really have anything to do so I just sat in the lounge with Mereida, watching her play with her toys. 

"She's getting big," I turned and saw Hunk with a smile on his face.

I laughed softly and looked back at Mereida as he sat down next to me. "Yeah, she is. She's getting bigger every day. She surprised me and Keith yesterday when she started crawling."

I heard Hunk gasp as he stared at Mereida. "She's already crawling? Isn't she like four months?"

I laughed softly and leaned back. "Yeah, she's starting early. Usually, babies start crawling around 6-7 months old. But I guess she didn't like waiting."

He smiled as he sat on the floor a little bit away from her. "Can you crawl to uncle Hunk? Come on, come crawl to uncle Hunk."

I laughed more and smiled when she started to crawl towards Hunk, a big smile on her face. She got close enough to where he could pick her up and he threw her up into the air, catching her. 

"Look at you! You're growing up so fast! Stop growing you little stink!" Hunk said, laughing as he held her close to his chest.

I smiled at the two and tilted my head. "Say 'I don't wanna stop growing' Mereida."

I laughed and shake my head, yawning a little. 

"If you're tired, you can go rest Nyle. I can take care of her for a while. She's my niece after all," Hunk said softly with a smile. 

"Are you sure? I don't want you to stop what you were doing if you were gonna go do something," I replied.

He laughed softly and shakes his head. "Oh please, if anything I could go in the kitchen with her, and we could make something nice."

"Ok, ok. Fine. Just don't make a mess alright?" I said while getting up.

"We won't make a mess. Mereida, tell your mommy night-night," Hunk says as Mereida babbles. 

I laughed some and shake my head before humming softly. "Night-night baby." 

I went back to my own room, crashing as soon as my head hit the pillow. 


After a couple of days, Shiro finally came out of the pod, and we were all glad he was back. He still wasn't quite up to speed so Keith took him to his room so he'd rest. But I'm just glad he's ok, and I know everyone else is glad about it too.

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