Off The Team

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"I'm so tired," Julie said as she layered on the floor of her bedroom. I sat in there desk chair. Connie was passed out in her bed. I felt so bad for them there coach was running them crazy. This was there first day off in a while.

"Then sleep,"  I said.

"Can't where spoused to meet on the football felid for practice, and I'm spoused to wake up Connie," She said rolling onto he side facing me.

"I'll wake you up and then Connie, so you get time to rest," I said then went over to Julie bed and grabbed her pillow and tossed it to her.

"Aw, thanks Harbor," Julie said then fell asleep.


I was at the USA game, the stands where packed once again. People ready to find out if USA will come back. I was sitting in the stands when I noticed the team they where freaking out. I got up and walked down the steps over to them.

"Hey, Guy, what going on?" I asked who was grabbing something from the bench

"Bombay not showed up yet," he said looking up, with stress all over his face.

"Oh gosh," I said.

"Yeah," he said then went back to the team. I was going to say something more but was interrupted by a man.

"Hey Team, Hey team, where gonna be great today, right," He said. "Where Gordon?"

"You tell us," Luis Mendoza said.

The red then skated over telling them the need a coach or they will have to forfeit. Which was totally not fair, and why was Coach Bombay not here. I went back to my seat.

I saw Charile skate over to a women asking her to be there coach. This was goring to be an interesting game if they didn't have an actual coach. They where playing that bad through.

There was a weird sound and I looked up to see Coach Bombay. Oh so now he show up I said crossing my arms. Pushed open the door to the bench then called his team to the bench. He started talking towards them.

They started playing again doing some play called the Flying V, and then Averman shot. I cheered for them as the won the game.


After then game, we where going out to celebrate there win. We where meeting in the in lobby, and I went down stairs to meet them.

"Hey Harbor," Guy said as approached.

"Hi," I said. We where waiting for Julie when I realized I forgot my bag upstairs.

"I left my bag in my room, I'm gonna go get it," I said to the group.

"I'll go with you," Guy said. Then we walked up the stairs. Guy held open the door to hallway for me. I thanked him and he shut it behind us. I continue down the hallway. I felt Guy grabbed my hand and I smiled over at him.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something," he said. I shook my head yes.

"I was wondering if.." He stopped talking when we noticed my door was wide open. I quickly walked in to find my coach and my brother. Coach glared at me then held up Guy USA hockey jacket.

"Why do you have this," Coach barked at me. I remained quite, how was I supposed to tell him a boy gave it to me.

  "It.. my friends, they left it in here," I finally said. He tossed the jacket over to me.

    "Friend?" Coach asked

    "Yeah," I said looking down at my shoes.

   "You should not be friends with our competition,"Coach said aggressively. He looked around then his eyes landed on me. I herd the bathroom door open meaning that Connie and Julie where there.

    "Hey Harbor should I wear this tonight...." Julie said as she walked into my room and stopped mid sentence. She froze when she say coach.

    "Oh so heres one of them now," Coach said then crossed his arms over his chest. "So your the one that been messing with my best player,"

    "Julie has nothing to do with this," I said. 

    "That is it Harbor Stahl, your off the Iceland hockey team," Coach shouted. I was so shocked.

"He can't do that can he?"Julie crossed her arms.

"That is not fair," I herd and I glanced around to see Guy in the hallway

"Oh yes it is, she didn't follow the Iceland Hockey guidelines, so know she had to deal with the consequences," Coach said.

"Please Coach don't do this," Gunnar said.

"My decision finally, your off the team, pack you stuff and give me your Jersey," Coach said. I felt like I was gonna cry. I went to my hockey bag a pulled out my Hockey jersey and handed to him.

"Well, then she'll play for USA Hockey then," Julie glared even more at him. Her eyes where fierce. Coach let out a stiff laugh. Then him and Gunnar left the room.

I count believe it I'm off my Hockey team. That was totally not fair. I could barely stand up. I collapsed into the desk chair. What was I spoused to do now.

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