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May 5, 1972

Lizzie had gone a while without seeing Snape anywhere but class. She hadn't run into him in the halls again since she and Remus did on the way to the library. She hoped to never see him again. It was scary. She never wanted to feel a pain like that again.

"Hey!" Lizzie must have jumped a foot into the air when she heard James' voice from behind her, "Woah, jumpy."

"Dude, you spooked me!"

"I can tell," he shook his head at her, "I was just saying hey."

"Oh, hey."

"Do you want to pop down to the Quidditch pitch? I checked the roster, and there isn't anybody scheduled to be there right now."

"Yeah, sure," Lizzie shrugged. She was planning on going to the dorm room and reading, so it was fine to go and play some Quidditch.

"You're getting really good you know," James smirked at her, "Gryffindor is going to win the cup next year with us on board, I just know it,"

"Yeah, I bet we will. The team this year is kind of eh," Lizzie had let James rent a room in her head and forgot that she wasn't automatically on the team. She had let him convince her that she would get on, almost definitely.

"I'm so excited! And we'll be second years! Second years Liz! It's so close that I can smell it," James grabbed at the air as if he could hold the concept of second year.

"Oh, wait there's Sirius," Lizzie pointed out as they walked through the corridors, "let's see if he wants to come with."

"Oi, Sirius!"

"Yeah?" Sirius turned around quickly.


"Yeah, sure."

Sirius joined them and they continued to walk to the pitch. It was a Friday after classes, and the day was beautiful. A perfect spring day. Best conditions for quidditch!

Lizzie had started to wonder why she was ever afraid of her broom. She did fall off it a few times, but James always caught her some way or another. He would make her slow down, so she hit the ground softer. One time he transfigured the grass below her into a soft green pillow. It was impressive that he could do that, none of the other first years were so advanced in transfiguration.

She had even stopped being afraid of staying in just one spot. She still didn't quite understand Quidditch, though. She understood more than she thought she ever would, but not enough. Sports just were not her thing. She had tried to do cheer in elementary school, but she kept getting punched in the nose by accident, or rather she kept being in the wrong spot, the spot where her friend's arm was supposed to go. She tried basketball, but she just wasn't tall enough. The other girls weren't much taller than her, but they also had skill that Lizzie lacked.

She had accepted that she was not good at sports and that they just were not her thing a long time ago. So, it was a huge surprise how much fun Quidditch could be to her. It was a blast. She didn't really like watching the games much. Much to James' frustration, Lizzie held no enjoyment for watching quidditch, only playing it.

She had the right build and skill to be a seeker, but she would end up playing in the role the boys didn't want to. When they wanted another chaser, or Sirius wanted off keeper, Lizzie would fill in. That taught them that Lizzie was not good at chaser or keeper. She was an excellent Seeker though.

The Years We Were Alive: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now