°.• - Chapter One: A Quick Visit - •.°

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This chapter contains some mild blood and death. It shouldn't be too bad, but if you don't wanna see that, skip paragraphs 7 and 8 since they have the worst of it.


"Isn't it beautiful?"

Red stood up straight, the sudden realization of their surroundings finally hitting them. It was cold and dead; not a living thing in sight. The grass was withered and had lost its color, the plains were covered in fog, the trees bore no leaves, and seemed as if they would fall down at the slightest gust of wind. It appeared that the whole world was completely devoid of life.

The stick figure looked on in confusion and terror, opening their mouth to answer the voice, "I... I-I don't understand. Where am I? What... what even is this?" They stammered, turning their head to see where they were, or where the voice was coming from.

The voice responded, "This is our creation... Your creation. You made all of this possible."

Red shook their head in disbelief, backing away from where they stood, "...No... no no no no..." They mumbled, their eyes filling with tears, "There must be a mistake. I-I couldn't have done this. How? Everything's..." Red fell to their knees, "Everything's gone." They whispered.

"Aww, crying already?" It said, "I haven't even shown you the best part yet. Just look."

And, like magic, all the fog cleared, revealing four other people, all lying dead in the grass. Red's friends: Blue, Green, Yellow, and The Second Coming.

Red's eyes widened in horror as their blood ran cold and tears fell down their face, "No... please..." They cupped their mouth with their hands, only to notice that the burgundy sleeves of their jacket were now stained to match their body, "No... no, I... I didn't... I couldn't have..."

The voice laughed, "It was an incredible display, watching you take their lives, one by one." It said, "Hearing them plead for you to stop, all while you ignored their cries and continued the carnage."

For a moment, Red could hear the cries of their friends as they begged them to stop. They covered their ears and shut their eyes in an attempt to drown them out, but it was useless.

"Red, please stop!"

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Please, Red! You're my friend!"

"Shut up." Their voice shook, then, more boldly, they shouted, "SHUT UP! I didn't... I didn't do this. It was..." Red paused in thought, opening their eyes and standing up, "You!" They shouted, though, they weren't sure to what, "You did this, didn't you?! Show yourself!" They demanded, "Who are you?"

Once Red said this, the sky darkened. Black clouds covered what little sun there was left as the wind began to howl. The voice sighed, "What a shame. Only a few years and they've completely forgotten your voice. I suppose that's what I get for not keeping up appearances." The rolling of thunder could be heard, and a strange, black substance materialized a few feet away from Red, "I'm sure when you see me, you'll be more than familiar."

Red held onto their hat when the wind picked up, staring at the black particles as they slowly took the form of a person. Then the particles scattered across the plains, someone taking the place of the silhouette. Someone Red was very familiar with.

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