Day Off

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(Harbor POV)

"Wake up!!" My eyes refuse to open. I hear a thud and pain across my body. My eyes fluttered up, Julie was starring down at me. My blankets where on the floor. Julie grabbed the pillow and started hitting me with it.

"What the heck, Julie" I say trying to grab the pillow.

"Connie, help! She gone mad!" I yell as Connie comes running in from the bathroom.

"Julie, what are you doing" Connie says pulling her away.

"It our day off and we need to do something fun, but this idiot decided she wanted to sleep in" I stand up off the floor.

"Girl it only 8!" I say as I pick up my blankets and shoved them on my bed.

"We'll get ready because where leaving in five minutes" she says and the two walk off. I grab an pair of Jeans and a crop top. I tie my converse and grab my bag. I then walk over to there room.

"You know Julie you are insane"

"I know, oh... I need to go to Bombay office, so we got to do that first" We follow her down the stairs. Julie said we didn't have time for breakfast. I was just glad I had a granola bar in my backpack that I shoved into my face. We walked into a building then down a hallway until we saw Bombay sitting at a desk.

I didn't hear all there conversation but I was mainly just Julie upset she doesn't get playing time. And in my opinion she is a way better goal then Goldberg. After there talk we walked down the street and go into a store. We look through the racks off clothes I found a cute top and looked at the price tag. I couldn't believe it.

"200 USA dollars, that ridiculous, why is everything in America so expensive," I show it to Connie and Julie and we decided this palace was to expensive for us. We walk a little bet down the road. A try a different shop this was a little bit cheaper and a bought a California shirt and a blue sweatshirt.

      "I forgot to tell you where meeting Guy, Adam and Charlie for lunch" Julie winks at me and I had the urge to slap her.  It so frustrating. Ugh!

     "Julie where just friends,"  I said.

     "Very close friends," Connie said wiggling her eyebrows. Guy lives in America and I live in Iceland it would never work out.

"Let just go," I said. We walked along the sidewalk. We stopped at a restaurant and Connie opened the door and we walked in. We went to the hostess. Julie put in her name and we waited for our table to be ready.

Soon the boys arrived and our table was ready. We took a seat. I scanned the menu trying to look for something I waited.

"What do y'all want to drink," the waitress said.

"Can I have a raspberry lemonade please," I asked. Then the rest of the table ordered there drinks.

"I'll go get that for yah," The waitress walked off.

"Her Harbor what are you going to get," Connie asked.

"I think the chicken parmesan," I said.

"That sounds good," she said then turned back to the menu.

"What about you guys," Julie asked.

"I don't know yet," Guy said.

"I'm going to get Spaghetti," Charlie said folding his menu up.

"Of course you are Conway," Adam said and the table erupted in a laugh. I was confused at what was so funny. Guy saw my confused look and said.

"Charlie always eat a big bowl of spaghetti before each game, apparently it helps him win,"

"That is... really weird," I said.

"I'm just preparing to beat Iceland," Charlie said crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me.

"You wish," I declared.

The waitress came back with our drinks then took our order. She looked at all of us for a moment trying to connect the dots in her head.

"You guys are on the USA hockey team," then she turned to me.

"And your Harbor Stahl, you play forward on Iceland team,"

  "Yep," I said.

  "This is so cool, can I get a picture with y'all,"

  "Sure," Adam said.

The waitress left then came back with a camera and we took a picture.

"Oh my gosh thank you, now I'll go put in your orders," then she disappeared once again.

"Looks like we have a fan," Charlie said.


After Lunch we walked to a park. It was so bright and beautiful. The sky was so blue and no clouds in the sky. We walked through the park for awhile. Julie suddenly stopped us. Since Charlie, Adam and Connie had to go back to the dorms, it was just Julie me and Guy.

"How about we make a bet on our hockey game," Julie said. I looked at her confused.

"If USA wins, then Harbor has to die her hair red, white,and blue,"

"What the heck Julie, I'm not dying my hair,"

"Let me finish, and if Iceland wins, then Guy has to kiss you," Julie said with a smirk. I could fell my face grow red.

"I'm still not dying my hair," I crossed my arms.

"Then you better win," Julie said then strolled off. "Bye guys,"

Now it was just me and Guy. We walked by side a small pond. I didn't know what to say so we just remained quite.

"What your favorite color," Guy asked.

"Umm. Blue,"

"Animal," he asked next.


"Really?" He turned to look at me.

"Yep there so adorable," I said.

"What your favorite season,"

"Hockey season," I said. Which caused Guy to laugh. He has a nice laugh. I smiled at him.

"Movies or books,"

"Books," I said.

"What your favorite flower,"



"Interesting, what wrong with a daffodil" I asked stopping turning towards him.

"Oh nothing,"

"Who your favorite member on the USA hockey team.

"Is this a trick question," I asked him.

"No," he said then carful reached for my hand. I could only stare as his hand encircled mine.

"Well then who is it," he asked me.

"Ummm..." I decided to joke with him.

"Definitely Julie," He started to pull his hand away but I laced my fingers through his.

"I'm only joking," I herd a rustling in the bush and I turned to look at it. That when I saw a glimpse of blonde hair.

"Julie?" I stared as Julie emerged from the bush.

"Oh hi, guys,"

"Why are you in a bush," Guy asked.

"No reason," Julie said then pretend to disappear behind a tree.

"We can still see you,"

"Ugh, ok I'm leaving,"

Rivals ~Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now