Chapter 2 - new friends

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Harry's pov:
I practically slam my hand on my alarm. I don't wanna get up but I have to if I want to catch the train. I grumpily get off my bed and and stumble over to my closet. I pick out an army green crop top and skirt that I made from one of Dudley's old shirts

 I pick out an army green crop top and skirt that I made from one of Dudley's old shirts

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The skirt is the same colour as the shirt

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The skirt is the same colour as the shirt

I picked out a pair of shoes did some light make up and then I was good to go!

I picked out a pair of shoes did some light make up and then I was good to go!

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I walked down stairs to see Dudley standing there looking sad. I walk up to him and tap his shoulder "hey dud. What's wrong?" He looked at me sadly. "Nothin' it's just, mum and dad had always told me magic doesn't exist. And now im going to a school full of it!"
"Well hey look at it from my point of view I was told the exact same thing! But my parents are wizards! AND I'm famous for something I don't even remember doing! oh how will I cope!" He chuckles slightly at my over-exaggerated voice I put on. "I don't know princess. How ever will you cope?" He says back with the same type of voice "with you beside me my dear cousin." I give a slight smirk.
Dudley returned my smirk and held out his arm for me to take and with an extremely posh voice he said "shall we get going then?" I try to hold back a snicker and I take his arm and then I say in the same posh voice "we shall" We then look at each other and just laugh before walking out the door.

-later on the train-
Dudley got dragged away by a boy with ginger hair for reasons unknown still to this time. And now since my entertainment left I decided to start reading up on potion. The most interesting class so far for me (Dudley on the other hand can't wait for transfiguration).

When all of a sudden I hear a giant SLAM. I jump slightly (dropping my book in the process mind you!) and I quickly look up to see two gingers with black and green clothes (the one on the left in a dark green shirt and black dress pants and the one on the right was wearing the same but black shirt and dark green dress pants). "W-who are you!?" I went to reach for a charm around my neck. Both me and Dudley has the same charm. It's tied to our cores so when the other is in danger we can rush over to help them.

(This But replace sister with brother:

"Whoa whoa girlie! It's okay!" "We just needed""A place to hide"The twins said in union

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"Whoa whoa girlie! It's okay!"
"We just needed"
"A place to hide"
The twins said in union. "Who from?" I ask crossing my arms glaring at them both.
"Our older brother!"
"We put hair colour changing potion in his pumpkin juice!"
"Now his hair"
"Is pink!" I give a slight giggle, then a Laugh. "That. Sounds. Absolutely. Amazing!" I say between laughs. The twins look at me in shock then at each other then at me again with big identical smiles on their faces. "I'm Fred and this is George!" I look at who they pointed at and said to the opposite person "hello Fred, George" they looked at me in shock once again "how did you know? Not even our own mother knows which is which!" I give them I small smile "lets just say... It's magic." I say with a wink. They look absolutely baffled before... "FRED!! GEORGE!!!" They look scared and then fall to my feet begging me to hide them. "Only if you become my friends!" They nod exitedly I quickly hide them in my bottomless trunk when another boy (in a blue button up and grey slacks with a tie in the same colours) burst into my capartment "excuse me ma'am! Have you seen two ginger boys running around?" He looks all out of breath. "Why yes I think they had just ran past."
"Ah thank you miss" he quickly runs off. I open my chest "okay you two are safe now." They climb out and then they tackle me into a tight hug. "ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou Thank you!"
"Your both very welcome."

I let out a heavy sigh as both of them get pulled off me and are lifted in the air by non-other than... drumroll please.... MY COUSIN!! Yay...
(Note: Dudley is buff not fat here.)
"Dudley put them down"
"They were to close to you"

Dudley freezes and unapologetically drops them both on there arses. "Now sit your arse down!" He plops down immediately. I hold my hand out to help them up. "I am so sorry for my cousin behaviour.." the grab on to my hands and get up. Strangely I felt a short of spark when they grabbed my hands 'weird'
"It's okay"
"Yea no harm done."

I smile gently at them before turning to face Dudley. "Duds this is Fred and George. Fred, George, this is my cousin Dudley.
"Nice to meet ya."
Fred: "So girlie?"
George: "What's your name?"
I let out a small chuckle as did Dudley. They look at us confused... "One I'm not a girl," now they are shocked. "Two. I'm Harry, Harry Potter." At first it looks like their eyes are going to fall out of their sockets, then they look at each other smiling with tears in their eyes.
"Gred would you believe it? THE Harry Potter. Wants to be OUR friend!"
"I know right feorge! It's a dream come true!"
"HA! Suck it Ginny!"
"HA! suck it Ron!"

I look at them in shock before absolutely bursting out laughing!
Then there was a very polite knock on the door. I open it to see another student who seems to be the same age as me. He looks so worried and scared. "H-Hello. S-sorry for interrupting but you haven't s-seen a toad anywhere h-have you?"
"No but I could help you look?" He nods enthusiastically to which I give a little chuckle. "On one condition. You have to be my friend!"

He smiles and nods again. "Okay then one sec!" I turn around to look inside my compartment. "OKAY BOYS WE ARE GOING TO GO LOOK FOR THIS BOYS FROG! Dudley you go look around the back of the train! Gred! Feorge! You two take the middle of the train! I'll go with... um"
"NEVILLE! GO NOW! " They all run out of the compartment to their spots I've given them. I then turn to Neville and say "don't worry Neville! I'm sure he has to be around here somewhere!"
He smiles at me
"thank you sir."

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