Chapter 7: Dark and Difficult Times Lie Ahead

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[That summer the Weasleys, Harry, Hailee, Hermione, Alex, and Laurie went to The Quidditch World Cup, The Bulgarians vs The Irish, with the help of a portkey. That's where they met Cedric's father and Ludo Bagman. The gang was at the very top of the stadium, the stadium was packed with loads of people from around the world, and the first ones to enter were The Irish. From the back of their brooms, they released green and grey smoke that turned into a dancing leprechaun and then threw at the audience Irish gold, which actually disappeared after a few hours. The Irish took their place and after them, the Bulgarians showed up, they flew through the dancing leprechaun, and the gang saw the best seeker in the world, Viktor Krum, doing a dangerous flying stunt and then The Bulgarians took their place. They had brought over from their country a couple of veelas. The minister for magic introduced the match and then the game started. In the end, The Irish won and after the horrific events that had occurred after the game, everyone went home]
[After a couple of days, throughout that time, Harry kept having nightmares. Everyone returned to Hogwarts for a new school year once September the first arrived]
{In Hogwarts in The Great Hall}
<after the sorting ceremony>
[Professor Dumbledore gave information about The Tri-Wizard Tournament, the warnings, and then introduced the first school, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime]
*Pretend Hailee, Alex, and Laurie were there beside Harry, Hermione, and Ron*

[Everyone took their seats, Hailee, Hermione, Megan, Susan, and Luna stood up to go get dressed in the ballet outfits. Professor Dumbledore stood back up]
Professor Dumbledore: Ballet is a very beautiful and graceful dancing style and we have five young ladies in our school who are the most beautiful ballerinas. Not only that, but they're like granddaughters to me. Miss Granger, Miss Potter, Miss Jones, Miss Bones, and Miss Lovegood
(The girls smiled and came out, mostly everyone clapped and cheered for them. Professor Dumbledore went to his seat, the girls got ready, and the music began)
*Pretend it was five girls and not four*Pretend it was Hermione, Hailee, Megan, Susan, and Luna at Hogwarts in The Great Hall surrounded by all the students and Professors**Ignore the other ballerinas*

[After all the clapping and cheering, they go back to their seats, Professor Dumbledore announces Mad-Eye Moody as their next Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor, he introduced Barty Crouch Sr, and the new rules for the tournament, mostly everyone starts to complain, but Dumbledore is able to quiet them down. After all the announcements, everyone starts eating their dinner as they talk to their friends. After dinner, the prefects take the first years to the common room and everyone else goes by themselves since they were grown]
[After a few days, the names were chosen, and almost all the students turned their back on Harry when his name came out of the cup, but there was a handful who didn't. In that group were Colin and Dennis Creevey, Hailee, Hermione, Luna, Megan, Susan, Neville, Alex, Laurie, another Slytherin girl named Astoria Greengrass, a handful of Gryffindors, a handful of Ravenclaws, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Rolf Scamander. Sirius had asked Harry if he had indeed put his name in the goblet but he denied it and Sirius believed Harry. Ron started to completely ignore Harry and Harry did the same]
[The gang was helping out Harry with the summoning charm a lot and especially Hermione. Just before the first task, all of Harry's friends came to visit him and wish him good luck. Both Hermione and Hailee gave him a big hug before going back to the bleachers with everyone else]
{With Harry}
*Pretend that Hailee and the others were right beside Hermione*

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