Advanced Confusion

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November 23, 1971

"Liizzzzzziiiiieeee," the familiar voice of her friend Sirius called down the corridor.

"Whhaattt," she drew her word out too as he barreled towards her.

"I've just seen Dumbledore, he gave me this to give to you," the boy handed an envelope to Lizzie, "what's it say?" Sirius asked her.

Lizzie pulled a letter out of the envelope.


I hope that you are finding your time here at Hogwarts good. I also hope that you are having an amazing adventure, as all children deserve. I have found an opportunity to take you into Diagon Alley to get you a new wand. I know that you are a gifted young witch, but I think you'd be even better with a wand that is meant for you. That will be tonight when everyone is going to dinner. Meet me in front of the Great Hall a half an hour before supper is to start.

Professor Dumbledore.

"I think he says that I'm getting my wand! He has beautiful handwriting, but it's quite loopy,"

Sirius grabbed the letter out of her hands, "Yes! You're going to Diagon Alley tonight!" Sirius gave her a big hug, "I'm so excited for you!"

Lizzie loved to notice how much Sirius was like her girl friends back home. He was the one to squeal and get excited with her. Mostly in private though, he put on a different face to the rest of the world.

"I bet I'm going to be great at magic now,"

"You're already great," Sirius shrugged.

"Okay, a bet, you ready?" Lizzie raised an eyebrow as Sirius nodded, "the first to Confound the other wins,"

"Okay, yeah, I'm in, how about a week's homework?" Sirius proposed.

"Yes, alright," Lizzie smiled at him.

"I'm really glad you opened that now then, that's like right now," Sirius looked at his watch before he started to walk with Lizzie to the Great Hall.

"I wonder why he would take that risk?" Lizzie scrunched her eyebrows.

"Oh, sorry, he didn't," Sirius admitted, "I know I said that I had just seen him, but I got that a while ago,"

They talked as they walked through the halls. Sirius was the friend that Lizzie was the gladdest to have. She talked to Remus about home first, but it was much better talking with Sirius. That probably had something to do with Remus' breach of trust when he yelled at her.

"There you are," Dumbledore smiled at Lizzie and Sirius, "I had started to begin to worry you would stand me up,"

"Sorry," Lizzie nodded at him.

"Goodbye Mr. Black, Lizzie will surely see you later tonight," he nodded at Sirius. This made Lizzie very suspicious. She figured she'd be getting back to Hogwarts after they were supposed to be in for the night. After dinner, they always quickly had to go to bed. The first years anyway.

"See ya, Liz," Sirius waved goodbye as he walked into the Great Hall early.

"Where is Diagon Alley?" Lizzie asked the old man as she started to follow him.

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