Chapter Five

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My heart is racing.
Light one comes on.
The race track is wet and slippery.
Light two goes on.
I wonder what Astria is doing.
Light three goes on.
I should be thinking about the race, not her.
Light four goes on.
Why am I thinking about Astria?
Light five goes on.
Because I'm doing this for her.
I want to win for her.

The lights go out.
Lewis was first alongside Perez. I was on the inside of Hamilton. We went wheel to wheel before he was forced wide allowing me to pull away from him and lead the race.

One of the Williams cars was quickly out of the race. While Mick Schumacher crashed.

Lewis was on my tail the whole race but I pulled away and got the fastest lap. After a while, Lewis crashed into the wall making Leclerc second but later on, he caught up again.

After a long and tough race. We went to the podium. I won. I won because I thought of Astria. I want her to be proud of me and I hope she was watching.

I got my trophy and walked back to our building. I passed Astria. She was talking on her phone with her new friend Alice it seems like they got along during the dinner. After she was done talking she sat down, put in her earphones, and started listening to music while eating ice cream.

I walked to her sat down next to her took one earphone out of her ear and place it in mine.
"What are you doing?" she asked

"Listing to music" I replied then took
the spoon out of her hand taking a bite of her ice cream.

"This is the worst ice cream I have ever eaten," I said

"Are you kidding it's so good?"

" No, it's inedible. I know a great ice cream place. I'll pick you up tonight be ready at seven. Then I'm going to take you to the best Ice cream place."

"No Max I can't" she replied

"Yes, Astria you will. Plus I won and it's your way to congratulate me. See you later bartender"

Before she could say something I walked away fast. Tonight is going to be fun.

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