°.• - Chapter Two: A Peculiar Invitation - •.°

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Alan and The Second Coming were staring at the animated scene on their screen in contemplation, checking if anything else should be added. Alan had been asked to animate a background for a client, and since he hadn't brushed up on his his backgrounds in a while, he asked S.C. to assist him, and the two of them were now assessing their semi-completed project before wrapping up.

"Alright. Looks good so far. I think we're done for the day!" S.C. said rather hastily, almost as a single sentence. Their words showed up as orange text on the screen so Alan could understand them.

Alan rested his chin on his hand, "Eehhh, I don't know. I feel like that tree should be smaller." He suggested, gesturing to the tree in question.

"Don't worry about it. We'll work on the rest tomorrow." S.C. climbed up to the top right corner of the screen and minimized the window. They landed at the bottom of the screen and sighed quietly to themself, seemingly staring off into space.

Alan stared at The Second Coming in mild concern, "What's going on, buddy?" He asked, "You really seem to be focused on something else."

S.C. looked up again when Alan spoke, "Oh... yeah, sorry. It's just that Red's been feelin' down lately. They had a pretty bad dream last night." They answered, "I've never seen them so low before."

It was only at this moment that Alan noticed that Red was sitting on the couch on the homescreen, feeding seeds to one of their parrots, but otherwise looking rather melancholic. They were visibly less cheery than usual, and they seemed to be more focused on their thoughts than the bird on their shoulder.

"Oh, I see. Well, I think you should go talk to them if you're worried. You can have a break. We'll finish the commission later." Alan said.

"Thanks." S.C. smiled, "I should be back in a minute." They said as they walked over to Red, taking a seat next to them.

Red barely noticed S.C. coming towards them, only realizing when they sat down beside them. Red turned to look at them, "...Hey, Second." They said, managing a smile despite their mood.

"Hey buddy." S.C. responded, the words no longer manifesting in the air since they and Red spoke the same language, "You doin' alright?"

Red shrugged, going back to focusing on the parrot, "Better now, but I still feel weird." They said.

"Hm." S.C. sat up, "Define weird."

Red took a deep breath before speaking, "There's this noise in the back of my head. It's not very loud or annoying, but it's really strange..." They admitted.

S.C. stared at their friend in utter confusion, "...What???" They whispered, practically mouthing the word, "I- wh... how long-"

"Sometime after breakfast." Red answered, cutting S.C. off before they could finish the question, "I wanted to tell you, but you were busy with Alan, Green and Blue are visiting Twitch, and I think Yellow's napping and I don't wanna disturb them." They were fidgeting with their sleeve as they explained.

After a moment of processing what they had just been told, S.C. finally spoke up, "Does it sound like anything in particular?"

"Only a low hum and a bunch of random gibberish, but it's his voice... I think. I just can't understand it."

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