Chapter Twenty-Four

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Astria disappeared after our breakup.

For a month I didn't hear or could find anything about her. Besides this one video right after our breakup, where the paparazzi stormed her at the airport. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked broken which made me even feel worse.

I did still care about her I knew I broke her heart and I knew it hurt her but I did it to protect her.

I was worried when she disappeared I tried to get in contact with Alice to know if she knew anything about Astria but Lando told me Alice didn't want to talk to me.

Astria didn't post on social media for a month which was odd since she loved posting about her daily life it made me worry about her even more.

The only thing I knew was that Alice went to visit her. I found it out after Alice posted a video on her story where she was cooking something and Astria voice could be recognized in the background her voice sounded tired and dull.

There was one morning where a video was trending on YouTube where Astria could be seen making her way out of her bar. The paparazzi stormed her with questions about us and she started crying. I felt bad that they were still bothering her and wouldn't leave her alone.

I tried calling Alice over and over to ask her if Astria was okay since Astria changed her number and didn't want to talk to me. After a while, she finally answered me.

She ended up telling me that she wasn't doing good and was still heartbroken and that I did hurt her which made me feel even worse. She also told me that she bought a new house and that it looked nice. She said she couldn't tell me anything else since Astria didn't talk much.

After a month Astria started posting again but her posts were different they were more cold, grey and she never posted photos about herself. Most of the time it was these photos of trees and places around a house that I assumed was hers.

It has been six months now and I don't go a day without thinking about Astria.

Since the new season started I have been busy working out and traveling around but every time I finish a race it's like I'm looking for her to run up to and hug her.

It was worse when it was late at night and I was all alone. Everyone knew I was sad but no one knew what to say to help make it better. Daniel told me I should try to get in contact with her and try and work things out but I knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

I still had the necklace she left on the bedside table. I carried it everywhere with me it was like my good luck charm it reminded me of her it was all that I had left off her.

I missed our late-night drives our conversation. I miss how she would listen to me and comb her hand through my hair. I missed her smile, her laugh. I missed the feeling of waking up next to her and falling asleep holding her in my arms.

I missed her.

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