Coming back

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I wake up turning my alarms off and get up changing into my spare uniform, grabbing my bag, and I head downstairs to get my keys. I see Marco on the couch reading. "Hey dad, I'm heading over to UA, I love you. Tell mom I left." He gets up and hugs me. "Ok, be safe, I love you too pumpkin." I hug back and he lets go after a bit and I get in my car putting my bag in the passenger seat and I text the group with a picture captioned: on my way back <3. I send the picture and turn my phone off turning the radio on and I head over to the school showing my ID card to get in and I drive over to the garage. I see mina over by her car. I grab my bag, walk over to her car. "Oi! Mina!" She turns around and her smile lights up and she meets me halfway, hugging me tightly. "AGHH HI BABES!! It feels like it's been ages!" "I know I know, I'm glad to be back." She nods and let's go. "Alright now come on, we have stuff to do today. I'm pretty sure Bakugo took notes for you so you aren't behind." I smile and she leads me back to the dorm building. "Alrighty, now I know you wanna see sero but I suggest you go put your bag up in your room first and then I'll go find him for you." I nod again and she pulls out her phone and sits on the couch. I go up the elevator to set my bag down. I open my door having my eyes closed taking my hair out. I turn around after closing the door and I see sero standing in the room like he was the night at kat's house. "Hey y/n" I smile "sero hey, what're you doing in here?" "I didn't wanna miss you coming in, also remember that suprise we had for you, well it's 2 suprises. The first one is the useful but not as I guess great thing, butttttt" he pulls out a box about the same size as the old one. "Here!" He hands it to me and looks at me waiting for a reaction. I let the bag slip off my shoulder and set it on the ground. "It's beautiful, thank you" "open it" he says I look confused but I find every single one of the pictures that were stolen inside the box. "I-i don't know what to say..." he takes the box setting it on the desk next to us. "I'm sorry it took us so long to find them, I'm just glad we could though" he chuckles and I hug him tightly. "Thank you.." I tear up looking at him. He smiles softly "hey hey don't cry, it's all ok now" I smile. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he cups my cheeks and kisses me. "Shhh, don't thank me, thank bakugo and Kirishima mainly, they were the biggest helps, may have beaten up a few people along the way but that's not the point" I shake my head chuckling. "Alright well, do you wanna see if everyone is down for the movie night we were gonna have on Sunday?" He smiles. "Sure, we stay here though." I smile and nod, looking around the room. I let go of him, he stands there confused and I move my desk around to a different corner, and I move the bed sideways parallel to the tv. "Hm, that's good" sero just watches, "anything you need help moving?" "Nope! Thanks though" "alright, the others will be here in about 10 minutes" I smile and nod. "Alright thanks babe" he smiles and comes up behind me hugging me from behind. "Hey, we can move your room later, I haven't been able to hold you in over 36 hours" I smile and look at him. "You're adorable" He lets go of me and turns me around putting his hands on my waist. "And I think you're the absolute dearest mi amor~" I blush and he kisses my forehead, I hear a knock on the door and I get up to open it, I see Kiri, kats, Mina, and Jirou. "Hey guys" kats relaxes a bit and shifts his weight, kiri smiles brightly and I get tackled by the 2 girls. "Agh! Hey guys, Mina you just saw me like 30 minutes ago" the other 2 walk in and the others get off of me pulling me up. "Welcome back dumbass, where's my box?" I go over to my bag and pull it out handing it to him. "How'd it get dark so quickly?" Mina shrugs, "idk anyways, lights off let's get this party started!!" I smile turning off the lights, me and sero are on the bed cuddling, Mina and Jirou are with Denki on the floor infront of the bed. Kirishima at katsuki are on the other side of the bed together. "Hm, how about this one guys?" There a collection of sures and yeses from the group and Mina plays the movie, I lean into sero more and he wraps his arms around me, I hold his hand and he smiles softly looking at me. He whispers to me. "Comfy?" I smile and nod before laying my head on his shoulder. "Good" i