°.• - Chapter Four: Very Poor Negotiation Skills- •.°

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The night was eerily quiet, despite the rain and thunder roaring outside. The occasional lightning strike lit up the house through the windows, and Luna would jump at the sound of it, but would otherwise stay vigilant, watching over the Sticks and her owners, just as Red asked. Every so often she would leave the bedroom and go down to the basement where Alex and Steve were lying, check if they had woken up, then go back to the Sticks' room to check on them, and would sometimes go to the window to see if Red or Herobrine had returned. This constant pacing back and forth continued for about twenty minutes until, while she was in the basement, Luna felt Steve move from underneath her.

Steve opened his eyes and lifted himself from the floor, which caused Luna to fall off of him. He stared down at Luna, then Alex, who had just woken up as well, "...Alex?" He coughed, "What... what happened?"

Relieved that they were awake, Luna jumped onto Steve, licking him on the face before going to Alex and doing the same.

"I don't know." Alex stammered, her fuzzy memory and Luna's relieved kisses raising red flags in her mind.

"How did we get in the basement? We were just upstairs, weren't we?"

"Yeah. At least, that's what I remember. Why-..." Alex paused before continuing, "Wait. Don't... don't tell me this has something to do with Herobrine." She pleaded, her head in her hands.

Luna's head perked up, barking at what Alex said to try and tell her she was correct.

Steve came closer to the wolf, "Luna, was Herobrine here? Did he knock us out?" He asked. He sounded almost offended at the idea.

Luna barked at Steve, running in a small circle, confirming his theory as well.

Alex exhaled, "I was secretly hoping those kids were tricking us." She said defeatedly.

Steve gasped, looking to Alex, "Wait. The kids. They mentioned that he might be after them."

As Steve said this, shouting could be heard from upstairs, followed by quieter sobs.

Alex stood up at that, "We need to make sure they're okay." She said, running up the stairs. "C'mon."

Steve and Luna followed behind, Steve taking out his sword in case Herobrine was inside.

Alex opened the door and looked inside, turning the light on to help her see better, "What's wrong?" She asked the Sticks.

"Are you guys okay?" Steve came through the door, holding his sword up, ready to defend, but when he saw that Herobrine wasn't around, he put it down and looked to the group.

The Second Coming was anxiously pacing the bedroom before Alex and Steve came in. They acknowledged the two of them for a moment before silently looking to Green and Blue who, through their own panic, were comforting a distraught Yellow.

Yellow sat in their bed, not hugging Blue and Green back despite their attempts at comfort, and not bothering to look at Steve and Alex when they walked in. Their angered sobs continued, the tears falling down onto Red's beanie, which they were gripping tight in their hands.

Steve's eyes widened when he noticed that one of the five was missing. He stood up straight, and he and Alex shared a glance before their eyes went back to Yellow, a feeling of dread and worry taking over them both.


Red was hesitant to open their eyes. They weren't sure they wanted to know where they were. The weightlessness they felt made them assume that they were in the sky. Either that or Herobrine actually killed them, and they were wherever you end up when you die in Minecraft. Whatever it was, they weren't keen on finding out.

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