Chapter 13

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[Hermione, Alex, Laurie, Harry, and Sirius stay with The Weasleys for the holidays since Mr.Weasley had just gotten out of St.Mungo's and they were all at 12 Grimmauld Place since they had recently cleaned it from top to bottom and Buckbeack was living in there too]
{With Hermione, Harry, and Ron}
Hermione: Aw, thanks, Harry, I've been waiting to get this new book of new theory of numerology for so long and that's a really peculiar perfume, Ron, it's really on the sweeter and fruitier side
Ron: I knew you'd like it
Hermione: Y-Yeah, definitely, thanks
[They all go to the dining room and have Christmas dinner. After Christmas, they also spend the New Year with them. On the seventh of January, the winter vacations were over and everyone returned to Hogwarts on Sunday to have classes that Monday. By January 7th, Hermione was done filming the movie and the next week was the movie premiere. Soon after, the movie was in theaters and did exceptionally amazing. In February, Hermione was nominated for the Golden Globes. She was nominated for Best Actress in a Motion Picture for Drama. She ended up winning the trophy

and was extremely happy, and honored, and her friends and family were there at the ceremony cheering her on

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and was extremely happy, and honored, and her friends and family were there at the ceremony cheering her on. As the year passed, June arrived, and Harry ended up having a vision of Sirius being tortured and decided to go save him. First Harry and Hermione had to get Umbridge away and they lead her into the forbidden forest]
{In the forbidden forest}
[The centaurs had arrived, Umbridge hid behind Harry slightly pulling him and Hermione in front of her. Umbridge had told the centaurs to leave nervously since it was a ministry issue. She had called them creatures of near-human intelligence and Hermione turned around furious]
Hermione: You will not call my people that! I forbid it! The one with near-human intelligence is you!
(Umbridge sent the spell incarcerous to Magorian, which started to strangle him, and he fell to the ground trying to get out of it)
Hermione: No! No please stop
Harry: Stop it!
[They both knelt by his side trying to help him get free from the ropes. They took out their wands but just then Grawp came along and picked up Umbridge by the collar of her cardigan. Magorian got out of the ropes and quickly stood up then all the centaurs started to attack Grawp]
Hermione: No stop, all of you, Magorian, Ronan, Bane, that's an order
(All the centaurs and Harry looked at her)
Hermione: You once said when I was a little girl that my wishes were your command and that you were at my service, then this is my command. Don't hurt him, it's not his fault, please
(They all bow down to her and look at Grawp)
Hermione: Grawp, put. her. down
(Grawp put Umbridge down)
Hermione: Take her away, I will not allow anyone to call you creatures of near-human intelligence or half-breeds. I forbid it
(Magorian and Bane pick up Umbridge)
Dolores Umbridge: Potter, Granger, help me, tell the centaurs I mean no danger
Harry: I'm sorry, Umbridge, but I must not tell lies
Magorian: You called us your people
Hermione: I did, It's what I feel in my heart, you're my people, I'm guessing there's something about my past or I guess about my ancestors that I don't know
Ronan: Yes
Hermione: And I'm guessing that I'll find out about the past when the time is right
Bane: You will
Hermione: Ok then, I can wait until that time has arrived. Take her away
(The centaurs ride away)
Dolores Umbridge: No stop, do you know who I am, let me go!!
(The centaurs and Umbridge are out of sight)
Hermione: Thank you, Grawp
(He smiles and Hermione smiles back)
Harry: Mione, Mione, Sirius
(They run out back to the castle)
{With the others}
[Harry wanted to go alone but Hailee insisted on going with him, Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Ron, Alex, Laurie, and Megan tagged along]
*Pretend Hailee and the others were with the group*

[They escape but the group enters the death chamber again, and the death eaters trap all of Harry's friends. Harry ends up giving the prophecy to Lucius when the death eaters threaten to kill the others. The Aurors finally arrive and battled against the death eaters. At the time, the other Aurors saved the other students but Hailee, Harry, and Sirius were battling Lucius]
Hailee and Harry: Expelliarmus
(Lucius loses his wand)
Sirius: Nice one James and Lily
(He finishes with Lucius, and Bellatrix sends a spell at Sirius, it hits him, and he starts to lose his balance)
Sirius: Woah
Hailee: Uncle Sirius!
[He was about to fall back into the veil, but Hailee is able to pull him back by his jacket and they fall to the ground then Harry goes after Bellatrix for trying to murder his godfather. The events follow with Dumbledore arriving at the ministry]

Voldemort then possessed Harry's body but he was able to fight him. His friends then ran out and Harry was able to expel Voldemort from within him. Fudge and the others arrived just in time and saw Voldemort in person. After the events, Professor Dumbledore and Sirius take Harry and Hailee away. The very next day, Sirius was declared innocent and the charges against him were dropped. They removed Pettigrew's first order of Merlin medal, the whole wizarding world knew of Sirius' innocence, Voldemort's return, and they restored Professor Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts, gave him his spot back in the wizengamot as chief warlock, supreme mugwump, Harry was credited for saying Voldemort had indeed returned since the beginning, Rita Skeeter got popular again thanks to the Quibbler, and everything overall was set right. Cornelius Fudge resigned his position as Minister for Magic, the O.W.L.s were redone, the students chose their next classes, and by the second week of June, everyone had gone home for the summer vacations. The red leather album revealed another page and on that page, it had a picture of Dumbledore's Army. Hermione, Hailee, and the girls finished their ballet program, She and the boys took their muggle examinations and as always did an amazing job. Hermione had also won a Kid's Choice Award orange blimp for favorite movie actress

The summer began to roll by and in July Hermione began working on her newest movie project

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The summer began to roll by and in July Hermione began working on her newest movie project. There were a lot of bad things happening in the Wizarding World and things were only going to get worse]

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