Chapter 10: The Rebellion Begins

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[During the summer, Harry and Hailee were stuck inside with The Dursleys and they paid close attention to the radio about any news from Voldemort but as always, nothing. Their friends hadn't written to them, they were anxious to hear any news, and they were getting desperate. As always, Harry and Hailee took their high school freshman muggle examinations and had excellent scores. Harry had a run-in with a dementor and had saved Dudley's life but he was expelled from Hogwarts because of it and he had to go to trial. By the end of August, everyone had gotten their school supplies and Harry had been cleared of all his charges at his trial. After Harry's hearing, they all were about to return to Hogwarts for their fifth year, which definitely was going to be different. Ever since the fourth week of June, Hermione had auditioned for a big-time movie role for one of her favorite books called Ballet Shoes. She had been cast as Pauline and had started to film on the first day of July. Since she was still in school, the director agreed to move everything to Scotland, so Hermione could continue in school. Hermione and Ron had been made prefects and on the first day of September, everyone got on the Hogwarts Express and went back to school]
{At Hogwarts in The Great Hall}
<After the sorting ceremony>
(Dumbledore began with his speech)
*Pretend that Hailee was right beside Harry and Alex and Laurie were right beside Hermione*

(Suddenly a bunch of reporters barged in with Filch after them)
Argus Filch: I tried to stop them
(They were in front of Hermione taking pictures of her and asking her questions)
Harry: Ok, back up, back up, back up
Hailee: One at a time
Laurie: Give her space
Alex: Let her talk
Professor Dumbledore: Quiet!
(All the reporters look at him)
Witch Weekly Reporter #1: We want to interview this wonderful young lady
Witch Weekly Reporter #2: She's starring in a big movie by one of the wizarding world's best movie directors
Witch Weekly Reporter #3: It'll just be a quick interview
Professor Dumbledore: Then let her come to the front and give her space to talk and breathe
(He brought over a stool and Hermione went up and the reporters followed her. Umbridge went to her seat mad for being interrupted, Hermione sat on the stool, and Professor Dumbledore went to his seat)
Witch Weekly Reporter #1: Miss Granger, how does it feel to star in your very first movie at only fifteen years old?
Hermione: Well, it feels amazing really, I've always loved acting ever since I was a little girl, and Ballet Shoes is one of my favorite books of all time
Witch Weekly Reporter #2: How does it feel being part of the production?
Hermione: Oh it feels amazing, no doubt about it, I get along with pretty much everyone, and most if not all of the cast is really nice and pleasant to be around. I'm becoming really close to the girls who play my sisters in the movie, Yasmín, and Lucy. They're a lot of fun to be around, they're really nice and sweet, and I'm really happy that we hit it off since day one. The movie was actually being filmed in London since the first of July but since I'm in school the director agreed to move everything to Scotland, so I could continue with school. The girls also go to school but in Beauxbatons but they're being homeschooled, so they can continue in muggle school as well
Witch Weekly Reporter #3: And how do you feel about playing Pauline?
Hermione: I love playing her, I love bringing Pauline to life, she really is an amazing character, she's actually my favorite character in the book because she goes through different phases in her life and she manages to become a better person
Witch Weekly Reporter #1: And when will the movie be out?
Hermione: Well, I um, I can't give you any specific details about when the movie will be out, we're still in the process of filming it, so I guess you'll just have to be wait and see but it'll be out very soon
(She laughs)
Witch Weekly Reporter #2: And we heard that you take ballet
Hermione: Yes I do, I've been taking ballet since I was four years old
Witch Weekly Reporter #3: And how do you feel when dancing ballet?
Hermione: The feeling is indescribable, when I dance it's like I'm flying, like my feet are dreaming, the music just goes through me, I close my eyes, the less I think the more I know, and I just let myself go. You dance with your heart not your feet, it's an amazing and magical experience that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. It's also a very challenging dance style because it's definitely not easy. Even though I'm away from my ballet school, I practice every day, two or three hours with at least thirty minutes on pointe. I practice around twenty hours a week to develop my dancing, my stamina, my strength, and my discipline. I love dancing ballet with all of my heart and soul. I adore it, and I'm actually going to finish the program by the end of this summer alongside my best friends because the next level is for anyone who is looking into a professional career in dance. Ballet is one of my many and biggest passions, I'm absolutely in love with it, but I see myself doing other projects as well not just ballet
Witch Weekly Reporter #1: We would love to see you dance
Hermione: Sure, let me just get my ballet shoes and clothes on
(She leaves and after a few minutes, she comes back out, and the music starts)
*Ignore the little girl, pretend it's just Hermione in the great hall in front of all of the students, professors, and reporters**Stop at 1:43*

(Mostly everyone claps and cheers)
Witch Weekly Reporter #2: That was indeed very beautiful, thank you, Miss Granger, and we cannot wait to see you and the rest of the amazing cast on the big screen
Hermione: Thank you very much, I appreciate it
(She shakes each reporter's hand, they leave, and Hermione goes to her seat. Everyone starts to eat and after dinner, everyone heads to their common room)

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