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🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋smut warning🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

???'s POV

I go to the address that was sent me and I sneak in through the window and wait for the person I'm meeting.

Bakugo's POV

I get home and sneak into my room quietly and I see Sero sitting on a beanbag chair playing on his phone. Sero is one of the idiots I don't find super annoying. He's an idiot but not completely. He looks up "Hey Bakubro, what's the plan?" "Shutup, I'm in charge" I tell him and I look at the time. "We have 2 hours, until she'll come over" he nods and listens to the perfect plan I made.

~A few hours later~

Y/n's POV

i get bored of waiting and change into sweatpants and a tank top with a zip up jacket. I get up and climb out my window and I knock on the window to Katsuki's room. He opens the window and moves to the side to let me in. "Hurry up dumbass" he closes the window after I get inside fully. "Now be quiet and out this on." He hands me a blindfold and I look at him skeptical but I trust him so I put it on and let him lead me through the halls and I kick something and wince and he moves me to the side and knocks on a door.

I hear a voice inside "ready" he takes the blindfold off and pushes me inside the room. As soon as the blindfold comes off I see the room decorated with rose petals and Sero standing in the middle wearing an all black suit. "H-hey" he says nervously. I smile a bit "what's all this for?" He clears his throat and steps right in front of me to look me in the eyes. "I uhm I wanna ask you something" I nod "go ahead" he takes a deep breath "I know some shit has happened in the past, like 3 days but if you're up for it, I would like to take you on a date" I blush and smile "sure, I could use a distraction" he smiles a bit and hugs me. I just hug him back. "I'm suprised you got Katsuki to do this in his own house." He chuckles "honestly me too" he smiles looking down at me and Bakugo comes back in "you done yet?" Sero nods and holds my hand "ok now get out of my house" "yes sir" we both leave through the back door and sneak across the lawn to my house. "Cmon, it's late you're not walking home at this hour." He blushes a bit and follows quietly.

"Hey y/n?" "Yeah?" He looks down a bit "I know you're not over what happened with Todoroki and all of them and I know that you probably don't like me but thanks for accepting and if you don't like me in that sense you don't have to go on the date with me. I'm sorry if it's too early to ask you about it." "Sero" he looks up confused. "I'm just confused right now, my head is a mess. I want to go on a date with you but you're right. I'm not over what happened and it may take a while. I don't want you to wait for me because I-I don't think I'm ready for another relationship yet. I still wanna go on the date but could we maybe wait a bit?" He looks a bit disappointed but nods nonetheless. "I'm sorry sero" "don't be, I knew you wouldn't be over it and I didn't really think very far into how you felt I'm sorry" you stop walking turn around and kiss him gently. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong" now he's blushing a lot and nods. "A-alright!" He puts a hand over his mouth and I grab his other hand and pull him to keep walking and we sneak in through the back door of my house and I go upstairs to see the house mostly clean. "Damn she works fast" "who?" "Elizabeth. Her quirk deals with cleaning so she's normally cleaning something. Anyways come on, I'm sure you don't have clothes so you can borrow some of Marco's" he just stares at me smiling a bit and he watches me move around the room trying to organize some things. "We have one more day off and then we go back right?" I look at him and wave my hand in front of his face when he doesn't respond. "I-Uh sorry what'd you ask?" "We still have one more day off?" "Oh yeah tomorrow's our last day." I finish setting up his futon and I set out some shower supplies. "Use these and go take a shower" "yes ma'am" he smirks and goes into the bathroom attached to my room and I hear the water turn on inside. About 20 minutes later, the bathroom door opens and Sero comes out in just a towel and looks at my blushing face and smirks before he grabs the clothes and goes back inside the bathroom to get dressed. He comes out in the tank top and sweatpants I gave him and they surprisingly fit very well. By fit well I mean the top was basically skin tight. But the pants just looked normal. "Earth to y/n" he waves a hand in front of my face and I shake my head from dirty thoughts and look at him. "What's up?" "Where should I put the towel and other stuff?" "Oh you can just hang the towel up on the rod and the shower supplies can just stay in there." "Got it" he walks back to the bathroom and fixes it up and then comes over to me and sits next to me. "You know if you find me attractive you can just say it instead of staring at me" he smirks and I just blush and look away. "Shutup no one said anything about that" he faces me and turns my head back towards him gently. I look into his eyes and he stares back. I glance down at his lips for a second and he leans in a bit. "Can I?" He whispers "Yes" I whisper back and he kisses me, I melt into the kiss and lean into him a bit. He moves so he's directly infront of me and deepens the kiss a bit. As the kiss continues it becomes more passionate and he leans me back slowly and gets on top of me and straddles my legs. He keeps kissing me and I keep kissing back and eventually he starts moving his hips against mine. "Mm~" I moan into the kiss feeling him against me. He breaks the kiss and smirks at me moving his hips more. I cover my mouth with one hand and he moves it. "Is this ok?" He asks quietly giving me any chance I need to back out. "Yes" there's desperation in my voice and I pull him down to kiss him again but he puts a finger to my lips instead. "Not yet mi amor~" I blush and pout "that's not fair" he smiles and kisses my forehead. He cups my face with one hand and kisses me again. I kiss back and he deepens the kiss once again as he runs his hands down my body and I lean into him arching my back a bit. He breaks the kiss and looks me up and down. "God you're beautiful" he smiles and kisses my neck. I bite my lip to hold back any moans and he looks up at me and smirks. "Hey, don't hold back those pretty noises you make" I blush and he leaves hickeys down my neck as I quietly moan. He stops and looks at the door hearing footsteps and nudges me. "Someone's coming" he whispers and hides in the closet "y/n? Are you ok, I thought I heard you crying" I blush and open the door slightly. "S-sorry I'm ok, just needed to let out some emotions" I try not to slip up holding my neck so she doesn't see the hickeys. She buys the excuse and leaves. I close and lock the door again and i open the closet seeing Sero freaking out a bit trying to hide. "Oh it's just you, that scared me" he comes out and puts his hands on my waist. "My bad, she's gone now." He smiles and pats my head. "It's ok" I look up at him and kiss his cheek. He smiles softly and picks me up and lays me down on the bed and then lets go and turns the light off and gets on the bed next to me. I turn around to look at him and he just wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. "Shh time for sleep" he yawns causing me to yawn and relaxes and he whispers to me. "Goodnight mi amor~" I smile and lean into him and whisper back "goodnight"

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