Nyle POV

Allura and Lotor were ready to start testing the comet ship, so they had us go to the ruins of planet Diabazaal to test it out. So all of us stood in the bridge in our armor, ready to help if something went wrong.

"Beginning system check," Lotor said. "Front and rear stabilizers."

"Front and rear stabilizers are go," Allura responded.

"Quintessence collection array."

"Quintessence collection array is go."


"Infracells up."


"Dynotherms connected."

"Switching on mega-thrusters."

"Mega-thrusters are go."

"I can't be the only one who sees this is nuts, right?" Hunk asked. "Just getting in there is a long shot. Then they have to make it out again?"

"I agree with Hunk," Coran says. "This plan is a foolhardy and unnecessary risk."

"I don't know," Pidge says. "We've traveled through the quintessence field to another reality. This isn't theoretical physics. Mathematically, we know it's possible."

"Well, it is hard to argue with math," Coran spoke, getting in Pidge's face. "Believe me, I've tried."

"But even if they do reach the quintessence field, then what?" Lance questioned. "The last time anyone got in there, it turned Zarkon evil."

"Lance makes a fine point! Take that, math!" Coran shouts.

"Zarkon fell prey to his own evil instincts," Shiro says. "The quintessence field didn't create them, it revealed them."

"And what if it reveals Lotor? Then what do we do?" I said, still uneasy about how fast he flipped a switch when he needed our help.

"Then we come up with a plan," Shiro said, matter-of-factly.

I sighed and just stared forward.

The ship then took off out of the castle and headed towards the blown-up planet.

"So, this is goodbye...for now," Coran spoke.

"Allura," Lance said.

"Yes, Lance?" Allura replied.

"Get back safe," He said.

"I will," Allura replied as they got closer to the gateway.

"T-minus ten ticks to gate entry," Coran spoke. "Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

The ship disappeared into the gateway, losing contact with them as their ship didn't show up on the other side.

Soon after they left, an alarm started blaring. "What is that?" Hunk asked.

"I've got an incoming craft," Coran says.

"Shields up," Shiro says. "And pull it up on-screen."

Coran pulled the craft up on-screen as it flew towards us. "That, that can't be," Coran spoke. "It's an Altean pod! A really old one!"

"What's it doin' out here?" Lance asked.

"Let's find out," Shiro said as a comms line opened up. "Attention, Altean pod, identify yourself."

Then the camera switched to show Keith in the pilots' seat. "Shiro, it's Keith."

I let out a quiet, gasp seeing him again. He looked a lot different. "Keith! Are you okay?" Shiro asked.

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