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I once thought her eyes changed to match the sky. It was only now that I realized the sky changed to match her eyes.

???'s POV

She walks into class with her friends laughing with her. Out of all of girls from our class and she always looks the prettiest.

Y/n's POV

I laugh quietly with Jirou and Mina. They kinda just accepted me into their group. I make my way to my desk and sit listening to the other conversations. I activate my quirk and design a few star shapes and let them float around the room not caring where they went. I looked up and saw Todoroki. "Hey darling, I'm sorry we couldn't walk together this morning, I had to take care of something." I just shake my head "its fine I understand" he nods and walks over to Momo and smiles and chats with her. I turn my head back to the front and subconsciously start making more star shapes. Not realizing I made more I focus on writing in my notebook instead. "Oi idiot" I look up at Bakugo who is now facing me. "Why do you stay with him" "I-i don't know.." he looks at your sad face and sighs. "You can do alot better." He mumbles just loud enough for you to hear. Mr. Aizawa came in and told us to go get changed into out PE uniforms. i get up putting my headphones on and walking down the hall towards the locker rooms. I quickly change and grab my things and head out to the field. I stretch out and listen to my music and someone comes up behind me. I look over my shoulder and see mr. aizawa and take my headphones off pausing my music. "Y/n we're pairing up. Who do you wanna fight?" "Shoto." He nods and finishes pairing up people. The others head out in groups and I put my headphones back on not playing my music. "Find your pairs, we're quirk training. You may not switch partners." I look up and wait for Shoto. Momo walks over to him and leans into him. "Awww I wanted to be your partner". He gives her a sad smile and comes over and taking my headphones off. "y'know its rude to have your headphones on during training, we got paired up lets go" I nod and follow him over to a clear spot and stretch up before pulling up my sleeves and getting in a fighting stance. I dodge his attacks easily and I look him dead in the eyes and shoot a huge wind gust towards him knocking him out. I sigh and walk over to him, but i get pushed out of the way by Momo and she shakes him to try and get him to wake up. "He's passed out, he's not waking up for at least 15 minutes." She looks at me and looks back at him "you shouldn't knock him out so quickly. He's trying to train." I look at her and sit on the bench drinking water. "Momo, Y/n why aren't you working." Mr aizawa yells over to us. "My partner passed out and Momo came to see if he was alright, she was just about to go back to her partner sir" "hurry up then." He yells back. I nod and pick up Shoto and carry him over to the bench pushing Momo out of the way. "Hey!" Momo yells at me. I cover my ear with my free hand. "Can you just mind your business?" i set Shoto down on the bench. Momo looks at me and I stand up to get water but she nudges me harshly and I stumble. "Out of my way bitch." She says. I look at her with a dead expression. "Do you know how to listen?" She says. I look at mr. aizawa and he's looking at the conflict getting ready to stop something. He shakes his head and I look back at her using the same wind gust I used on Shoto but using less power so I don't injure or knock her out. She cries on the ground as I walk away and Mr. Aizawa comes over and looks at Momo. "Get up, I know your not injured. Y/n you have detention after school for leaving your own battle." He dismisses us after Shoto wakes up. I put my headphones back on and walk into the locker room. I change quickly grabbing my bag and I head into the lunchroom. I sit in my normal spot and pull out my sketchbook and start the line art for the drawing. The table shakes a bit and I move the pen before it ruined the drawing. Shoto slides in and takes my headphones so I can socialize, I go back to drawing when it stops and as he slides in and sits next to me he ends up bumping my hand and moving the pen across the paper ruining the line art. I grip the pen tightly and look at the person who bumped me realizing its none other than Shoto. He looks at the paper and then at me "sorry" he shrugs it off and starts talking to other people. I look back at the drawing and close the book getting up and leaving. "Where are you going?" I don't respond and I just leave heading back to the classroom. 

Today isn't the first day Momo's been all over Shoto. Its been at least a month. He stopped caring about me a while ago. I don't know when it started exactly but its been a while. I don't know if I did something, I just don't understand. I open the door to the classroom and see Mr. Aizawa at his desk grading papers from the last assignment. 

