Chapter Seventeen

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Almost there.
Just a little faster.
It's now or never.

"And Max Verstappen wins the 2021 world championship"

Holy shit.
I did it.
I won.
I won for Astria.

"I just want to say Max I am proud of you. I'm so thankful that I could share this special moment with you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so great full that you are my boyfriend. I love you" Astria said at my winning speech.

She gave the mic to someone else and ran into my arms to hug me. We were curtly on a yacht. It was black with the Red Bull logo on the side. All my friends and co-workers were here to celebrate with me.

I have never felt happier in my life.
Astria was chatting with Alice and Lando. Daniel bet Carlos 5 bucks that he can't drink a beer in under 10 seconds. He did and Carlos got the 5 bucks but then lost it again since Charles pushed him into the ocean.

I walked over to Astria where she and Christian were what looked like fighting. I got there and they went still.
"What's going on here,"  I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing just asking Astria about her bar. I'll talk to you later going to refill my drink" Christian said showing his empty beer bottle and walking off.

"Something happened? " I asked Astria.

"No just talking" she replied. I knew something was wrong but I didn't want to push it.

"Come here I want to show you something," I said grabbing her hand and walking away.

"What do you want-"

Before she could finish her sentence I pushed her into the water.

She came back up gasping for air.

"Are you ok?" I said worryingly.

"Max I think I broke something," she said.

I reached my hand out to her and just as I was going to pull her up she dragged me into the water.

I came back up wiping my face and she started to laugh.

"That's not how you are supposed to treat a world champion, Ms. Verstappen,"  I said to her.

"Oh hush you don't throw your girlfriend into the water and expect her not to do the same" she replied
We both started laughing and just as we were about to kiss.

"Yo, sorry to interrupt whatever you two were doing but Carlos got stung by a stingray, then Daniel said to piss on his leg now they are fighting. Can you please come to sort this out? I'm playing Uno with Lance and if I win I get his car so get out of the water and come and babysit" Lando said throwing towels on the steps of the deck.

We just looked at each other and started to laugh.

Later in the afternoon Astria and I were sitting on chairs and looking at the sunset overlooking the ocean.

"You make me happy Astria," I said to her

"You make me even happier Max, I love you" She replied before leaning in and kissing me.

I love her and I love our relationship now. Nothing can ruin it.

But I still want to know what she and Christian were fighting about.

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