Chapter 9

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[Harry had just figured out the egg thanks to Cedric's help. Harry asked his friends to join him in the library, so they could brainstorm ideas together, and so Harry could pass the second task]
{In the library}
Alex: Where is he?
Hermione: He said he was coming
(Harry raced in)
Harry: Sorry, I was showering, can you report a ghost and a stained window for sexual harassment?
Hailee: Moaning Myrtle?
Harry: Uhu
Megan: Let me guess, she tried flirting with you again?
Harry: Worse, I was naked in the prefect's bath trying to figure out the egg, and she comes along, stares at me, and gets inside the tub
(Hermione bit her lower lip softly while blushing and looking away)
Susan: Ouch
Harry: Yup
Laurie: What's this about the stained window then?
Harry: It was a mermaid...staring at me too
(Luna was trying not to laugh)
Harry: It's not funny, Lu
Luna: I'm sorry
(She laughed)
Harry: I was sexually harassed by a ghost and an inanimate object
(The others try not to laugh, Harry rolls his eyes and laughs a little, then everyone starts to laugh, and then they get to work. Soon enough, the night arrives, and Professor Moody tells everyone to leave Harry so he can rest)
Alastor Moody: Granger, Miss Potter, Professor McGonagall would like to see you both in her office, now
(The others leave and Neville helps out Harry)
[The very next day, Harry woke up with his head in a book and quickly went to change and was about to go outside]
Dobby: Harry Potter, Harry Potter
Harry: Dobby
Dobby: Here, it is gillyweed, it will help you breathe underwater, Mr.Neville and I found it for you
Harry: Thank you, Dobby, remind me to thank Neville
Dobby: I will Harry Potter, remember you must rescue your treasure
Harry: My treasure?
Dobby: Yes sir, something that you will miss very dearly, Dobby cannot let Harry Potter lose his sissy
Harry: Oh no, Hailee, alright, no one sister-naps my sister and gets away with it
(He races outside)
[Harry ate the gillyweed and when the timer went off, they dived down, Harry's hands and feet became webbed and he sprouted gills then he swum off]
{Inside the lake}
(In a few minutes, he found the hostages)
Harry: Hailee, I got ya, sis
[He untied her foot then Cedric came along and rescued Cho, he pointed to his clock, and Harry nodded. Cedric swam away and Harry was about to release Hermione when the selkies told him that only one was allowed. Suddenly a half-shark swam up with his wide jaws opened but Harry moved Hermione aside to protect her and the half-shark ended up hitting himself on a big rock passing out]
Harry: Viktor? Yeah, greatest seeker ever, give it up for Krum, everybody
[When Harry was alone, he released Hermione, his sister, Fleur's sister, and somehow he was able to swim with all three of them but he did struggle a bit. After a while, he was losing his ability to breathe underwater]
Seamus: I think I see him
Dean: With three girls, I'm pretty sure
[Just then Viktor swam up and took Hermione then the grindylows started to attack Harry. He sent up Hailee, Fleur's sister, and soon enough he came up too. He got awarded second place and Cedric first place. Viktor and Fleur didn't even make the tops. Viktor tried to get Hermione's attention but she ran to Harry. Harry and Hailee were hugging and pulled away then Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry and he wrapped his arms around her. After a while, they pulled away and they all went to the rest of their friends]
{With Harry}
Viktor: May I get a vord with you?
Harry: Sure
Viktor: Vat is going on between you and Her-my-oninny?
Harry: First of all it's Her-mi-one and second of all we're just friends
Viktor: You took her to the dance as your date, I asked her but she told me she already had a date
Harry: Well, I'm sorry, you arrived late, you should have asked her before, and we just went as friends, not that we need to give any kind of explanation to anyone
Viktor: I saw the vay you vere looking at her, singing vith her, dancing vith her, and she vas supposed to be my treasure to rescue. She talks a lot about you
Harry: Because we're best friends and if there is something more, which there definitely is, that's between her and me, no one else, excuse me
(Harry left and joined his friends)
[Rita Skeeter had been writing articles about Hermione and Harry, which made them feel awkward. Hermione had been receiving hate mail because of those articles and even on Easter, Mrs Weasley sent the gang big chocolate eggs while she sent Hermione a small one making Hermione feel sad. Before the third task, Mrs Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Sirius disguised as his animagus form visited Harry to hug him and wish him good luck for the final task. For the third task, it was a maze, and the champions had to get to the centre of it to get to the cup]
{At the Quidditch Pitch}
*Pretend Hailee and the others were beside Hermione*

[They decided to grab the cup together but they had been transported to the Little Hangleton graveyard. Cedric had been murdered by Pettigrew under the orders of Voldemort and after a ritual that Pettigrew had done by using a bone of Tom Riddle Senior, Harry's blood, his hand, and an already prepared concoction, Voldemort came back to his original body. Voldemort gave Pettigrew a silver hand, the dark mark, and used it to call his death eaters. Voldemort was now able to touch Harry and he used the cruciatus and the imperius curse on him, but Harry was able to fight them both. Voldemort then stated how he was going to kill him, that he would destroy Harry, and that no one would ever question his power after that night]
Voldemort: Although, now that I think about it, another way to torture you is through your loved ones like your godfather or your precious little sister, Hailee, isn't it? Two of the worst tortures for you if they ever found themselves harmed
Harry: Don't you dare go near them! Keep away from them!
(Voldemort cackled)
Voldemort: Or I can always torture you through your filthy mudblood friend, Hermione, isn't that her name? My servant, Pettigrew says that it's clear you have developed feelings for this girl. Ah, like father like son, falling in love with filthy mudbloods. Indeed, I can always torture you by torturing her. Another worse torture for you, Harry Potter, if you saw that filthy dirty blood in mortal danger. Seeing me torture and kill the girl you love, your one deep true love, deep down your only love, your-
Harry: Shut up! Shut up! Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on her or you'll see exactly what pain really is
(Voldemort cackles one more time, makes him stand up, and they start to battle)
[After the horrible events of the third task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, they have Cedric's funeral in The Great Hall. After the funeral, the exams were cancelled and as soon as the year ended, everyone went home for the summer break]

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