Leaving for Christmas

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December 18, 1971

"I'll see you in January Lily," Lizzie smiled at her red-haired roommate. She had been trying to get back on Lily's good side. Not that she had ever been on it.

"Yeah, I'll see you if you ever come back here again," Lily rolled her eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you," Lizzie half lied, "I just like hanging out with them,"

"Yeah," Lily shrugged, "You know, I thought you were cool at first, but then it turned out you were just mean,"

"I'm really sorry for snapping at you Lily. I really am. I just hope you know that we didn't target that Snape kid. He calls me names all the time, and he calls my friends names too,"

"I just- "

"You know he's doing that; I've heard other people talking about what he says to them,"

"But- "

"Be friends with him, I don't give a shit, but you need to get it right that he is not innocent here," then Lizzie left. She felt better than before actually. She had given Lily a sincere apology but was still able to get out what she wanted to.

She met the boys in the common room, and they left for the entrance of the castle where they would get in the carriages.

"My mum is so excited to meet you all," James smiled at his friends.

"I'm glad that I'll get to meet her," Lizzie smiled at James.

She had the whole plan figured out with Dumbledore. She would spend their holiday up through Christmas Eve with the Potters, then the rest would be with her brother. They ended up chatting all the way until they were on the train.

Once they were in their train car Lizzie let her mind wander away from Christmas. But to the world around her at Hogwarts, and as a wizard! She thought about her recent interaction with Lily, and she didn't feel an ounce of guilt for how she talked to her. Something deep inside of Lizzie thought it was totally justified.

This was only the marauder's second train ride ever, but it felt so familiar. They sat in the car in which they had met each other.

"You know, my mum's glad I'm friends with a girl. She thinks it'll help round me out or something," James spoke into the carriage that was filled with excitement for the holidays. Lizzie was much more excited to see her brother than James's mother, but she would never say that out loud.

"Oh really? Well, maybe not once she's met me," Lizzie's face went red. She wasn't the biggest prankster of the group, but she helped. Unlike Peter, bless his heart, who just didn't want to be forgotten. She was pretty rubbish at coming up with pranks though. She was very happy to figure out the logistics to the boys' plans.

"No, she'll adore you, Liz,"

"Hope so," Lizzie nodded and shrugged.

"Peter, Remus, Sirius," James took to time to address each of the other boys, "Promise you'll write me?"

"Of course," Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I will,"

"I'll try, my dad's letting me go to Hogwarts, but I don't really know how he'd feel about sending owls," he shrugged.

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