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Daryl turned the thing's face. It was lifeless. "What the hell could have done this." He thought to himself. Daryl was curious and wanted to find out more about this mysterious creature. He went in further into the woods and found a bunch of them, 5 maybe 6. They were walking around in circles. Daryl walked closer to them, when a stick beneath him snapped. They all turned towards Daryl and started to walk to him. "Shoot the head." He reminded himself. He shot one, two. Then, he tripped over a log. One of them went on top of him, groaning with inhuman sounds. "It wants to... eat me," He pushed the thing off of him and shot it with a bolt. "Walkers." He named the things walkers since they walk around.
He went back home to Merle. "You seen what's out there?" Merle asked.
"You knew?" Daryl asked, confused. "Yeah. Wanted my little brother to see for himself."
"You're a dick."

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