°.• - Chapter Six: Something to Remember Him By - •.°

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We got a short one this time. Important things were supposed to happen in this chapter, but it got away from me. Enjoy some YellRed fluff in the meantime.


The five Sticks sat on their couch, looking up at a screen in front of them which displayed some sort of show or movie. Red sat in the middle, holding a bowl of popcorn. The others would occasionally reach over to grab a hand full, but would otherwise keep their attention to the screen.

Red heard Yellow sigh. "This is great." They said.

Green laughed a little. "Yellow we're only, like, six minutes into this."

Yellow looked at Green, unimpressed at them. They sighed again, but for a different reason. "I meant the moment, Green. Not the movie, the... I...." They stumbled over their words, laughing. "I'm- I was trying to be sentimental."

Green laughed again. "Right, sorry. Yeah, this is nice." They agreed.

"Sure is." Blue said.

Red smiled at them. "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. I think we should do this more often."

The others seemed confused at what Red said. They turned to them, laughing awkwardly.

"You, uh... you know we can't do that, right?" S.C. told them.

Red frowned. They were just as confused as the others. "What do you mean?" They shifted in their seat, looking between the group for an answer.

Yellow looked down. "Well, you kinda... killed us." They hesitantly responded.

Red's confusion ceased, shock taking its place. "...What?" They shook their head, struggling to understand.

Green shrugged. "Yeah, we're dead, man. You killed us."

"Y'know, after the Herobrine thing. You joined him, destroyed the world. We're gone now." Blue elaborated.

The scenery shifted as Blue spoke, the facade of the computer and its minimized browser window fading in favor of a more bleak, barren plain. The sky turned black, and craters filled the earth.

Red blinked, turning away from the others. Their eyes watered. "Oh... I... I'm sorry." They said as they realized their fault. They didn't know why it took them so long to understand. It was only a day ago, after all.

"Shame we couldn't hang out more." S.C. lamented before they and the others faded into mist, leaving Red by themself.

Red watched the four of them disappear, heaving a sigh as they lowered their head into one of the couch cushions, the only thing that remained of their life before the world around them changed. Before helping Herobrine.

Behind them, a voice called, "Don't worry." It said, and Red turned to see who it was.

Herobrine smiled, putting his hand on Red's shoulders. "We have better things to do anyway." He said as they both teleported away.

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