Amelia's P.O.V
So me and Justin have been dating for awhile now. and we decided that it was finally time to meet his parents.
We arrived at Justin's parent's house and I was pleasantly surprised. This house was huge and had really nice decor. I took a moment to take it all in.
The doorway was huge and you walked directly into a room with a coat-hanger and a table then when you walked forward you ended up in the kitchen where Justin's mom and....she who shall not be named, were standing.
I sat down at a little bar with Justin and Evelyn and I was introduced to his mom, Pattie. We talked A lot.
Pattie was a very nice lady. Justin went to the bathroom so I talked with Pattie and Evelyn for A little bit.
"So, Amelia tell me some things about yourself. What's your favorite subject in school?"
"Well I really Like art Class... not just because its an easy A but I really want to be a fashion designer and art inspires me A l-" Evelyn cut me off.
"I like fashion too! I have been told by lots of people tell me th-" Pattie cut her off
"Thats very interesting, Amelia. I was actually very amazed by your outfit when you walked in. Most girls your age don't have that kind of taste.... or class" She eyed over to Evelyn then quickly back to me.
"Thanks that means A lot. I get Inspired by a lot of old hollywood type of celebrities. Some of the celebrities nowadays dress so obnoxious, its crazy."
"I know, where has everyone's class gone?" Pattie said with a smile. I was wearing a pair of dark high rise jeans and a stripped crop top that didn't show my stomach due to my high-rise jeans, and some brown lace-up boots.
"I love how the new celebrities dress. OMG like Britney spears and Paris Hilton. they are so cute omg." we both just stared at Evelyn like... Wtf. no.
Justin walked in looking sexy as ever and offered me a tour of his house. He showed me his old room- covered in typical teenage boy stuff.
"Yeah... Its pretty embarrassing."
"Haha, no I think its cute." I said giggling as I sat down on his bed.
"I think you're cute." He said grinning as he grabbed my waist and set me on his lap.
"You're cuter" I whispered-
It would've barely been audible if we weren't millimeters away from each others faces. Our lips barely touched as door swung open- It was evelyn.
"Oh, sorry was I interrupting something?" DUH!!!!!!! I said in my head, wanting to say out loud.
"I have to go to the bathroom" Was all I said. With that I walked out- purposely bumping into her on my way out.
It took me awhile to find the bathroom. I had to have Patties help. Their house was just so big.
Justins P.O.V
Amelia left- which meant me and Evelyn are left in a room together. Great.
"So Justin... Why do like her? Shes so annoying. we were so much better together. I mean, c'mon, you know we were cute together. I'M HOT, YOU'RE HOT TOGETHER WE ARE THE PERFECT COUP-"
"Evelyn... will you please.. shut. the. fuck. up. for. TWO FUCKING SECONDS!!!"
"sorry. but you know its true." she said winking at me.
I just stared at her, hoping she would get the hint that I don't want to talk to her right now but... she didn't. She continued to talk.
"How are you gonna tell her about your cancer? Huh?"
"Evelyn, don't mention that. I mean it."
"Have you even thought about telling her?"
"Of course I have. Do you think I don't wanna tell the girl I love my biggest secret. THAT SHOULDN'T EVEN BE A SECRET!"
"You love her" she asked raising one eyebrow.
"What? I-I didn't say that." No. I can't Love her. I can't get attached because what If my cancer gets bad again. What if it spreads?
"Then love me. I already know." with that, she slammed her lips into mine. I should have pulled away right then and there but I didn't. I'm so stupid.
I love Amelia.
Amelias P.O.V
I got out of the bathroom and ran into Pattie again and we talked for awhile and realized
Justin was Left alone in the room with Evelyn.
I trust him-just not her. I feel sorry for him... having to sit in a room with her. I should probably head back. I said bye to Pattie and found my way back to Justin's room. I walked in and was in complete and utter shock.
I have given this boy too many free cards already. I have been silently ignoring his mistakes and forgiving him but this? THIS IS IT!!!!! all the questions I've had about this boy have been answered.
"No, Amelia, I-Its not what it looks like. She came on to me."
"Really justin? Is that why she's straddling you on your bed with your shirt off. because she came on to you? well in that case I'm sorry babe, for accusing you. lets just forget this ever happened and move on."
with that I stormed out of the house as I heard Evelyn giggle and Justin mutter some swear words at her, or himself. I don't really know, or care. hes on his own. Him and his fucking nice house and body and face and hair. I should've known this was too good to be true and left before I got attached. boo hoo to that mother fucker.

A Night to Remember [Justin Bieber Fanfic]
FanfictionJustin is a player, he sleeps around with all the girls. BUT he also has a big secret. What happens when he meets this one lovely girl and can't come to tell her about his secret. What happens when Justin all-knowing EX comes into the picture and tr...