relax into him and the movie plays out for a bit and we hear a knock on the door, Denki gets up and opens the door. "Hm look who it is" he crosses his arms and smirks "your cheating ass can't stay away can you? Y/n, you have a visitor." I look over at the door as Denki opens it further. I see Shoto and I freeze, my body tensing up. "S-Shoto?" Sero rubs my back to comfort me, I get up whispering to him. "Hey come out in 3 minutes" he nods and I get up adjusting my hoodie back on. I walk out motioning for him to move back and I close the door after I walk out. "Y/n I saw you came in earlier, I'm sorry for what I did please forgive me." " Have you lost your mind?!" "Yes, I'm sorry" "what are you apologizing for today, the box? cheating on me? Or the pictures?" He freezes realizing I knew he was the one to take them. "I didn't do anything to them, I swear!" I purse my lips. "Sure you didn't, but the fact you knew how much those meant to me, and to just go and take them when I was vulnerable to emotional damage, you're just like your father." His eyes widen and he slaps me. "Shut up! I'm nothing like him!" Sero comes out and he is just fuming. "Get. The. Fuck. Away. From My Girlfriend" he gets in front of me who is still in a bit of a shock he got me again. Sero starts punching at Shoto and Kirishima comes out with katsuki pulling sero off of him and yelling at him to calm down. I look over at sero and pull on his shirt. He calms down a bit and looks at me. "Let it go.." "how am I supposed to let it go!? He hit you, I'm gonna make sure he pays!" "Sero no, you're a hero, come back to the bed" he reluctantly follows me and he sits down waiting for me, I look at him and he scoots back against the walls and I sit in his lap facing him. "I can handle myself.." he looks at me and cups my cheeks. "I know you can, but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone, you've got me by your side and the others are right there with us." I nod and hug him. Soon after aizawa comes down hearing the commotion and he just relaxes a bit seeing me asleep in Sero's arms and the others filing back into the room themselves. "Off to bed all of you" he says and heads back to his room. The girls finish off the snacks and Denki finishes the ice cream. The movie ends after about an hour and everyone has fallen asleep. The next morning I wake up seeing pretty much everyone asleep except I hear sero whisper to me. "Morning princess" I blush "oi no i don't wanna be a princess, just your girlfriend" he chuckles quietly and moves his hand over his eyes to block the sun. "How'd you sleep?" He asks still whispering. "Pretty good, how about you?" He smiles and pulls a blanket over the both of us since the sun didn't magically go away. "It was nice having you with me" he looks at me and smiles softly and pulls me closer and kisses me. I blush and kiss back smiling. He breaks the kiss and presses our foreheads together. "You're so cute" I blush a lot "e-eh?!" He chuckles quietly. "You're awfully cuddly this morning" I say smiling. "Is it too much?" I shake my head. "No no I like it, todoroki never really wanted to do this, so it's nice.." he smiles and kisses me again, we fall over, him on top of me. I smile and keep kissing him back. "Mmmmm.." we hear the others stir in their sleep. "Shh" I look at him and push him off a bit but keep him under the blanket. I relax and look at him hearing the person go back to sleep, I relax and look back at him. He smirks and kisses me again. I blush and kiss back. A pillow gets thrown at us and I poke my head out seeing katsuki awake with Kirishima yawning awake. I look at him and stick my tongue out. "Oi stop making out under there it's gross!" He whisper yells. Sero pops up. "Like you weren't all over Kirishima during the movie last night." He doesn't have a comeback and just grumbles to himself. I smile and put my arms around sero and pull him back down to cuddle. I hear the others wake up and I just lean into sero more. "Hey babe" he whispers I look up at him, "Hm? What's up?" "Wanna go out to the balcony?" I nod. "Sure hun, come on" I get up and hold my hand out for him, he gets up and we walk out to the balcony, he has a blanket to sit on. We get out and at first I'm fine in just a hoodie shorts and socks, but I soon get cold and he wraps the blanket around me.we sit like that for a while before heading back inside and falling asleep peacefully.

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