Final day off

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the next morning I wake up not feeling anyone next to me and I see the little cloud not floating around my room yet. I hear Elizabeth "Morning y/n, Sero left about an hour ago cause his mom called, but he left that thing on your desk" i yawn and rub my eyes. "Huh, oh thanks Mom. You're not gonna ask about why Sero was here?" she smiles. "Nope, I trust you to tell me when you're ready. I made pancakes for your last day off, they're on a plate next to the stove" I get up as she leaves and I go over to the box and open it revealing a ring. "Wow, it's beautiful" I see a note next to the box and I read it. "Hey y/n, i hope you slept well, I'm sorry I left before you woke up, but I wanted to get you something that doesn't have to be kept in a box. Also after you went home, we started fixing up your room more. I have a surprise for you when you get back. See you in a day mi amor. From, Sero" I smile reading the note, and put the ring on.  It somehow fits perfectly and I close the box and get changed before going downstairs seeing Marco and Elizabeth in the living room. "Morning kid" Marco says and I grab a plate of pancakes and walk over to sit by them. "Morning, is there a plan for the day?" Elizabeth and Marco looked at me sadly. "Sorry hun, we have to go into the office for a few meetings, we tried to postpone the meetings but the other executives wouldn't be able to come." I look at them and then at the plate. "It's ok, you guys have a good day, uhm I could make dinner for when you get back if you want" Elizabeth gets up and kisses the top of my head. "That would be great hun, thank you"  she walks away from the living room and I continue eating. "Hey y/n, if you need anything from us today don't hesitate to text us, we'll be busy, but not too busy to be there for our daughter, we love you. We'll be here if you need us." I smile and look at him. "Thanks dad, if you want something specific for dinner let me know." He nods and gets up kissing my head on the way out and I turn on the tv and get up washing my dishes. A bit later I turn off the tv and walk over to the room with the arial silks set up and I put on the seperate silks that aren't connected at the bottom and I set up a class on the tv and work out on the silks for a while. I realize I never texted Sero back and I come down after a while and text him. "Hey Sero, I got the gift you left and thank you, it's beautiful. I can't wait to come back to you guys, the house is really boring by myself." He texts back after a bit. "Im glad you like it! We just got to lunch, I hope you're doing alright by yourself, I can't wait to see you and the others do to" I smile and look over at the tv and turn it off, I go out to the pool uncovering it and I head inside to change in the bathroom. I come back out and swam some laps. I cover up the pool again and dry off as I head back inside and I look at my phone checking the time and see sero texted a picture to me. It was a picture of Mina, Jirou, Denki, Kirishima, bakugo, and himself smiling, well everyone except bakugo who's just staring at the camera. He texts me and I smile. "We almost got in trouble taking this" i respond "oi don't get in trouble, I need you to be penalty clean when I get back tomorrow after school" he smiles at his phone "fine fine, have a good day, we'll talk later" I smile and heart the message leaving him on read and I head into my room to take a shower. Afterwards I get dressed in comfy but presentable clothes and grab my wallet before heading down to the gas station for some snacks. "Nice, i can restock my supply a bit with this." I mumble to myself. I pay and head back home carrying the bags. I lock the door behind me and take the snacks up to my room and set the ramen cup in the microwave adding water. It finishes cooking and I start eating while watch RAVON on YouTube. I clean up and grab my key again and ring the doorbell to the bakugo residence. I wait and see Mrs Mitsuki  open the door. "Hello dear, what's up?" "Oh uh not much, I just wanted to grab something from a katsuki's room before I went back." "Alright alright, go grab it, but before you leave I wanna chat with you over some tea, that ok?" I nod and she lets me in. I go up to katsuki's room and grab a box he had in his drawer; it seemed heavy so there's definitely something inside. I pick up the tag on it and smirk. "To Eijiro Kirishima" I put it in my bag and go back downstairs to find Mrs mitsuki at the table preparing the tea. "Hello sweetie, come sit" i sit across from her and we chat for a bit comfortably. I leave an hour after to go home and start cooking dinner. I finish and set the plates in the microwave to stay warm and eat my serving while looking at the time. "Shit, I need to go to sleep." I head up the stairs to my room to shower. I dry my hair and go get into bed setting my alarms for the morning.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in like 3 months I tore 2 ligaments in my left foot so I have been focusing on healing up, anyways I'm glad to be back for the most part and I hope you've enjoyed the story so far!!

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