Chapter Sixteen

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"Fuck," Max said as he watched me pull my dress straps off , his hands finding purchase on my hips. I watched his head fall back against the car seat's headrest. "You look so good, love. Such a pretty girl, aren't you?"

I rolled your eyes with a smile, reaching back to unfasten my bra, and fumbling a bit with the clasp due to the lack of room in the driver's seat. Letting the straps slide down my arms, I watched as his eyes slip from my lips to my beasts.

"See something you like?" I asked, a teasing tone to your voice. Max smiled back at me, a light flush spreading across his face, his blue eyes lighting up.

"Hmm, something like that," he murmured, voice low and pretty as he slipped his hands from their place onto the button of his suit pants . With newfound urgency, I helped him unzip them as he wiggled the dark pants down, underwear slipping along with it. Heat spread through my lower half as his member slipped out of the fabric, settling on his stomach.

Leaning forward for a kiss, I let my hand brush against his cock, smirking against his lips as Max's hips bucked into the touch, precum beading at the tip of his member. Threading his fingers through the hair at the base of my neck, he pulled me back, breathing heavily.

"Can you grab a condom out of the console for me, pretty girl? Don't wanna make a mess," he asked, voice thick with want and lips glistening. My hands were quick to open it, fingers snatching up the silver foil item the second I saw it and giving it to him.

Max carefully tore the package open, mindful to not break it, and slid the condom onto himself, a hiss coming from his mouth at the contact. His light eyes found mine again, before trailing down to my lap. There was no need for him to say what he wanted, I knew.

In response, I grabbed the edge of of my dress, pulling it upwards, to reveal my panties. Max wasted no time sliding his hands up my thighs, before taking his fingers and pressing them against my clothed center.

"Shit, babe. You're so wet already," he groaned, head falling forward to lean against your shoulder. His fingers pushed my panties aside, teasing my entrance with two of them. "Is this all from me?" As the words left him, he pressed open-mouthed kisses to my skin, lips against my shoulder slowly making their way to my neck.

Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back to give him more access, trying to grind against his fingers. "Please, Max. Need you," I whined, desperate to have anything from him at the moment.

"You need me to do what? Have to be specific, love," he said, voice dripping with delight at your current state. He slipped the tips of his fingers in a bit, just barely giving me a taste of what i was craving so much at the moment.

"Need you in me, Max. Just need you to fill me up please," my words were desperate, and Max's grin was wide. Without warning, he slid the two digits in, thumb brushing against my clit.

The pace at which he slid his fingers in and out of me was slow and torturous. With my knees buckling, I let go of my dress to grab ahold of his shoulders, voice cracking as I spoke again. "Not- Not your fingers," I gasped.."I need your cock, please Max."

He let out a soft chuckle against my throat, slowly withdrawing his fingers. A whine left me as I felt his fingers be replaced with the tip of his member sliding against my entrance and as he started to push into me , I slowly let myself sink down onto him.

Max pulled his face away, his head once again thrown back against the headrest as moans escaped his mouth, "Fuck, love. You're taking me so well, yeah?" His words burn through you as he fills me up all the way.

His hands grasp at my hips with a bruising force. I place my hands against his chest, attempting to stabilize myself as he thrusts up into me with words pouring into the air again. "You're really so tight, y'know that? Gripping me so tight."

I whined at his words, blissed out from the way he was thrusting up into me. Thighs trembling, I grasped the hem of my dress once more to hold it up so he could watch himself slide in and out of me. "So good, babe. You're fucking me so well. So full," I gasped.

His grip was burning as he took in my words, lidded eyes sliding up from where his cock was sliding in and out of me to my bouncing chest. Max lifted one of his hands from my hips, brushing his fingertips over my nipple before groping my breast, groaning at the contact. "Jesus, your tits are fantastic," he murmured.

"'Mmm close, Max.," I said. With a pleading voice, my voice unstable as the coil in my lower abdomen got tighter, I begged him to let me cum, a string of 'pleases' leaving my mouth.

"You wanna cum, love? Go on, come all over my cock,," he rasped, hips stuttering, a clear sign that he was close as well. Letting out a whimper, I moved my hips with him, chasing the impending orgasm. "Fuck, sweetheart. I think I'm right behind you."

As I felt myself coming to my peak, my eyes fluttered shut as stars filled my vision and Max's moans filled my ears. Body trembling as it rolled through me, I felt Max's hips stutter up against me, warmth filling the condom moments later, and satisfaction filling us as both slumped against each other.

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