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End of June 1972

"Liz! Please help me!" Peter gushed as Lizzie walked back into the dorm with her arms full of books. She had been at the library studying for her exams. She was sure that she was going to get a Dreadful on all of them except charms.

"With what?" she sighed.

"I can't levitate things anymore!" Peter was panicked.

"Show me your wand motion," Lizzie yawned and walked over to set her books down while watching Peter do the wand motion for a completely different spell," No, like this," she did the motion and watched as a book levitated into the air.

"It's not fair that you can do it without words," Peter shook his head but tried again. That time he could get the levitation spell correctly after muttering the incantation.

"Yeah, but I can't tell the difference between a belladonna and a lily," she climbed into her fort and shut the curtains before calling out, "let me know if you need any more help with charms, I'm happy to help."

"Thanks, Liz."

Peter had become more used to her. That wasn't to say that he was worlds nicer, but he had stopped huffing when she was at things and starting to realize that she just wanted to be his friend.

The moment she got into her fort and her head hit her pillow she was asleep. She had all her robes on still, even her shoes, but she was knocked out cold.

"J! I'm so happy to see you!" she called across the platform at King's Cross Station, "how was your flight?"

"It was good!"

"Where's Will?"

"Oh, he uh couldn't make it,"

"Why not?"

"He was drafted, we're to go live with mom."

Lizzie's heart sank. She was sure that he would be okay, she was sure that he wouldn't be one of the unfortunate souls forced to go and fight in that stupid war. It was a stupid war.

"I can fix it," she frantically recalled a list of spells in her head. What could she do? She didn't know enough magic yet to get him back, but she couldn't bring someone back from the dead, nobody could do that.

"No, Liz, you can't," J shook his head. When Lizzie looked at him in the eyes, she was looking at Sirius Black, "you're just going to have to stay with James and me this summer after exams."

"Well, I guess that isn't too bad," Lizzie thought out loud, "and I bet Mrs. Potter would let J come too, if we shared a room and I promised not to eat all of her food."

"She doesn't care how much of her food you eat, we're rich remember?" James raised an eyebrow at her. Where did he come from? She was just there with J, no Sirius, "unlike you," he pointed at Lizzie who felt a burning in her heart. James wouldn't talk to her that way.

"Wha? That wasn't very nice."

"Oh, and you, little Miss perfect is so nice and kind to everyone, but she let a boy go crazy followed by candles for a few days."

"Er, that wasn't just my- "

"You're worthless," Remus spat at her.

The Years We Were Alive: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now