Chapter Eigth

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I was making my way to the hotel where Astria was staying so that I can pick her up. After I won the race Astria couldn't stay long after and I told her that I'll pick her up tonight and then we can make our way to the tattoo place.

I was staying at my house and the hotel she was staying at wasn't too far away. I decide to wear blue jeans with a white shirt just something casual.

She was waiting for me outside when I pulled up she was wearing grey sweatpants with an old vintage Ferrari jacket. I thought about taking that jacket and burning it. She'll look better in a Red Bull one but this was the first time I have seen her in a casual outfit and she still looked gorgeous.

"Hey," she said opening the car door and hopping in.

"You ready for your tattoo," I asked

"Well I don't have an option you won fair and square," she said.

"I always win"

"That's not what your last two races say, Max," she said grinning.

"Well at least I won this race just for you"

"Just for me," she said in a sarcastic voice bringing her hand to her mouth.

"Just for you"

"Have you put any thoughts in what I'm getting," she asked now curious.

"Yes I know but that for you to find out," I said, it didn't take me long to decide what tattoo I wanted her to get and I was pretty proud of my idea.

"Okay," she said, she seemed to be a little nervous. She was humming some type of song that sounded familiar.

"You nervous," I asked

"Not nervous more like scared," she said


"I don't know what the hell you're gonna get tattooed on me I don't want something foolish on me for the rest of my life," she said

"Don't worry you'll like it" I said now staring into her eyes she had these gorgeous eyes that you could get lost in.

"You live here in Monaco?"

"Yea, I enjoy living here," I said

"You weren't born here right," She asked

"I was born in Belgium but I did spend time with my dad in the Nederlands," I said.

"Oh okay that's interesting," she said.

"What about your childhood," I asked.

"Don't act like you didn't google everything about me already," she said while laughing.

"I did but I want to hear it from you," I said with a chuckle

"I'm an only child and my two favorite things in the world are books and kittens. Oh and I miss my mother's Milk tart"

"Do you still talk to your parents?" I asked now interested and wanting to know more about her family life.

"Yea, we have a good relationship I'm not one of those people that are super close to their parents but I'm okay with that. They are proud of me which is good I think." She said I was happy to hear her open up to me. "What about you" She added.

"I talk to my parents now and then, it's hard because I'm traveling all the time so I don't get to see them a lot but when I do I have a fun time," I said.

"So when's your birthday," she asked

"September 30, 1997, I turn 24 this year. When is little miss bartender's birthday?" I asked

"November 6, 1998, I turn 23," she said.

"Oh so I'm older," I said nudging her shoulder.

"Well I guess you can say I'm a fan of age gaps," She said winking at me

"Oh really I'm just a year older than you"

"I wouldn't brag If I was you I'm going to live longer," she said with a smirk on her face.

We spent the rest of the car ride just talking she told me about opening up her club and all the work that went into it and I told her about me starting at Formula 1 and making a name for myself.

"Were here," I said stoping the car.

We made our way inside the tattoo shop it was a small shop but it was gorgeous inside they had all their work displayed over the wall.

"Mr. Verstappen, so nice to see you, right this way," a lady named Stephanie said as she was showing us to a private room in the back of the tattoo shop.

"Ok, so where do you want the tattoo, " Stephanie asked.

"On her ass," I said then winked at her. She looked shocked for a moment but just gave up and went to lay face down on the tattoo table. The tattoo artist had me draw a number 33 on a piece of paper then place it upright in the middle of her right ass cheek.

"You okay," I asked about halfway through.

"Yea, doesn't hurt that bad, "she said, she was laying there her sweatpants were on the ground and she looked so hot in her blue thong.

"Ok we're done," Stephanie said after a few minutes while she cleaned off the last bit of blood.

Astria stood up and made her way to the mirror "Time to see what I have stuck on my body forever" she said sarcastically.

She turned her body in the mirror she didn't say anything for a few seconds as she stared at the number 33 in my handwriting on her ass. I was scared that she wouldn't like it and not talk to me again.

"Max, what is this?" She asked

"Something to remind you who you belong to," I said

She started laughing.

"I fucking love it," she said running over to me and hugging me, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her in closer.

"For a second I thought you hated it," I said chuckling.

"Well it's nice she said and it could have been a lot worse," she said now making her way over to the mirror where she looked at it again.

"What would you have given me if I lost," I asked

"I would've putten ASTRIA IS THE BEST in big fat red letters right in your forehead"


"No, I'm joking. I would have put a little race car on your chest. I know how much it means to you and in that way, you can always keep it close to your heart" She replied

This woman is going to be the death of me I thought.

The drive back to her hotel didn't take long we just talked for most of the time. I found out that Astria loves seafood so I made a mental note that when I take her on a date I'll take her to the most expensive seafood place there is. That's what she deserves.

We stopped in the parking lot of the hotel. I shut down the car and looked at her. She met my gaze. My heart was pounding. She looked beautiful like she was a work of art.

I took my thumb and ran it across her lips.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked
"Yes, please do," she said in a soft voice.

I put my hand in her hair pulling her to me then our lips crashed into each other.

Her lips were soft almost like silk.  I could feel the soft tickle of her breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through her hair as we breathed each other in.

She let out a little moan and I could feel my cock tighten in my pants. We both pulled away to catch our breath.

I looked over at her. She was blushing and looked happy until.

"I have to go we can't do this again," She said hurrying out of the car before I could even say anything.

Did I do something wrong?

33 |max verstappen Where stories live. Discover now