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(Harbor POV)

I sat in the stands with my team as we watched the USA vs.Trinidad. Connie scored a goal and I cheered for her on the inside, because if coach found out I was friends with the rivals that would not be a good thing. So far the score was six to zero. Since we where in America a lot of people where at the USA game. The stadium was loud as the cheered for there home team.

  One of the USA players Jessie Hall was picking a fight with a Trinidad payer and was put into the penalty box. He was so angry he almost beat up a kid in the crowd. Coach want us to watch them at take noticed of the way they played to help up strategize against them. I watched as two of the USA bigger guys Fulton and Portman started ramming into the other players. I could mostly likely out skate them, but if I got stuck that would hurt.

  Portman then scored a goal. So he can shoot to! Nice to know. Portman and Fulton started getting the crowd hyped. I herd some one above us call them the 'bash brothers' Trinidad get the puck again and score. I can tell from where I am sitting that Julie frustrated that her coach won't put her in.

  Connie has the puck she fakes and two of the Trinidad players wham into each other. That got to hurt. She passed to Ken Wu, he goes around the goal and then under a guys legs and then scores! The game to an end at nine to zero. The team went off into the locker room. Coach told us we where going to the USA post game conference. I followed behind the team, and waved to Julie as we passed each other.

   The conference started with the USA sponsored talk then he introduced the Coach Bombay. Suddenly a bear came around the coward and up to the podium. they took some pictures with the bear. Then they open the floor to question. I wasn't paying that much attention until I herd one women say.

  "Coach Bombay, The Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite, their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?

  "Um... hard work, I think are team ready to go up against the best in the world" well we are the best! Thanks Bombay. I watch as coach stepped forward as if to say something. 

   "We're not worried about em, Iceland may be tough,but, uh, Where team USA and we're going all the way" I hear cheers from the USA team. I roll my eyes for some reason I don't like coach Bombay kinda get on my nerves I guess.!

   "Team USA going down. That where you're going" our team nodes in agreement.  "That where your going" I watched at Bombay talk to his sponsors guy. Coach turns to our trainer and starts talking about something but I wasn't paying attention. All the USA team eyes where on us I felt awkward. I herd one of the players say that our guys where huge. Which is true as I said before.

  After the game we go back to our dorms I change into a write shirt and then pull on a simple blue dress with small white flowers. I brushed though my hair which went down to the small of my back. I put on my white converse.  I went into the bathroom. To check my appearance.

   "Hey Harbor, do you want to come get ice cream with us" Connie said, while opening there door to the bathroom. Julie was tying her shoes at her desk. Connie had her hair down. I stepped a little into there dorm and saw Guy standing in the doorway to hallway. I stepped back into the bathroom as my checks turned a light pink.

   Julie looked up at that point a took noticed and tried very hard not to laugh. Oh gosh! All I could think is Harbor stop, he has a girlfriend, and not only that it you friend Connie! Wait what did Connie say... oh yeah, ice cream.

   "Yeah... I love to go, let me grab my bag"  I grabbed my blue kanken backpack I got for my 13 birthday, last year. I shoved my room key and a sweatshirt into the bag then walked back through the hallway. I followed them down the hallway as we went down the steps and into the lobby.

    "Hey, harbor... where yah going" I turned around to her my brother. Oh crap I been caught!

    "Um... just going to get ice cream" I had to look up to him.

   "And who are you going with"  he Gestured to the people behind me.

   "Oh.. yeah.. this is Guy, Julie, and Connie" I say Connie looked up and her face goes a little red and she tucks a hair behind her ear. Umm.. well that weird isn't she like date Guy, like the one beside her.

   "Ok, you have my permission, I won't tell coach, but be back at 6" permission!! I don't need his permission for anything.

    "I don't need your permission!" I say aggressively.

    "While I AM your older brother, and mom and dad told me to look after you" I just roll my eyes and try and push our little group out of the door.

    "Whatever, Bye, Gunnar" I say walking out of the lobby and onto the street. Connie and Julie where leading the way arguing about which way we where spoused to go.

    "What it like having your bother on the team?" Guy asked after a minute of awkward silence, or maybe am just awkward and can't talk to boys. Yeah I am on a team with boys, but those guys are like my brother, and besides know of them are cute like Guy.

    "Well sometimes it nice, and other time it frustrating, because he can just be so annoying some times" I say as we keep walking further down the sidewalk. What was I supposed to do now? Ask him a question? I really need to learn how to socialize better. So what should I ask him.

    "Live you in USA?" I widen my eyes my stupid mouth don't know how to work.

     "What" Guy says turning to me.

     "Oh I am sorry... sometimes when I talk words get scrambled, it actually a sign of my dyslexia... oh I am sorry now I am rambling"

    "It fine, so your dyslexic, what that mean?"

    "It means that I suck at reading and writing and spelling, and I mix up my words when talking, like sometimes when I want to say lunch, I say dinner... we'll actually I don't know if that a sign is dyslexia or if I just can't talk" I took a long breath to try and get words not to come out of my mouth. I fell more coming and I shove my hand to my mouth.

   "Sorry" I say looking down at my shoes.

   "It fine" Guy says.We come to sudden stop at the ice cream place. Guy grabbed the door as me, Connie, and Julie walk though. My eyes widen as the whole USA hockey team is there waiting for us.

Rivals ~Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now