Going home

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A few hours later I wake up and roll over expecting Sero to be there but he isn't, instead there is a doctor in the corner. I sit up rubbing my eyes and I look around. "Miss Y/n, I must say you're recovering quickly, there is some uncertainty to the new quirk inside of you, but the most we can do is already done, you will have the next 3 days off of school to gain an understanding of your new quirk. Youre parents have been briefed on this, but I would appreciate if you talk to them about this as well." I nod and look at my hands for a second "ill be leaving now, youre friend brought you some clothes and your phone. Youre free to go as long as a parent or guardian is here." I nod once again and he leaves and I get up and see a set of clothes on the dresser and put them on. I hear a knock on the door "come in" my voice sounds weaker than normal. "Hey pumpkin, are you ready to head home?" Marco comes in I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. "Yeah, thanks" he nods and holds the door open as I walk out. "Your mother is in the car, she has bad memories with hospitals so she may be a bit fragile" "got it" we get to the car and Elizabeth steps out and I hug her tightly. "Munchkin, you had me so worried" she say softly, slowly breaking down but still holding herself together slightly. "I know im sorry" I say weakly and she pulls back a bit and puts a hand on my cheek. "Lets go home" I nod and she lets go and I get in the backseat finally checking my messages.

Kats: Me and shitty hair are dating now, the doctor told me you were asleep when we got back so ill come by your house later to see you dumbass

Kiri: hey! I hope youre resting up well, ill talk to you in person sometime soon

Sero: im sorry I left before you woke up, my mother was mad I didnt tell her where I was so I had to go home, but ill stop by your house later just give me the address.

Shoto: you ok?

Jirou: hey love, im sorry I didnt realize you were hurting so much, let me know when you get out of the hospital and ill stop by your house and teach you some more guitar to get your mind off things.

Mina: I hope youre ok hun, let me know if something is going worse than expected and ill be over in a heartbeat.

I smile at the last 2 messages and we arrive at the house. Coincidentally my house was next door to the Bakugo's so as soon as we arrived Kats came over and helped me inside. "Kats im fine, just a bit tired still" "dumbass, im not leaving you alone, youre clearly still messed up bit so im gonna help. Whats bothering you?" i sigh and look at my hands "I have 3 days to figure out what my new quirk is, my family is messed up and the gods decided, "enough of that you're gonna live" so yeah." He nods "lets try out a few things " I tilt my head confused and he gets up standing in front of me. "Lets do this"

~An hour later~

"So we've decided that this quirk is something to do with your mind and not your body, it does have any physical effects except a bit of strength" I nod and sit back on my bed "I think I might just need to spend some time with it, maybe it'll join with my weather quirk and become something new." "That would also mean you'd have to remaster everything you've already mastered" I look down at my hands and clench my fists "I know, I'll get it done. Can you go please, I'm really tired.." he nods and hugs me quickly before leaving and texting the others I'm falling asleep. I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower and get in once it's hot. My brain is still foggy, it feels like I can't focus on anything it's just a huge mess. I wash myself off and then dry off after the shower  and put on shorts and a t-shirt before falling asleep.

~the next morning~

"I'll make it work. There's a girl in 1-B that has a weather quirk and if I don't start training harder she'll beat me."  I look up at him and he nods "I'll leave you be, don't overwork yourself." I give a determined nod and change into a sports bra and matching leggings and I walk downstairs towards the home gym and tie my hair up into a bun and I pull out and set up one of the arial silks and I get up wrapping my legs around one silk and I make my way around the silks leaving me upside down with one leg in the silk one out behind me and using nothing but my own strength to keep me up.  I hold the position for a while before unwrapping and flipping right side up to get blood flowing back from my head. I get out of the silk and turn on an online arial silks class and follow along adding in extra things every once in a while where I've already advanced farther than the class had. As I'm in one of the final positions I hear a quiet voice in the back of my head. "I wonder when she's gonna hear me.." I look around seeing who said it but seeing no one I un wrap the silk and look around the room "who said that?" The voice speaks up "you mean me?" "Yes, who and where are you?" "Well silly I'm your quirk! I'm in your mind" I start laughing "there's no fuckin way" "is too! I take offense to that, your family, passed me one to each other when they died, I can tel you basically anything about your family!" I close my eyes and concentrate forming a small fluffy cloud in my hand. "I wonder.." I shut my eyes and concentrate till sweat forms on my head and the voice speaks up. "You can open your eyes now" I feel the cloud lift off my palm. "It-it worked?" "Yeah I really don't know how but you transferred my being into a cloud, kinda cool!" I smile and the cloud floats around my head. "So you're my new quirk?" "Sorta, i didn't know I would be able to be heard until now, but your family is a pretty interesting one. There's been so much bad stuff your genetics mutated to add a protection system. That being me, oh let me introduce myself!" The cloud clears its throat "I am Amira, protector of the l/n family line" I smile a bit. "It's nice to meet you Amira, I have 3 days to understand you and you're gonna have to help me. I'm training t-" "to be a hero, I know, I've be dormant until now but I still know everything. Since I know have a "body" I'm going to try and explore a bit. Marco and Elizabeth are good people, you got lucky with the foster care system. Sero, he's got good intentions. The group you hang out with normally, they're good people, they love you dearly,  most platonically. They are good true heroes. They wanna be heroes for the right reasons. I'm glad you've had the with you." Halfway through Amira's little rant I teared up and didn't notice I started crying. "Hey, don't cry hun" the cloud moves over and presses against my face. "It's all ok, you just need to rest" I nod and the cloud starts growing until it lifts me up on top of it and carries me back to my bedroom. It rolls me off and goes back down to the small cloud it was before. "Sleep well pumpkin" somehow hearing the nickname from Amira made it sound more comforting and it helped me fall asleep knowing I had a constant protecter that could also sing lullabies.

~a few hours later~

Elizabeth walks in seeing me asleep and seeing a cloud float around the room. "Hello little cloud" "hi!" She jumps back not expecting any response which causes Amira to look at me. "Oh right, ok let me explain" "you better, for all I know you could be a pervert spying on my daughter!" Elizabeth activates her quirk standing in front of me and blocking me with her hair. "Miss please calm down. The doctors said y/n would have another quirk, I am that quirk. I haven't had the chance to pop up until now so I'm just happy I get to say, thank you for helping y/n" Elizabeth brings in her hair a bit still skeptical: "y/n knows your here?" "Yes ma'am she made this cloud for me to manipulate as my own body. I'm just a spirit. I need to attach to things to be able to do things." Elizabeth starts understanding and let's Amira float around. "Y/n, it's time to wake up, you need to eat something" I roll over and groan "more sleep..." "I made teriyaki chicken" I rub my eyes and smile "ok let's go eat" I sit up yawn. "Have you met Amira?" "Yes I have, they seem nice" she still sounds skeptical but let's it go for now. I nod and rub my eyes again before getting up fully, stretching, and heading downstairs.


I hope you are enjoying this story if you have suggestions let me know!

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