first day of classes

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The twins: Left Fred, right George

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The twins: Left Fred, right George.

The twins: Left Fred, right George

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harry POV:

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harry POV:

I sit eating my breakfast (which only consisted of two eggs and bacon as well as tea)

Fred & George: hey Harry!

Harry: what did you do? 

Fred: *gasp* how dare you! 

George: yes, to even insinuate! 

Harry: what. did. you. do?

George: we might've put hair die ,

Fred: in Draco's shampoo...

Harry: god damnit boys...

then all of a sudden Dudley  runs over to them. 

dudley: Fred, George, you might wanna hide. Draco is fully peeved. I saw him reading about curses...

Draco: WEASLEY!!!

fred: well thats our cue!

George: it sure is Frorge! see ya harry!

They both ran off.


Draco ran after them.

Dudley: well that was interesting... *smirk*

Harry: you can't fool me Dudley... I know you told him.

Dudley: your no fun...

Harry rolled his eyes.

the teachers came around with the timetables.

Snape: Mr Dursley? What are you doing at the Hufflepuff table?

Dudley: this is my baby cousin and I have to protect him as much I can.

Harry: im the same age as you....

Dudley: doesn't matter. You are shorter than me do your just a baby.

Snape: okay then...... *gives Dudley his time table*

Dudley: so what do you have first?

harry looked up from his timetable smiling.

Harry: potions...

Dudley: well just know that the potions teacher is said to be kind of scary and basically evil.

Harry: isn't he the head of your house?

Dudley: yea and he's terrifying!

harry: sure well better get going! see ya my dear cousin.

Dudley: see ya harry.

(Later in class: after Snapes rant)

Snape: Mr Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

harry: a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death.

Snape: Where do you find me a bezoar?

Harry:  A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons

Snape: okay last question, what is difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

Harry: they are the same plant, they also go by the name of aconite

Snape: well done potter, first time luck. well why aren't you all writing this down! also 50 points to Hufflepuff.

I smiled feeling happy that I got them right! I felt everyone's eyes on me... weird.

Whats this? Two updates in one day? YES!!

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