Muggle Money

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February 5, 1972

"We get freer rein today boys!" Sirius announced to the room once everyone was awake. It was a Hogsmeade weekend for the kids that were old enough to go. They weren't so this meant that a lot of the people they would usually run into were absent from the castle.

"Got any plans then Sirius?" Remus chuckled.

"Well, I figured we could like, be mischief-makers or something," he smirked.

"And do what exactly?"

"Well, I was thinking about that stupid map, the one Liz never remembers to take with her," he glanced at her, and Lizzie couldn't help but let out a snort.

"And do what to it?"

"Well, since it can show where the map itself is, I thought we would make it so that we could find you if we needed to,"

"I appreciate your confidence in me," Lizzie said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Sirius smirked, "we all know that you'll never learn this castle. First years aren't getting lost anymore other than you,"

"Even though you're right, I hate it," Lizzie sighed.

"I was going to try to catch that redhead in the library, she's in there a lot," James said as if he hoped nobody said anything about it.

"Evans?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, her," James was smiling to himself.

"Aww, James! You like her!" Lizzie teased.

"Our ickle James is all grown up, he fancies a girl," Sirius stuck his lip out in a pout.

"Oh, shut it,"


"That should do it," Sirius smiled at Lizzie. She had just performed the charm he told her to cover herself. It was meant to trace items, but they had hoped it could trace her as well.

"What if we put all of us on the map?" Lizzie inquired.

"Well, we aren't getting lost,"

"Yeah, but I feel it's a bit unfair..."

"Damn," Sirius had opened the map, it didn't show Lizzie, just the location of the map. They had hoped it would show her name on the map.

"It didn't work?"

"No, I bet we just aren't advanced enough yet," he looked at his shoes.

"Probably, we haven't even heard of tracing charms in Flitwick's class,"

"I suppose," he scrunched up his face. Remus and Peter chose to follow James to the library, hoping they could be effective wingmen. Lizzie had secretly hoped they wouldn't be. She didn't know why; she had gotten back into good terms with Lily.

"What now?" Lizzie didn't like planning. She thought that she wasn't very creative in that aspect.

"Uh, do you want to go practice your Quidditch?"

"Yeah! I'll get into tip-top shape all ready for trials next year,"

"We can borrow some brooms from the school," Sirius nodded. Then he paused. He stopped walking and gasped, "You're becoming British! You said trials! You always say tryouts,"

The Years We Were Alive: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now