Chapter 8 Justins P.O.V

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in awhile but this chapter is good I promise!!!

Justins P.O.V

I really screwed up this time. I don't know why I did that with Evelyn. I promised myself I wouldn't go back to her or fall for her again, and I haven't. So why did I have to go and screw things up NOW? ugh. Its been two weeks and Amelia hasn't talked to me so I've decided to just go to her house. Theres just one problem..... I don't know where she lives.

I figured that I'm just going to go to the coffee shop near the end of her shift and follow her home. Is that creepy. Yeah...its creepy, but I have no other choice. I NEED to talk to her.

I arrived at the coffee shop and I just sat in my car until I saw her walk out the door. SHIT! I forgot that she doesn't have a car so it'll look really creepy when I'm following her. Also, It raining and she's walking home all alone. I'll just stay really far behind. I was following her around for about 5 minutes until I saw that she stopped. My first instinct was to duck because I thought she noticed me. I didn't look up until I heard a tap on my window.

"What the fuck, Justin?" I heard her say as I slowly lifted my head up.

"Oh, hi Amelia." I scratched the back of my neck. "Fancy seeing you here... I was just... umm... tying my shoe!!" I lifted my foot up, revealing my gold supras. "See. all nice and tied!!"

"Really? thats your BEST excuse." I felt bad, seeing her stand in the rain.

"Listen, Amelia, I really think we need to talk. will you please get in the car. Its raining." I said raising my eyebrows.

"No, I can stay out here!" She said raising her voice. "What do you want to talk about, Justin? How you cheated on me with that bitch of an Ex-girlfriend?" She was so cute when she was mad... NO JUSTIN-THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!

"It was a mistake evelyn! I swear to god- I don't love her!!! I don't have ANY feelings towards her AT ALL!!!!!! she is just a friend who happens to be in love with me, and knows a lot of secrets that I don't want to get out!"

"Is that what this is about, Justin? Your stupid secret. You know what, I am REALLY sick of this secret I keep hearing about. Why does Evelyn know about it, but you don't trust me to know about it. That, right there, shows that you obviously don't even care about me." I do care. thats why I'm not telling her! Because if I tell her, she might leave.

"You know I care about you Amelia!!!" I said stepping out of the car, into the rain. "You are the only girl I care about, and the only girl I want to be with!" I said lifting her chin up, so I could look her in the eye.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't love evelyn, and that you take full responsibility for your mistake." she commanded.

"I DO NOT love Evelyn, because she is a selfish bitch that doesn't have THE RIGHT to make you feel the way you do. And I, Justin Drew Bieber, take full responsibility for my actions and DEEPLY apologize for them." I have never spoken truer words in my life as I looked into the eyes of the girl I........ love.

"I don't believe you." she said looking down again.

"Then believe this." I whispered into her ear as I lifted her chin and pressed my lips against her perfect, soft, irresistible lips. she kissed me back, with passion. She parted her lips and the kiss became more heated. The rain was now pouring over our heads as I lifted her up so she was straddling my waist. our lips disconnected but we maintained little space between them as I whispered those three little words.

"I love you." I have never said that to another girl.

She looked up into my eyes with a look I couldn't read and whispered three words as well....

"I forgive you." I paused. Why didn't she say she loved me back? Does she not love me? That was a huge mistake!!! I shouldn't have said that!!!!! oh my gosh what if I ruined everything. I looked into her eyes with a pained, sad look on my face. She just chuckled, got really close and whispered-

"I love you too, Justin Bieber." with that, I kissed her with the most passion I possibly could

The next day-

I have a doctors appointment today.... great. Should I tell Amelia? No. If I tell her, I'll have to tell her why I have to go.

As if on queue, The phone rang and Amelias name popped up on the screen of my

IPhone 5.

"Hey, babe." I whispered with my morning voice.

"Your morning voice is sexy."

"Your face is sexy." I said and she let out a chuckle. Its too early to be putting on charm...

"Ditto. Anyways, What are you doing today?" Shit...

"I'm going out to lunch with my mom." I feel bad lying to her, but I'm not ready to tell her.

"Oh, alright well I guess I'll talk to you later then."

" I love you."

"I love you too!" I'll never get tired of hearing that!

I walked downstairs and asked my mom when we were leaving and then I noticed Evelyn sitting next her.

"What is she doing here?"

"Well, I have a meeting so I can't go to the doctor with you, but I thought Evelyn could go with you." Pattie suggested....

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