"Y/n, its lunch, why aren't you in the cafeteria" i shrug "not hungry, and I don't wanna talk to any of my classmates right now." He nods seemingly understanding the situation and I sit down at my desk and open the sketchbook and look at the ruined sketch. I sigh tearing out the page and throwing it away. I sit back down and relax in my chair in silence tapping my foot and I start stressing out a bit since I don't have my headphones and the extra pair I had got broken on the field trip last week. I look at the door hearing footsteps down the hall. Mr. Aizawa notices me looking at the door not hearing the footsteps himself. The door opens 15 seconds later and I look down at the paper having nothing written or drawn. Jirou comes over to me. "Y/n I saw Shoto had your headphones but you weren't there. You alright?" "Hm? oh yeah, im good" she looks at me skeptical and sighs. "We're still on for tonight though right?" I ask and she smiles and nods. "of course, I love the nights we just get to chill together with the rest of the group" I nod and she notices the empty paper. "What happened to the drawing you were working on earlier." I look down. "Its in the trash" "what why?" "It got ruined." She gets up and takes the paper just sitting up at the top of the trash can. "Dude this is beautiful!" I shrug. "It's ruined" "Wh-" "shoto." "My god why don't you break up with him." I don't respond and I just look down at the crumpled drawing from earlier. "How many of your sketches has he ruined because he was paying attention to momo and not you?" I mumble a number but not loud enough for her to hear. "Pardon?" "17 drawings" her eyes widen and she looks at me. "Oh I'm gonna kill him." "Kyoka, no. Not today at least. He hasn't done anything wrong" she shakes her head. "The fuck do you mean nothing wrong. He's flirting with Momo every damn day!" Mr aizawa speaks up "sorry for eavesdropping, but y/n, Jirou is right, I've noticed it as well but as your teacher and someone who cares about your mental health. I think you should break up with him." Also both of you, watch your language." Both me and Jirou look up at him and see him just working on grading papers. "Uh thanks for the advice Mr. Aizawa." He nods and soon the rest of the class gets back from lunch and class starts back up. I take the notes and I head back to the dorms as soon as I can. 20 minutes later I pass the common room "Y/n wait up!" I turn and see Mina and Jirou. "What's up?" "Come with us there's something you gotta see" I nod hesitantly and follow behind as Mina pulls my arm. I notice the looks on their faces and I start worrying. "What's goi-" Jirou shushes me and tells me to peek my head around the corner. I poke my head around the corner and see Shoto and Momo making out. I pull my head back from the corner and look at the 2 girls in front of me. "Y/n?" "What?" "What can we do" "nothing" I sigh "what's done is done, he cheated. That's his choice" I start walking off and Shoto comes around the corner a few seconds later. "Hey y/n, can we talk" "sure" he takes my hand and leads me to his room. "Babe-" I look at him "we should break up, you're clearly not happy with me" "what! Where is this coming from?" I shrug and try to leave the room, but he catches my hand and stops me. "Don't you dare walk away from me!" He slaps my cheek and I just stand there in shock. "I see" I mumble and push him off as I leave the room holding my cheek. I get to the common room and see dinner is being served. I grab a plate and I sit at the table next to Kirishima. He glanced at me and notices my cheek red and a bit swollen. "Hey is your cheek ok?" "Hm oh yeah im good" Todoroki comes out and glares at me. I look at my plate and shake my head. Kirishima nudges my shoulder and whispers "let's talk later, I have a question" I nod and finish eating. "Babe-". Todoroki pulls my arm. "Get off of me you asswipe" he drops his hands knowing the other classmates are watching. "Fine bitch" he mumbles the name and walks off. I grab a piece of Sato's cake and I head up to my dorm room. "Geez, why today" I look around my room and wait for a second as something moves in the corner. "Fucking hell, get out of my room Mineta!" He runs out and Kirishima walks up. "Hey, what was that about." "What do you think?" I snap. I take a deep breath and look at him. "Sorry I'm stressed come in" he comes in and I close the door behind me. "Ok so my question was gonna be if Todoroki did that." He motions towards my cheek. "Uh yeah." I sit at my desk and log into my computer. "So not manly. If you need a bodyguard since he might do it again, i request myself" I chuckle and look at him. "Thanks Kirishima, I think it would be good to have a manly bodyguard" he nods. "I'll leave you be, have fun with Jirou" I smile and wave as he leaves. I look back at my computer and find the notes application so I can keep writing another love story, wishing the main character could be me, but realizing no one is lucky enough to live a fairytale.


the next story part contains suicide, overdosing, and childhood trauma so please if you're not comfortable with that stop reading here, im sorry but this story is gonna hold alot of triggering topics

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