another Weasley!

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Harry pov:
The bell rings for the next class. I slowly began to pack away my books and papers.

Professor Snape: Potter stay behind for a minute.

I stop and walk towards him.

Harry: did I do something wrong professor?
Snape: no this will be quick.
Harry: okay so what's wrong professor?
Snape: how did you know those things? Almost no-one knows the answers to those questions.
Harry: I do read professor. I happen to find this subject quite interesting.
Snape: hmm I see. Well that will be all. Hurry before you are late.
Harry: yes sir.

I hurry and grab my stuff so I can get to my next class.

Harry: actually quick question professor?
Snape: yes?
Harry: where can I find my transfiguration class?
Snape: up two flights of stairs, turn left and you should be able to find it around the corner.
Harry: oh thank you sir.

Snape pov:
'I have a feeling that these next seven years will be very interesting.'

Later (lunch)

I start walking towards the entrance hall when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see a ginger haired boy.

Harry: oh hello! Can I help you?
???: Why are you friends with Slytherins?!
Harry: I'm sorry but who are you?
Ron: I'm Ron Weasley.
Harry: oh you are Fred and Georges sibling! It's so nice nice to meet you!
Ron: no we are not talking about those Slytherins!! Now answer the question!
Harry: oh right! Well they are my friends so of  course I hang out with them!
Ron: don't you know that they are evil!!
Harry: my cousin? evil? The one who's protected me through everything that happened in my life? Ridiculous. 
I turn around and enter the grand hall smiling. I see Dudley and Draco yelling at Fred and George about something while both of them are just smirking at each other, Neville is eating his lunch trying to block out what going on around him. I shake my head as I walk over.

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