The Offer

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Domenic's POV

As soon as my jet landed on the tarmac, my men came into the jet and escorted me out. There were many people waiting for me outside the airport trying to get a scoop or an answer for their questions.

Fortunately we made it alive after the paparazzi started bombarding me with questions. Of course they know nothing about the mafia and the organization, to them I'm just a hot young billionaire and a bachelor.

Leo and I quickly slid into the backseat of my SUV and my personal assistant in LA, Carlos, was waiting for me in the SUV to update me on my busy schedule through the ride. My schedule was packed with meetings and contracts but gladly there was time for me to enjoy the grand opening with my friends from school.

A smirk found its way to my lips when I realized we're nearing my hotel, I smirked when I saw the huge building, proud of myself that at such a young age I managed to be the owner of the number 1 hotel in the continent. We reached the hotel and the driver quickly came to open the door for me, I thanked him and slid out of the car and buttoned my blazer as I looked at the enormous sky scraper before me.

Leo and I walked through the glass doors of my hotel before the paparazzi tried to reach us and start asking me questions again. "Cazzo!" Leo exclaimed when people started approaching us and tried talking to us. On cue the private elevator dinged and the golden metal doors opened for us to go inside, saving us from this situation. I let out a sigh in annoyance as I pressed level 60 where my penthouse was.

Kira's POV

I was informed a few days ago that the owner of this hotel, Mr. Romano, will be visiting to the opening of his new club White. My job was to keep everything in check so we don't lose our jobs because I learned that Mr. Romano is a control freak who does not forgive.

I found my way to the lobby and saw Claire practically running towards me, "Hey girlie are you ready to meet the boss? I heard he's hot as hell." Claire screamed with excitement. "Gosh! Claire calm down your tits." I told her and she rolled her eyes at me giving me the 'come on!' look. "First we're here to work not to flirt, second you know I don't care how hot he is, and third I heard that he's crazy-he could fire us before we could even blink." I replied in a matter of fact and she nodded knowingly her excitement from before fading.

Before I could open my mouth again, Claire and I heard a commotion in the lobby, so I turned my head to get a glimpse of what was going on and I found 2 men surrounded by the paparazzi trying to reach the private lifts that lead to the penthouse. Mr. Romano must've arrived, I thought.


In a blink of an eye I grabbed Claire's hand and took her towards her desk before she does something crazy, or worse!...Get us fired by Mr. Grumpy. After settling Claire behind the reception counter, I went back to the management quarters to find a stressed Mr. Moon, who was my superior.

He looked at me like he'd seen an angel as I approached him. "Kira may I have a word with you please?" Mr. Moon asked with pleading eyes. I nodded my head as he motioned me to come into his office.

"Kira please I need your help" he started.

"Shoot" I smiled trying to be funny to cool down his stress.

"1 of the bartenders who work at the VIP in White can't come tonight, could you please take her place and I'll pay you 3000$ an hour" he explained. Wow that was a lot of cash, was he that desperate? I thought.

"I don't know sir" I started but he cut me off.

"Please Kira no one is more competent than you, I've seen your work for the past month and you're outstanding, plus this night will cover your whole month salary and you can bring whoever you want with you, the more the better because Mr.Romano likes perfection." he said.

Hmm.. interesting I'd be payed a lot and I'll enjoy my time plus I can bring the girls with me. I smiled.

But I know nothing about drinks, I haven't even tasted alcohol in my past 23 years of existence. I remembered. Hmmm...but I think I knows who can help us.

"Sir, I won't lie to you, I don't know anything about drinks but my friend does, she is actually a chef here and my friend and I can be there as waitresses if you like?" I asked hoping he'd agree.

"Do whatever you feel must be done, I trust you and bring whoever you want with you. As long as you guys don't screw up and get me killed by Mr. Romano, I agree to anything you say."

"Okay no problem and don't worry and thank you for the opportunity." I replied.

"No I should be the one thanking you dear." he said.

After I gave him our names, I showed myself out and went to meet with the girls at lunch. I told them what Mr. Moon offered and they agreed to do the job, they were excited to be at the most luxurious club in LA. With that we were excused early to prepare ourselves and grab our costumes.

We all wore short black skirts with White long sleeve shirts, I left my blonde hair cascading down my back, applied mascara to my eyes that made my blue orbs more prominent and decided to put on some red lipstick. Of course I put my mini gun in my stockings because no one knows when I'd need to use it.

Claire put her light blonde hair in a ponytail, and Jenn had her short black hair blow dried and tied into a bun. Both had natural looks, just like me.

"Come on girls, let's get this party started!" I squealed and they screamed with me, I leaned in for a hug and we left the condo and took a cab to the hotel. Later, we arrived at the club and I smiled and looked to the girls on my side "let the fun begin" Claire said and we entered the lounge.


Cazzo: Fuck

Thank you for the reads!!
I am uploading this chapter from the airport btw. I hope I'm not late for boarding😂

Love you all!!!!

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