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after that conversation he had with chan, he couldn't help but already build an image of him. how could he not? the more he got to know him, the more he started to get a gist of his personality.

not only is he athletic and represent a role model to the whole school, but also his kind-hearted and warm personality added onto it. chan really is a nice guy who doesn't like hurting people.

ever since changbin met him, he'd found his stay here much easier. now that he'd got someone who can help him out, changbin felt comfortable to approach the older whenever he wanted.

whenever he struggled on a particular topic or got lost while trying to find his way through the university, chan was always there to help him. and there was nothing that could describe how thankful changbin is, to have a reliable junior by his side.

now that he was no longer worried whether he'd fit in, he in fact, felt so comfortable and safe in there. especially when he knew there was nothing to be worried about.

since chan would coincidentally show up, strangely at a perfect timing though. changbin didn't mind it however, he figured chan didn't purposely plan this. it must've been fate.

"when are you gonna come back? it's already getting late." minho worriedly asked him, changbin smiling in response as he was currently on the phone with his best friend.

he decided it would be a good idea to stay after class in the library, to further revise. but now that it was already getting quite late, it would be a good idea for changbin to get going and head back to the dorms.

"okay, i'm going now. i'll see you there." changbin smiled as he began packing his bags, lastly saying goodbye to minho before ending the call.

as he swung his bag around his back, he then tucked in his chair before walking out of the library. there wasn't many people in the library, as almost everyone was already in their dorms.

not that changbin cared though, he was far too focused on his work that he didn't pay any attention to his surroundings. only walking out of the university premise moments later, he began walking back to the dorms.

luckily, the dorms were only 10 minutes away from the university premise, so changbin didn't have to worry much about being in danger. he remembered what his mum had warned him about a murderer lurking around in seoul, but he'd never seen anyone suspicious so far.

everything was fine, maybe his mum was overexaggerating a bit. ever since he'd settled in here, there hadn't been any dangerous sighting, it seems like it would be safe here.

as changbin softly hummed to himself, he was about to put his earphones in when he suddenly heard strange, subtle footsteps behind him. this instantly caused him to pause, eyes widening in slight fear at the sound he was hearing.

who was that? what's happening? 'maybe he's walking in the same direction as me.' changbin thought to himself, wondering if that was the case.

he's probably worrying for nothing, it was probably someone who just happened to walk the same way as him. with such thoughts engraved in his head, changbin then decided to turn right from the street, hoping the footsteps would keep walking straight.

however, much to his dismay, the footsteps only followed. with every heavy steps changbin was taking, the footsteps didn't go away at all. instead, it only got much louder and nearer.

changbin immediately panicked, not knowing what to do. he wouldn't dare to turn around and face the stalker, he wouldn't dare to stop and face him.

he was far too scared, eventually reminiscing back to what his mum had told him. was it really dangerous around here? could that be the murderer planning to stalk him and eventually, murder him right on the spot?

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