°.• - Chapter Seven: Just What He Needs - •.°

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Blood and injury.


Herobrine was greeted with the sight of a bedrock ceiling and End Stone walls as he opened his eyes. He struggled to move, but besides his head, he couldn't. He looked down to see what was binding him to the ground. Purple bands attached to the floor were wrapped around his wrist and ankles, emitting a light that pulsed in waves surrounding the rest of his body. He groaned in annoyance, then let his head fall back down, grumbling something in galactic.

Yet unknown to Herobrine, the Ender Dragon was just above him, guarding his prison, and she had heard him complaining. She lifted her head from its resting position, and worriedly waited for confirmation that the sound was of Herobrine waking. Another groan proved it. She silently called for the Endermen around her to quiet their mumbling, then breathed. "Herobrine?"

He gasped at the sound of Jean's voice, eyes welling with tears, though he wasn't sure why. He tried to lift himself up again. "...Jean." He whispered. "Jean, is that you...? Can you hear me?!" He shouted.

She roared quietly in response. "Yes, I can hear you, you idiot."

He went straight to asking more questions, ignoring her insult. "Wh-what am I doing here, and why can't I move?"

Jean sighed. "You can't move because I don't trust you not to cause a ruckus..." She paused, lowering her head. "...And you're here... because I want to help you."

"Help me...?" Herobrine almost laughed, but the long and confusing list of other emotions made it hard to do so. "Y-you're not serious."

"Are you uncomfortable, Hero?" She simply asked, no regard for Herobrine's disbelief.

Herobrine blinked in confusion, but answered anyway. "I-... yes. I'd like to get off the ground, please." He responded. "And don't call me "Hero". You haven't earned that right."

Jean nodded. "I understand. As for your position..." She closed her eyes, envisioning different bindings for Herobrine: cuffs around his wrists and ankles, connected to the ground by long chains.

The bonds changed to the ones Jean imagined, and Herobrine was finally able to sit up. He grumbled a quiet "Thank you.", though he wasn't happy that he was still imprisoned.

"You can actually take those off yourself, you know..." Jean told him.

Herobrine furrowed his brow. "What?" He then went straight to pulling the cuffs off of him. Of course, he couldn't remove them. "How?"

Jean chuckled. "Obviously, I'm not telling you now. I'll teach you how once I know I can trust you to behave."

Herobrine sighed. "Then what exactly do you plan to do to help me?"

"I'm giving you what you need now more than anything. The thing I should have given you a long time ago." She answered solemnly.

Herobrine tilted his head. "And what is that?"

"...A chance to redeem yourself."


Red sat in Steve and Alex's living room beside Yellow, toying with the block of grass while Yellow read one of the few books on the coffee table. Red's eyes were glowing again, this time with frustration as they tried to get the block to work the way they wanted.

Yellow could see the light in the corner of their vision. When it registered to them that it was coming from Red, they put the book down. "Woah, hey, are you okay?" There was a pause. Their concern increased when Red didn't answer, so they put their hand on their shoulder. "Red!"

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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