°.• - Chapter Five: Reopened Wounds - •.°

929 7 18


Canon-typical violence
❤Also some Python💛



A familiar, unmistakable darkness.

For far too long a moment, it's all they could see. This cold, suffocating limbo between hope and helplessness.

Red remembered what came next, almost as if they had gone through this a hundred times.


They could see again, but they couldn't move. Not of their own accord.

They were standing still, staring at the people in front of them. The four, terrified people. Their friends. They all looked at Red, frozen in fear.

They heard themself laugh, breaking the terrible silence, "What's wrong?" They... no. No, Herobrine said, "Suddenly change your minds? You said you were willing to fight me." He moved them closer, and Red watched their friends step back in response, "So, go on. Fight me." He lifted their arm, holding it in front of the Sticks and charging his magic.

'No... No, no please.' Red thought, 'Stop. I... I need to stop!' They cried, trying with all their might to pull their arm away. But no matter how hard they tried, nothing came of it. Herobrine shot blocks of obsidian at the four Sticks, which, thankfully, they all managed to dodge.

'There's no point in fighting me.' Red heard a voice say, 'You've already lost.'

As Red tried to block out the words, they saw their friends stand back up, the fear they had shifting into anger. Yellow was the first to step up, tears streaking their face, their hands balled up into fists. Through their shaky breathing, they yelled, "...You let go of Red NOW!!" They ran to punch them, but Herobrine blocked it with a cobblestone wall.

The wall fell away, and Herobrine chuckled, "Ah, there we are." His smile grew wider as he summoned obsidian into their hands, and the others stood forward to attack.

'It's hopeless.' Herobrine's words echoed in Red's mind, 'There's nothing you can do...'

The fight had begun, and despite their attempts to gain back control, all Red could do was watch. They watched as their friends' advances were blocked or dodged. They watched Herobrine assault them with blocks of stone and obsidian, or even strikes of lightning. They watched their friends get thrown back, and beg for Herobrine to release them from his possession.

Herobrine spoke to Red again, 'This is what you deserve.'

'...What? No, I... I don't...' Red protested, but Herobrine continued.

'This is what happens when you defy me.' He told them, 'Granted, you could also see this as a reward.'

Reward...? What could he mean by that? How could this possibly be a good thing?

'I mean, look at you. You're so powerful now.' He said as he caused Red to throw someone out of their way, then grab another person and slam them to the ground, 'Could you have done this without me?'

Red brought their attention back to the fight, and recognized, to a degree, what Herobrine was telling them. He was right; this was probably the strongest they would ever be.

But feeling both the Minecraft block and Herobrine's energy flowing through them, seeing themself effortlessly take down their friends...

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