Chapter 49

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[Harry had finished the project he had been long working on with Hermione, Padma, Together they made a much stronger truth-telling potion. Its base was the veritaserum potion but again it was much stronger and it took a bit longer to brew. As everyone knew veritaserum was given to the unsuspecting, the vulnerable, and the insufficiently skilled wizards and witches, so highly skilled wizards, and witches had resisting methods. Unlike veritaserum, the taker of this serum couldn't use any resisting methods at all and forced the truth out of the taker. The potion was accepted by the ministry and would be taught to the students at Hogwarts. Not only did Harry and Hermione get more popular and richer than they already were but so did Padma. Liliana got an opportunity to try out for the Quidditch Team and got the position of the seeker. As the year went by Liliana, Lana, and Leilani were becoming the most popular girls in their year just like their mothers. They also hung out a lot with Carina, her best friend Dominique, Ginny and Adrian's daughter, Alexandra, and Victoire. As time passed, Scorpius became best friends with both Rigel and Lorcan and they always hung out. They were like the three amigos and they were doing fairly well in their classes]
<after Halloween>
{In the Potter Manor}
Hermione: I wonder how the kids are doing, honey?
Harry: I'm sure they're fine, darling, they've got each other
Hermione: Yeah, but it's kind of lonely without them here
Harry: I mean we could always make some more
(He winks at her making her laugh)
Hermione: No way, you're not getting any more children. I was thinking about taking a winter vacation with the kids, but what do you think?
Harry: That's not a bad idea, it never snows here, and the kids love the snow. We always go to your family's farm during Christmas, so I'm sure the kids will love going somewhere new
Hermione: I know right, how about we go to the U.S for the winter holidays. We can go to Utah, it snows a lot over there and we can stay at this amazing resort it's called Park City Mountain Resort
Harry: Sounds like a plan to me, the kids are gonna have so much fun, and they can even learn how to ski or snowboard
Hermione: What about for the summer, babe? What summer vacation should we take this time?
Harry: Well the summer after James' first year we went to Disney World in Florida and Universal Studios. How about we go to Hawaii, Lily has always had this special connection to the ocean
Hermione: That's a good idea, Harry, and that reminds me, I'm always wondering, what's on that island on the far side?
Harry: Mako Island? Yeah, it's an interesting place, there's a lot of reefs out there, mangroves, sometimes the occasional mako shark, but for some reason, none of the animals get near the island, no one knows what's up there really
Hermione: It's really beautiful and peculiar
Harry: Yeah it is, we need to check our schedules with Hailee's and Alex's, so they will fit nicely with both vacations, and so they can get the permission in time
Hermione: Yeah, you're right, I think they're outside in the gardens
(They go to the gardens to talk to Hailee and Alex)
[Hailee and Alex got permission from the coach and Harry and Hermione got permission from Kingsley. They all booked the winter vacations and once the kids were home for the holidays, they were so excited to travel somewhere new. Indeed did the kids learn a few lessons in skiing and snowboarding but Lily was a much faster learner in snowboarding because she surfed. After the holidays, the parents went back to work and the kids went back to Hogwarts. When the year was over, Rigel had an O in Astronomy, on Charms he got an E, on DADA he got an E, on Flying he got an A, on Herbology he got an A, on History of Magic he got an E, on Potions he got an O, and on Transfiguration he got an A. He passed all of his muggle classes as well. Gryffindor had won the House Cup and the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. Liliana's class scores were over the top just like her mother's. She got an E in Astronomy, on Charms, she got an O, on DADA, she got an E, on Flying, she got an O, on Herbology, she got an E, on History of Magic, she got an O, on Potions, she got an E, and on Transfiguration, she got an O. She passed her muggle examinations with flying colors as well and when she got back from school, the whole family went to Hawaii for their family summer trip]

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