Chapter 35

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[That same afternoon everyone left Hogwarts for their summer vacation. The ministry of magic started organizing everything for the death eater chase and started to make the teams. Harry's team would be Alex, Laurie, Neville, Dean, Terence, Adrian, Draco, and Ron. Of course, the team would be obviously led by Harry himself. Other teams would go find and arrest the other death eaters, werewolves, and anyone who fought willingly alongside Voldemort and his followers. Harry's team would chase Yaxley, Mulciber Jr., Nott Sr., Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Selwyn, Thorfinn Rowle, Dolores Umbridge, Pettigrew, Albert Runcorn, Scabior, and another snatcher. Luna and Rolf had come over the next day because Firenze had told them that Lily Potter had drawn ancient Narnian creatures that she wanted to find but never did. Harry and Hailee had allowed them to search the library with the help of Lily's portrait image. It was Monday, June 7th, 1999]
{In The Leaky Cauldron }
Hailee: So, tell us what you and Rolf found, again
Luna: This booklet, it's a drawing booklet of creatures that your mother wanted to research after Hogwarts but she never researched because of the war. Look, this is a minotaur, a satyr, a dryad, a marsh-wiggle, a naiad, a faun, and the rest are dark creatures. An ankle-slicer, a boggle, cyclops, a harpy, an incubus, a minoboar, and an ogre
Hermione: But Lu, do you honestly think these creatures actually exist?
Luna: I don't know, but Rolf and I are willing to try. We're going to try to find these creatures and sort out any legends and rumors. I mean there are rumors and folktales that there was once a magical land called Narnia
Megan: Well, good luck
Luna: Thanks, we're gonna need it
Susan: And be careful, both of you
Luna: We will, Rolf will pack all the survival essentials and I'll pack everything else
Ginny: What about Lysander? He's only fourth months old, you know
Luna: We'll take him with us
Hannah: On the road?
Luna: Yeah, but don't worry, everything is going to be fine
Padma: I don't know, Luna, taking a four-month baby on an expedition doesn't sound like a good idea
Parvati: Well, I mean Hermione is taking baby James with her
Hermione: Yeah but my mom is coming with me, it'll be a lot easier with her by my side
Lavender: What if these creatures do exist, Lu? You mentioned dark creatures, usually dark creatures mean dangerous, meaning you shouldn't go near them, and what about the others? Sure those are not considered dark but who knows how they're going to react. If they do exist, they've been hiding for generations, and again who knows how they're going to react
Luna: Girls, I know you're worried but don't be, Lysander, Rolf, and I will be safe and sound. We'll be careful
Cho: Please, promise us that you'll be careful
Luna: We will, I promise
(Hailee sighs)
Hailee: Ok
[The girls pay for their drinks and lunch then disapparate and go to Luna's and Rolf's home to help them pack for their expedition. A little while later, they go to Potter Manor, and head to the library]
{Inside the library}
Hermione: Listen, when I turned seventeen, Firenze and the centaurs gave me this magical book made out of solid gold. It's an atlas that holds information about all the states in the US and all the countries in the world but there is this one page that holds the map of the world, gold dust comes out of it, and the image moves. It lets you travel all across the globe softly and safely. It's much safer than apparating especially since you shouldn't disapparate with a fourth-month-old baby
(She gave it to Luna and it was the most wondrous and most beautiful book ever seen)

 It's much safer than apparating especially since you shouldn't disapparate with a fourth-month-old baby(She gave it to Luna and it was the most wondrous and most beautiful book ever seen)

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